US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I'm sorry was it something I said?

Naw, Mikey...

I spent some time reading your posts, (know thy enemy). I think I am wrong about one thing, you are not the dick-tater. I picture somebody from a scene from the movie, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. I will give Cleary credit, he can't be that crazy.

It sure must be hard to type wearing a straight jacket. :lol:
Really? I didnt see anywhere in the 9th's ruling except that it wasnt ripe yet.

Seham represented EL AL and Alitalia in locking out unionized employees, lost a major case for Status Quo at ACA for AMFA.

And he will lose again with Silver.

You cant just ignore Binding Arbitration awards.

Last time I checked your five years and counting with no new CBA, working under the worst terms in the industry.

Bang up job by Seham and USAPA.
Funny, didn't the Nic come out 5 yrs ago? How come it hasn't been implemented......HMMMMMMMMMMMMM.............Now that, is binding
It will be once you ever reach a CBA or the company imposes one after a 30 day cooling off period.
Yeah, that is why the little sleezbag sent Granath to take the beating at the motion to move the venue of the company's DJ.

Well, at least he showed up in front of Silver to be the idiot in the room. Seeham-"I am trying to figure out how you got that idea from what I just said". Silver should have just told him straight up, "because you are a transparent idiot, who thinks he is smarter than the rest of us, and that we are as gullable as your usapa gravy train".
The funniest part was when Jimmy Brengle told Judge Wake "Judge, I have been doing this 30 plus yrs. and I have NEVER seen a judge do what you are trying to do!" Now that was some interesting sidebar!
It will be once you ever reach a CBA or the company imposes one after a 30 day cooling off period.
Those quickie courses you took really got you in over your head fast. Yes, we read all about your intensive weekend deals. Imagine if a pilot or doctor went to one of them, and tried to do his job. They gave you just enough rope to hang yourself, and you do it on a regular basis.
Sorry, no weekend deals, college accredited classes at the William W Winpinsinger Center at Placid Harbor.

Typical, when you cant answer a question or dont like the facts you try to deflect and attack, and you wonder why you havent had a raise in over five years and your the laughing stock of the industry, bottom feeder pay rates.
Sorry, no weekend deals, college accredited classes at the William W Winpinsinger Center at Placid Harbor.

Typical, when you cant answer a question or dont like the facts you try to deflect and attack, and you wonder why you havent had a raise in over five years and your the laughing stock of the industry, bottom feeder pay rates.
I'm starting to have problems with that old saying "cream always rises to the top" or it just me.
767jetz is on this board many times to give advice on how a merger should be handled. I have provided a quote of how united airlines alpa pilots are trying to bring there management to their knees after not having a new pilot contract since 2007.

Take notice Usiairways pilots. The following is from the latest united airlines alpa pilots update to hint how they can provide pressure to their management, to provide a new contract that they have been seeking since 2007, with "alpa" professional negotiator advisers.

"" The Pilot-Dispatch Communications Group (PDCG) would like all pilots to know that it is concerned about the lack of adequate flight planning workstations around the system. The PDCG has defined the following co-located items as comprising the minimum requirements:

A. ready access to an adequate workspace
B. an internet-capable computer
C. a weather graphics-capable printer
D. a telephone capable of providing easy contact with dispatch
E. an enroute high-altitude planning chart
F. a high-speed internet connection

We would also like to remind pilots that flight planning in the cockpit is discouraged unless there is no flight planning location available. The PDCG asks that you report any known station deficiencies through the normal reporting processes or by contacting the committee. Committee contact information can be found on the website under ‘UAL-MEC’ and ‘Committees’ or at the following addresses: ""

"Death, where is thy sting?"
united airline alpa pilots made a mistake, they are hogtied by a court injunction that they referred to in their latest update I have provided below. The united airline and continental airline pilots last contract amendable dates are 2007 and 2008 respectively. Maybe USAPA can learn by their failures of alpa expert advice.

"""Since the united airlines alpa MEC forum came down, some postings on other sites that reflect misunderstandings and questions about the nature and scope of the preliminary injunction currently in place have been sent to us. Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions and other questions that seem to underlie some of the postings.

1. How long will the preliminary injunction remain in place?

The preliminary injunction remains in place until either a JCBA is negotiated and ratified or until the end of the status quo period after the NMB releases United and ALPA so that they can engage in economic self-help as permitted by the Railway Labor Act.

2. Does the preliminary injunction apply to individual pilots?

Yes. The preliminary injunction states that it applies not only to ALPA and the other defendants but also to ALPA’s “members, agents, employees, and all persons and organizations acting by, in concert with, through or under them, or by and through their orders.”

3. Does the preliminary injunction prevent me as an individual pilot from making a decision as a pilot based on safety or other personal, individual factors that are consistent with our working agreement?

No. But the key to this answer is that we’re talking about an individual decision based on your own professional judgment, as required by the FAR’s, AND having NO relationship to negotiations with United or other aspects of our relationship with United and its management. Even an individual decision that is based on your feelings about United, United management, or United negotiations, not on safety or other appropriate factors, can be used legally against you and your union if there is anything more than an isolated individual impact on normal flight operations. That is because statistical impact is one of the legal measurements used by the courts.

4. But sick leave has often increased to levels similar to those in the time of the injunction. Why didn’t the company stop this?

Pilots should not fly when sick, so periods of high illness obviously justify increases in sick leave. But when sick leave goes up in ways that the company cannot readily explain based on its own historic data or knowledge of the current situation, you can be sure that they are examining the data for patterns and digging into what they might be hearing or seeing. And even more assuredly, should sick leave increase to such an extent as to cause significant cancellations, as was the case prior to the injunction, in the absence of any well-understood explanation we will be called upon to explain it in court.

5. If a lot of us act as individuals, without any prompting from leadership, like a flock responding to a threat, would the company be able to take action against us?

Of course. The participants wouldn’t just be acting as individuals but would be creating a pattern that any court would see for what it is. Concerted activity, to be unlawful, doesn’t have to be called by a leader; even if it seems to be spontaneous, it would be easy to show that it’s concerted.

6. Isn’t ALPA just simply afraid to stand up to the company and the court?

When a court of the United States issues an order against you, is it fear that leads you to comply, is it your responsibility, or is it just good sense? Decide for yourself, but consider the following: A Federal Court has real and lawful power. If ALPA, the MEC, ALPA committees, individual members, or others, violate the preliminary injunction, the court can hold us in contempt, placing heavy fines on the union AND on individuals. The company, too, can take action that can affect your career not only at United but elsewhere. The NMB would know about the actions. And a court that is dissatisfied with the pilots’ response to her injunction can take other steps that might make it even more difficult than it already is to negotiate a new agreement."""
I'm still waiting on the proof, Nos....


Paranoia meets dementia with depends on.

I truly feel sorry for you sir. You are on here daily with no life to live, concerned about an airline merger in the past, fighting a war that ended, a Nascar that had their sponsorship removed and Elvis, who left the earth.

Sad, Sir, very Sad.
And that proves nothing except how sad and pitiful you are. Bitter, angry, and psychologically unable to tell the truth...

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