US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You were smarter than your former pia pilots, right? You were allowed to retire with doh, because you were smarter than the rest, right?

Or were you backed by the intestinal fortitude of your former pilots, to be allowed to end your years in such a dignified manner?

You must be proud of your posting accomplishments lately, right?

You hypocrite.
You sold your former Piedmont pilots down the river, you must be proud. But you got yours, doh, retirement, etc, You must be proud attacking your former pia pilots on this board daily.

Boeing Boy post on flyer talk below when he retired a few years ago.

""Thanks for the well wishes, gang. I'll just copy the post I made on a similiar thread over on USAviation.....

I've waited till the final notes of the fat lady's song faded away before adding to this thread....

My heartfelt thanks for all the kind words. All of you have become something of an extended cyberspace family and your well wishes mean a lot.

No person could wish for a better sendoff than these last three days have given me. It started with ShellNYC, whose inbound flight to CLT Friday was to be our outbound equipment.

My better half, joined us in CLT on Saturday for the flight to JAX where AtlanticBeach and his lovely wife had invited us to spend the night. After an evening of their gracious hospitality, waking up to the sound of the waves breaking on the beach sure beats any crew hotel I've ever stayed at.

The first big surprise came as we were departing JAX Sunday morning - fire trucks on either side of the taxiway to give us a dousing as we went by. I'll probably never know who arranged that, but they have my eternal gratitude.

Arriving in DCA, Art joined us for the flight to CLT. An added bonus was A stopping by the airport to add her best wishes.

In CLT, the group began to swell - and I'm not just talking about the amount of BBQ we ate. jimcfsus, l4pi, coachrowsy, dukeman plus his lovely wife, and (our youngest daughter) joined the group for the BOS turn. As fate would have it - being that for one day, at least, I was the oldest pilot at US - our airplane was the first 737-400 delivered to Piedmont in 1988. It seemed somehow fitting.

Arriving in BOS, I received the second from last surprise of the trip - an old friend from my former life of flying DC-3's was awaiting our arrival and joined the group for the last leg (of the day, the trip, and my career) to CLT. Needless to say, F/C was quite festive as we winged our way southwestward.

Passing west of NYC we get a selcal message to call LGA ops. Wondering what anyone could possibly want - surely I hadn't screwed anything up that much - we called LGA as directed. Who should answer our call but LGA777, adding his best wishes and providing the next to last surprise of the day.

Finally, into CLT for the final (in more ways than one) approach - #1 for 36R. Turning off the runway I was greeted by the final surprise of the day - firetrucks on either side of the taxiway once again. I'll probably never know who pulled what strings - the Chief Pilot had told me at the start of the trip that they had tried to arrange the water salute but that CLT didn't do them after dark. But whoever the Angel was, it capped off a memorial trip and career, with a great crew, a wonderful group of friends, and family to share it with.

So, again, thanks to everyone and if you're ever anywhere near High Point, NC, let me know.

(or "Rockfish", "Rockford", "Maverick")
9/4/79 - 11/19/06
Looking back on a great career and forward to a great retirement""
You were smarter than your former pia pilots, right? You were allowed to retire with doh, because you were smarter than the rest, right?

Or were you backed by the intestinal fortitude of your former pilots, to be allowed to end your years in such a dignified manner?

You must be proud of your posting accomplishments lately, right?

You hypocrite.
What's the matter Nos - having to repeat yourself to keep the lies straight.

Proof, Nos, since we both know you have none...

Your awa pilots flew drugs, flew drunk and crossed picket lines to stay alive, you must be proud.
You guys are fond of labeling an entire group based on the few pilots you reference. Desperation.

You forgot to mention your 'classic' Easties; taking pics of girls on cell phone, shooting aircraft, taxiing into other aircraft, etc.

And when the case went to the 9th....Wake came back with sh#t on his face....cane you remember that far back or does that booze soaked brain of yours only go back one day.

Hey Mikey,

I'm beginning to wonder if you are Mikey (Spud) Cleary. What exactly are you trying to say? I really am having a hard time deciphering your babble. Are you panicing while your little empire crumbles around you?

A word of advice.

Seek therapy, Spud.
It reminds me of those that claim size does not matter. It matters sir, I have worked at every job in the spectrum of possible duties.

The messanger.

Well, well, well,

That explains a great deal.

Its okay sumadarsonnostrodamus, you will eventualy get over your "seniority envy",,,,,,,or,,,maybe not. Hard to tell, since you worked every job in the "size matters" spectrum, and you are still hung up on it.
I know I will never convince you or any of the east ALPA sore losers of the value of membership and a vote. If the RICO doesn't do it, I don't know what will. Maybe a contract going against what you want by a slim margin. It just really gets on my nerves to hear someone that freely gave up their right to vote whine about the outcome.

Let me ask you this, wold you like to see your fellow west pilots join you and give up memebership and thier vote?

Did the membership take a vote on whether to file RICO charges? I must have missed that.

I did not freely give up my right to vote, I had that stolen from me by the same group who wishes to steal my seniority. My vote used to be in a seperate ratification process. What happened to that process and why?

You are right, you will never convince me usapa membership has any value. I am not whining about any outcomes. Vote whoever for usapa president, e-vp, pension investigations etc..what ever, I could care less. I will have nothing to do with usapa, so I need no usapa vote. I think around 500 of my fellow West pilots have already joined me, the other 1,??? can vote away on whatever usapa puts out there, or they can give up their usapa membership, makes no difference to me.

I still have an NMB vote if a card drive starts.
Well, well, well,

That explains a great deal.

Its okay sumadarsonnostrodamus, you will eventualy get over your "seniority envy",,,,,,,or,,,maybe not. Hard to tell, since you worked every job in the "size matters" spectrum, and you are still hung up on it.

They are so caught up with demanding the deck to be reshuffled, they are losing their chips in the poker game and don't even see it.

Once the cards are dealt and you place your bets, you can't pick up your chips and blame the dealer for being old and senile. Usapian rules don't apply in Vegas or in the real world. <_<
By the way what happened to that stupid Neanderthal looking duphis that was on your avatar? No thanks I have seen your idea of "morning mail delivery" and the only thing that stinks more than it is the possibility that the nic will be the chosen method for my seniority.

Hey Mikey (Spud),

I wish your mommy would take your computer away from you. Seriously, you need a timeout.

Here's Mikey in solitary...
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