US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Sorry Rep, you our misinformed our 125/hr was given to us by our fine ALPA representatives!!

Excellent. You know the first step to healing is admitting the truth. You stated that "our fine ALPA representatives" vs. ALPA National. With progress and the help of the courts you may make it to complete admission and see the light. Have a great day.
I've never backed down from a bully, Jetz. I'm not going to start now. You can't make threats of bodily harm and transmit those electrons as a tool of intimidation.

You might just find that those electrons can be put in a file and just may bite you back.
I agree. I hope by "you," you meant "they."
Sorry Rep, you our misinformed our 125/hr was given to us by our fine ALPA representatives!!
Not true. Ask your east cohorts who claim you gave up your pay as an investment that you can now use as equity with the company and your losing seniority battle.

You can't blame ALPA for your pay and then also take credit for it. One or the other. Your choice. But try to get your collective story straight. The double talk is getting pretty blatant.
Excellent. You know the first step to healing is admitting the truth. You stated that "our fine ALPA representatives" vs. ALPA National. With progress and the help of the courts you may make it to complete admission and see the light. Have a great day.

Good point cactusboy. I missed that.

I wonder if he/she realizes that his/her ALPA reps were fellow east pilots, not big bad ALPA National.
I agree. I hope by "you," you meant "they."

I don't know who "they" are. They wear masks so it is up to authorites to determine who are making threats. All you have to do is check if Cactuspilot1 visited your member area about 1pm on 07 Mar 11. I never visited 767jetz ;)

I was told a few weeks ago as a “newbie” to read a few hundred posts and catch up. I heeded the advice and did just that. I have plenty of time, sitting on reserve once again, (thanks Doug) in a Phoenix crashpad.

I’ve concluded that there is an organized but not well thought out campaign of intimidation against those who dare to speak the truth and not play along with Usapian deception.

I became the target of threats myself. Bad move. Federal law has a way of leveling the playground. I don’t care if you are a doctor, lawyer or the President of the U.S., you are not above the law.

US Airways offers protections as well. I should be able to go to work, fly an airplane to JFK and not worry about being assaulted by a longshoreman.

I have at least two resources that I used yesterday and my back is being watched.
Sorry Rep, you our misinformed our 125/hr was given to us by our fine ALPA representatives!!

Actually, that was ushered in by 57% of the pilot group who voted in favor of that rag. Living proof that you cannot cut your way to prosperity.

Driver <_<
If anyone ever had a question about how east pilots feel about junior pilots. Why east pilots have always thrown the junior pilots under the bus. Why east pilots know nothing about unity and unionism. Why the east pilots think they can throw the west pilots under the bus with DOH. This attitude makes me sick. But this is what we have to deal with.

Captain John Brookman at the LOA 93 arbitration under oath.

Quite frankly, there was -- I think as a bigger reason, is during that period of time, if everyone recalls, during when we negotiated this, we had an age-60 retirement requirement, federally mandated age-60 requirement. And I think about 1,100 of our pilots would have turned 60 during this time period, and we talked about -- if we talk about restoring pay or pay reverting to those rates, you know, I'm a prime example of that. Pilots would say, I'm going to give up this pay for the next five years, and then some junior puke is going to gain the benefit of my hard work at the lower rates. I turn 60 in April. I would have worked under this agreement until December 31 of 2009, and I would have had had a whopping three and a half months of the restored pay. It was nothing to brag about. We were taking pay away from I think about a third of our airline and were going to give it to the people behind us.

This goes along with the east attitude. I want mine now you west pilots wait 10 years and can have what is left, after I get mine and leave. You east pilots really are despicable, miserable people. The transcripts are a very interesting read and history. You east guys should read them. The union, usapa who you all say is the beacon of truth told the story of how US Airways was going out of business. DONE, GONE without all of the concessions, without the merger.
The union, usapa who you all say is the beacon of truth told the story of how US Airways was going out of business. DONE, GONE without all of the concessions, without the merger.

Wow, somebody must have had a bad morning. You okay buddy?

I didn't think you listened to anything USAPA said, that all they did was lie! B)

What did Parker just say about AWA absent this merger? Hmmm?
If anyone ever had a question about how east pilots feel about junior pilots.

I know the west is all about the west junior pilots, but I don't see any concern for the east junior pilots. You remember the little dust up about USAPA not following the ALPA payout plan for the LOA 93 lump sum? I don't know if you were one of them, but there were bunches of west pilots screaming about how unfair USAPA was for not doing that, even though they had no dog in that fight. Do you know what group the ALPA payout plan favored?
I have at least two resources that I used yesterday and my back is being watched.

Excellent. There is only one way to deal with bullies, be they the cyber kind or the face-to-face kind.

I didn't realize you're so new around here. Many people are long time lurkers before they finally step in and voice an opinion. It's only a matter of time before the east lynch mob mentality gets to a person.

I've been on this forum for almost 9 years, and the what you see around here now is par for the course. As a UA pilot I've gone toe to toe with them through multiple failed merger attempts. In 2000 they showed their true colors with their DOH shell game and their ambitions to repair their careers on the backs of others, claiming some perceived entitlement. Unfortunately AWA was not lucky enough to foresee the inevitable. After several successful battles to fend off the parasites, we finally left them at the alter once and for all for the "prettier" CO.

Another history lesson about this forum you may be interested in. Last year there were moderators who worked very hard to keep this place somewhat civilized. It was a full time job for them, and many east pilots were banished to the corn field for their language, behavior, threats, lies, baiting, etc. Unfortunately, the owner of this forum, a furloughed east pilot I believe, decided that traffic and economics demanded a more hands off approach. Hence there was an amnesty period for all banished posters, and the old moderators were replaced with far less active ones. Since December of last year this place has sunk into the abyss of the sewer, and the result is increased traffic for the administrator, less actual discussion, ever increasing rhetoric, name calling, and threats. Much like Jerry Springer brings out the dregs of humanity, so does this forum.

If any legal action you take actually materializes, it would be interesting to consider the legal ramifications of any actionable offenses to this forum and it's administrators. I would think that tolerating the threats and allowing known offenders who were formerly banned, to come back and have free reign, thereby enabling the threats might be of interest to you and your attorneys.
Wow, somebody must have had a bad morning. You okay buddy?

I didn't think you listened to anything USAPA said, that all they did was lie! B)

What did Parker just say about AWA absent this merger? Hmmm?
I quote what one of your captains says under oath and you think I am having a bad day? Strange.

Are you saying that usapa lied? Have you read the transcripts?

Was Parker under oath when he made that statement?

Brookman and the other witnesses were at the arbitration. Now who are you going to believe. East pilot under oath or the CEO trying to sell a cheap contract?
I quote what one of your captains says under oath and you think I am having a bad day? Strange.

Are you saying that usapa lied? Have you read the transcripts?

Was Parker under oath when he made that statement?

Brookman and the other witnesses were at the arbitration. Now who are you going to believe. East pilot under oath or the CEO trying to sell a cheap contract?

Are you saying our CEO lied? Why not go to the next crew news and stand there before him with that allegation? The truth about AWA hurts, doesn't it? Don't let it get to you, it's no reflection on you.

I read the transcripts a while back, and for now I will just wait to see what happens. I just wonder why a west guy would spent his time on them, but, whatever. Looking for that AH-HA moment no doubt. Kinda like pre thought she had with the "growth" thing.

I'm not saying anyone lied. I can't know whether they lied, as I wasn't there when they negotiated LOA 93.

It's interesting that you believe a UHL under oath rather than you CEO. Or should I say, you do when it is convenient?

Excellent. There is only one way to deal with bullies, be they the cyber kind or the face-to-face kind.

I didn't realize you're so new around here. Many people are long time lurkers before they finally step in and voice an opinion. It's only a matter of time before the east lynch mob mentality gets to a person.

I've been on this forum for almost 9 years, and the what you see around here now is par for the course. As a UA pilot I've gone toe to toe with them through multiple failed merger attempts. In 2000 they showed their true colors with their DOH shell game and their ambitions to repair their careers on the backs of others, claiming some perceived entitlement. Unfortunately AWA was not lucky enough to foresee the inevitable. After several successful battles to fend off the parasites, we finally left them at the alter once and for all for the "prettier" CO.

Another history lesson about this forum you may be interested in. Last year there were moderators who worked very hard to keep this place somewhat civilized. It was a full time job for them, and many east pilots were banished to the corn field for their language, behavior, threats, lies, baiting, etc. Unfortunately, the owner of this forum, a furloughed east pilot I believe, decided that traffic and economics demanded a more hands off approach. Hence there was an amnesty period for all banished posters, and the old moderators were replaced with far less active ones. Since December of last year this place has sunk into the abyss of the sewer, and the result is increased traffic for the administrator, less actual discussion, ever increasing rhetoric, name calling, and threats. Much like Jerry Springer brings out the dregs of humanity, so does this forum.

If any legal action you take actually materializes, it would be interesting to consider the legal ramifications of any actionable offenses to this forum and it's administrators. I would think that tolerating the threats and allowing known offenders who were formerly banned, to come back and have free reign, thereby enabling the threats might be of interest to you and your attorneys.

Did you read this before you posted it? It clearly lays out what you are better than any eastie could!
Excellent. There is only one way to deal with bullies, be they the cyber kind or the face-to-face kind.

I didn't realize you're so new around here. Many people are long time lurkers before they finally step in and voice an opinion. It's only a matter of time before the east lynch mob mentality gets to a person.

I've been on this forum for almost 9 years, and the what you see around here now is par for the course. As a UA pilot I've gone toe to toe with them through multiple failed merger attempts. In 2000 they showed their true colors with their DOH shell game and their ambitions to repair their careers on the backs of others, claiming some perceived entitlement. Unfortunately AWA was not lucky enough to foresee the inevitable. After several successful battles to fend off the parasites, we finally left them at the alter once and for all for the "prettier" CO.

Another history lesson about this forum you may be interested in. Last year there were moderators who worked very hard to keep this place somewhat civilized. It was a full time job for them, and many east pilots were banished to the corn field for their language, behavior, threats, lies, baiting, etc. Unfortunately, the owner of this forum, a furloughed east pilot I believe, decided that traffic and economics demanded a more hands off approach. Hence there was an amnesty period for all banished posters, and the old moderators were replaced with far less active ones. Since December of last year this place has sunk into the abyss of the sewer, and the result is increased traffic for the administrator, less actual discussion, ever increasing rhetoric, name calling, and threats. Much like Jerry Springer brings out the dregs of humanity, so does this forum.

If any legal action you take actually materializes, it would be interesting to consider the legal ramifications of any actionable offenses to this forum and it's administrators. I would think that tolerating the threats and allowing known offenders who were formerly banned, to come back and have free reign, thereby enabling the threats might be of interest to you and your attorneys.

I did my research, read Kevin Laufer's story in an AOPA article. You are correct, an East pilot who started this forum. I have a lot of respect for a person who starts a business rather than sitting around feeding off the government. I've taken the attitude that all East pilots should not be painted with the Usapian brush. Out of respect and advice by counsel, I notified Kevin of my intent to investigate these threats against me. He's offered his cooperation.This not a civil matter, rather an investigation into possible criminal activity. All I can do is tell my story, (which I did), produce evidence and have the authorities do the digging.

I am not the one who made threats. If you visit my posting history, I tried to approach my opponents with a sense of humor. I soon learned Usapians take themselves way too seriously. My position hardened as attacks intensified to a threat level 2.

The gloves have come off.
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