US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Really Nostro, minion of doom and negativity, we are all growing weary of your incessant rants regarding UAL and 767Jetz.

USAirways pilots, especially you will never learn from experience (except perhaps when actually flying airplanes) and are clearly headed for another major (and expensive) disappointment.

What will you learn from USAPA's failure to deliver a DOH seniority list or more importantly, a decent contract?

All is not well with the Reichsmarschall, do I hear a recall in the wind?

The disposition of ancillary issue will likely see a change in style if it occurred but ironically all the USAPA officers and East BPR members are lockstep about seniority and an industry standard contract.
Why the freeze then?
Wow, you guys really only want to see the world through your own glasses.

It's very simple. A freeze means the company does not have to deal with a bunch of whiners begging for a carrot for a specific amount of time. During the freeze it is non-negotiable. Costs are fixed. Loans can be made without fear of increased cost. Economic factors that change the circumstances under which the agreement was made do not apply during the freeze. The topic is off the table. When the freeze is done we can talk again.

Once again you guys take the simplest of concepts and turn it on it's ear to suit your needs.
This is interesting jetz;

7-G. Pay For Deadheading. Effective with the first bid period following the effective date of this Transition and Process Agreement pay for any Deadhead required by Continental and actually flown in a center seat shall be based upon one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of a Pilot’s hourly pay rate as shown in the Continental CBA Section 3, provided that the seating was not the result of a request by the Pilot (e.g., using Employee Res to unseat himself from a window or aisle seat assignment or asking an agent to do so). This provision does not alter the Continental CBA Section 8 Part 2.C.

Since all you are about is truth and justice....why do you care???????????

You're right. I shouldn't care about a smoking hole in the ground due to your "safety" concerns. But your company and your passengers (who probably read this forum) sure do.

You should be more careful. Didn't one of your co-workers get fired several years ago for claiming on a public forum that planes would fall out of the sky and endanger the flying public if your demands were not met. Sound the same to me. You're saying that if you have to fly with a west pilot as your captain, then the safety record of USAirways will be in jeopardy.

That's pretty bold.
You're right. I shouldn't care about a smoking hole in the ground due to your "safety" concerns. But your company and your passengers (who probably read this forum) sure do.

You should be more careful. Didn't one of your co-workers get fired several years ago for claiming on a public forum that planes would fall out of the sky and endanger the flying public if your demands were not met. Sound the same to me. You're saying that if you have to fly with a west pilot as your captain, then the safety record of USAirways will be in jeopardy.

That's pretty bold.
Any news about the camera grievance. Got to hand it to you, your fellow united airlines alpa pilots showed a lot of guts calling families in the middle of the night.

You pontificate on every post except the one I mentioned about the camera grievance. Your thoughts please sir.
jetz, loved the way your united pilots blackmailed the company to give you captains authority.

united airline alpa pilots "demand" to the company for captains authority on the fuel they carry below;;

Fueling Resolution—Drafted by Ray Stratton
WHEREAS the captain and the dispatcher maintain the licensed authority to determine the proper planning of all flights to
include the final fuel load to remain in accordance with the FARs and United’s Flight Operations Manual, and

WHEREAS historical fuel loads are uploaded that sometimes conflict with the dispatcher and crew’s final fuel
determination, thereby marginalizing both captain and dispatcher authority, creating a potential violation of Section 4.10.1
of the Flight Operations Manual, limiting revenue opportunities and restricting employees from enjoying their pass travel
benefits, and

WHEREAS this marginalization of Captain’s Authority and the pilots in general has been permeating through the system
for far too long,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the master chairman utilize all of her resources to direct United management to
review its fueling policies and develop a plan to pre-fuel the aircraft with a percentage of the historical fuel load and
upload the final fuel only after the flight plan has been finalized and released by both the dispatcher and the captain, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the master chairman demand that management immediately cease this marginalization
of the pilots so that United and its employees may enjoy the synergistic benefits of the merged company that have been
touted to Wall Street and its investors.
I see you're pulling things out of your usual bag of tricks, Nos. You didn't happen to find and proof of your charges against me did you???

I have a question I would then pose to you in light of LOA 93 pay restoration. If the vacation, sick time, DH, rigs were also undoubtedly included in LOA 93, then why and how can you then make the argument that the pay was addressed in a separate letter, with a date? And all other facets of the givebacks NOT given a letter and date?

To answer your question, it's better to stay quiet and let people wonder about your intelligence than to keep opening your mouth and proving how little intelligence you have. I'd say your best course of action is to say nothing rather than embarrassing yourself regularly.

Why don't you address the fact that was written by your own reps? typical clown maneuver, deflect reality and write some mumbo jumbo to hide the facts

Facts you say... They aren't my Reps. I am not in DCA or PHL.

Yeah, the all important facts being shouted from DCA and PHL that prove the sky is falling. I suppose that next the alarmists will tell us that if we stare at the night sky while sipping Jack Daniels we can see Elvis singing Jailhouse Rock.

Whatever. People with an axe to grind come up with all kinds of facts to be trumpeted by people who are quick to trumpet hearsay.
Wow, you guys really only want to see the world through your own glasses.

It's very simple. A freeze means the company does not have to deal with a bunch of whiners begging for a carrot for a specific amount of time. During the freeze it is non-negotiable. Costs are fixed. Loans can be made without fear of increased cost. Economic factors that change the circumstances under which the agreement was made do not apply during the freeze. The topic is off the table. When the freeze is done we can talk again.

Once again you guys take the simplest of concepts and turn it on it's ear to suit your needs.
Of course it is so simple. Because our arrogant little guest knows all the answers. So your concept means the freeze has no end, until some other date. Explain to us genius, why the document says frozen UNTIL December 31, 2009. Try answering why none of the other contractual issues were given a document? I guess that means in your logic those items stay permanently frozen. It doesn't say re enter negotiations, it says it frozen UNTIL, not till re negotiated, frozen UNTIL DEC 31, 09, just like a training freeze. At the end of an equipment freeze, do you have to negotiate another move? Money is not a bid. It can happen immediately, and it did at that midnight. So what if you had to wait until another time to bid your vaunted 767.Answer this: had there been a bid the next day, what could stop them from letting you go? Just because you had to wait on a bid doesn't have any relevance to a monetary agreement. Money does not have to wait.
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