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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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They were made after the 9 th ruling

Not if they were in regards to a possible UA merger.

Remember, Cleary getting called to PHX for a meeting, then running to the 9th asking for an emergency decision to be made?

That was when the UA merger was a possibility, that is when Parker made the statement, that was prior to the 9th ruling.

Oh, and the 9th told usapa to take a hike, they would give their decision when ready, because they were not green lighting any union end runs round binding arbitration. Nd they did not.

Further, if the company felt that it would be simple, just do a three way, why then the DJ? The company got schooled, and usapa still demanded collusion in a DFR, because Seeham and usapa refuse to believe what the 9th told them.
No, the comments I remember were after the united deal fell apart and people were complaining about the lack of a contract, pay parity etc.
I don't believe the question of what would happen if a third party merger is even before her rending that whole action obsolete ?

Won't the fact that the AOL leadership participating in closed session meetings, the resultant process and actively shaping the outcome render them unable to then sue?

AOL is being sued, not the other way around. The West has class status, and the court has asked all West pilots if AOL can represent them in this one DJ case the company has brought.

Good question though if you mean, AOL is at the merger table looking out for the West, does that bind the West to any agreements made? I think the answer would be no....the West is represented by usapa.
I don't believe the question of what would happen if a third party merger is even before her rending that whole action obsolete ?

Won't the fact that the AOL leadership participating in closed session meetings, the resultant process and actively shaping the outcome render them unable to then sue?
I would think that participation by AOL would strengthen the DFR case. They go to court and tell the judge. Your honor we tried to work within the system but usapa and the east pilots refused to stop their harm to us. They refuse to represent the west fairly.

Better case than not being a member of not participating.
What happened with the fifth one?

The AWA/USAir is the 4th one. Trader likes to boast the point that 4 arbitrations have gone with slotting, however, 2 of those 4 have not been proven to work out yet.

USAPA President's Message: May 1, 2012

Fellow Pilots,

Today your Board of Pilot Representatives and Officers met in Open Session with a US Airways' management team including CEO Doug Parker; Senior Vice President, Flight Operations/Inflight Ed Bular; Vice President Flight Operations Lyle Hogg; Executive Vice President, Corporate & Government Affairs Steven Johnson and Managing Director of Labor Relations Cindi Simone.

Doug Parker provided the Board, Officers and a large gallery of pilots in attendance, with a PowerPoint presentation focusing on the synergies of a merged US Airways and American Airlines, followed by a question and answer period.

The BPR and Officers then met privately with Management for more in-depth questions, and President Hummel, with unanimous consent from the BPR conveyed a message to Management on behalf of the Board consisting of the following:

• The BPR is interested in a cooperative effort between Management and USAPA in order to facilitate a potential merger

• Our support is contingent on there being benefits to our pilots and the BPR is prepared to defend those interests in the event they are not addressed

• We are disappointed with the process to date, specifically by our lack of involvement, but recognize Management has the ability to affect an immediate remedy by agreeing to a negotiating process with the combined APA and USAPA negotiating teams, pursuing a combined and comprehensive contract for both pilots groups simultaneously.

We trust you find this message to Management a responsible step with respect to protecting the interests of our pilots. It is our intent to keep you informed to the best of our abilities as we proceed with both optimism and caution in our efforts to best represent you.

In unity,

President Gary Hummel

USA320Pilot comments: After reading Gary Hummel's message I once again felt the same type of indignant, self-righteous attitude within the union's leaders that has failed the pilots in the past. It appears to me the attitude that exists within the union's leadership could prevent the company from being able to close deals that are required to keep the proposed mergers momentum going forward. Will USAPA over reach and not be able to work with APA or US Airways?

For the first time I believe the AMR merger may be in jeopardy and once again a solid future for all of US Airways' stakeholders spoiled by the UELs. I hope I'm wrong.
It appears to me the attitude that exists within the union's leadership could prevent the company from being able to close deals that are required to keep the proposed mergers momentum going forward.

For the first time I believe the AMR merger may be in jeopardy and once again a solid future for all of US Airways' stakeholders spoiled by the UELs. I hope I'm wrong.

Ode to Invertebrates: "the AMR merger may be in jeopardy" (The sky is falling!/etc) "......could prevent the company from being able to close deals that are required to keep the proposed mergers momentum going forward."

"....could prevent the company from being able to close deals..." If even the least bit true; that would be great!! No = utterly fantastic!!!!, as actual, tangible leverage is needed for such thoughts to have even the slightest validity!

Oh Wait!...Leverage would be a "bad" thing to have, wouldn't it? 😉

Sigh!....Care to further ponder your latest FUD?

PS: From another thread you posted to: "Doug acknowledged that there may be areas that may not satisfy both parties and it is up to APA and USAPA to form a TA which would be acceptable to both sides." How is THAT the least bit unreasonable?....No matter = "Run!...The Sky is Falling!" 😉

"...it is up to APA and USAPA to form a TA which would be acceptable to both sides."
PS: From another thread you posted to: "Doug acknowledged that there may be areas that may not satisfy both parties and it is up to APA and USAPA to form a TA which would be acceptable to both sides." How is THAT the least bit unreasonable?....No matter = "Run!...The Sky is Falling!" 😉

"...it is up to APA and USAPA to form a TA which would be acceptable to both sides."

Here is where it gets interesting. That's the same thing he told the west at crew news after crew news, 'it's up to you to talk to YOUR union.' This deal will either go through, or it won't. But if it does, get ready for the shoe to be on another foot. He doesn't care what we do to each other, unless it affects him, then watch what happens(injunction). If the APA can keep from whizzing in his wheaties, he won't care what they do to us, east and/or west. I take no joy in that, because I'll be buried as deep as anyone. But I can't help but believe that to be the case.
Yes, I am still looking for that too. That and BB s rather generous interpretations. Those are the most, shall we be nice, interesting......
As opposed to your taking parts of sentences??? Talk abut generous, interesting interpretations :lol:

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