After the last seniority discussion I should know better. This will be my only post on this, I promise. The west guy I'm looking at is 5.6% points higher on the Nic today than the west stand alone list. The gap increases every year and at 65 he would be 9% points higher. That's not small number now and pretty huge at the top of the list. His east counterpart drops the %s the west guy gains. The crossover point for the east guy I was looking at was in the first year or two. We will all be moving up rapidly after next year no matter what list is used.
I hope Rob hangs on to what he has. If the Nic were implemented tomorrow a lot of senior west line pilots might not.
When it is put into percentages it is kind of skewd.
Here is what I can tell you. Assuming I make it to 65, and assuming the lists stay the same sizes, on the AWA stand alone list I would have retired at 00.6% relative seniority, on the Nic it is 00.2% relative seniority, I would retire 4 tenths of one percent higher with the Nic. Under usapa's DOH plan, I won't make it back to under 25%.
My point tonight was, the West was not added to the east list. Every arguement I hear on this board from east posters regarding % compares the Nic to what a West pilot would have using DOH or basically the east's former list.