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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Blah, blah blah. Let me know when you have something intelligent to say. I did, however, pay attention to Sensei regarding assuming anything about your opponent. I don't. You needn't worry though because I don't consider you an opponent and I don't assume anything about you. I know that you are a weak, pathetic little man and I just plain find you amusing.

"...and I don't assume anything about you. I know that you are a weak, pathetic little man and I just plain find you amusing." Amusing how you can link those together. Sigh!...Spend a bit more time with your "Sensei" son...you know, the one who's allowed you to evolve such well developed "humility" and "knowledge" of your unquestionably awesome "strength" and "skill". 😉

Better yet = Find one that's competent...Of course...you might not be as pleased, without all the obvious, mutual indulgence in infantile BS that you clearly have with your current "Sensei"...and you might risk having to figuratively or literally pull your "head" out of your arse and start growing. 😉

Good luck with your journey. You've got a long way to go.
It is said that Benjamin Franklin advised people to appeal to folk's interests rather than their intellect. "Integrity Matters" in one hand while demanding captain slots for an entire list in the other hand will be the same lead balloon it always was.

You're about to get hit "upside the head" with that same lead balloon... Wait for it...
LUV, that mindset, DUI sells you off(movin to DFW anyway)You litigate who? The corp has the perfect fragmentation right anyway! Change of control, they don't care, DEAL with APA, lock out a MNGMNT COC, (DUI DOESN'T GET A COC BOTH WAYS), sells WEST avoids CORP litigation, IT IS PERFECT, besides a hub in LA and LUV on your SWA doorstep DUI a WIN, WIN, WIN, YOUR TOAST!

Can you imagine this guy in your right seat? When you finally talk him into taking a lav break, just pray to God that the flex cuffs are on tight enough!
Clueless much??

If usapa appeals Silver's ruling, there just might be a big surprise in store for the scab union that has been extorting dues from the West for the past 4 years.

East formed AOL...now there is a huge laugh.

If USAPA looses in Silver's court is the only "if" in this scenario. The ruling will be appealed all the way to scotus, probably by AOL too, if you loose. Silver's ruling is far from the end. Contract first, SLI second as the appeals move forward. It will probably be at least another 18 months until an unappealable east/west list could be presented for an SLI.

Holy crap are you way off!

The APA doesn't care what list we give them. Their lawyer stated that it would go relative seniority - did you need that posted?

Two lists:



Combined relatively with equipment fences.

The end.

APA SLI history = staple. Even with the law in place, the APA will do everything possible to protect their side. One look at how tilted the Nic is to the West and they will not want to use it.

Using the NIC, in 15 years the top 600 pilots on the combined list would all be West pilots. APA will quickly realize this and look for any and all ways to change it to favor them. The East, with our upcoming retirements is not the problem, the West list is the problem.

Except that puts 700 furloughed at the time senior to west pilots. I accepted the 517. It is time the east accepts the furloughed pilots at the bottom.

The only East/West furloughed at the time the merger is announced will be West furloughed. According to you guys, furloughed don't bring a job and there for will be stapled on the bottom of the list. You can't have it both ways.

APA SLI history = staple. Even with the law in place, the APA will do everything possible to protect their side. One look at how tilted the Nic is to the West and they will not want to use it.

Using the NIC, in 15 years the top 600 pilots on the combined list would all be West pilots. APA will quickly realize this and look for any and all ways to change it to favor them. The East, with our upcoming retirements is not the problem, the West list is the problem.

Think they're willing to gamble their pensions, pay, and work rules to screw with the nic award? Only USTUPID is dumb enough to never learn what a fools errand is. Nope. APA is going to take the path of least resistance on this one and wrap this up ASAP. Any unnecessary delay puts them in jeopardy. No one is going to "loose" (as you say) their 7 figure pension fighting a final and binding arbitration and a sure "looser" of a DFR suit just to make a group of self entitled AFOs happy. APA clearly acknowledged the fact that SLI is out of their control and to expect a ratio type slotting. Just like the nic. Award.

Parker has thrown the trump card. He's going to hide behind Silvers skirt and finally, tell the East what he has known for years. S.22 is closed with the nic. Period. The end....thanks for the extra billion in savings.
The only East/West furloughed at the time the merger is announced will be West furloughed. According to you guys, furloughed don't bring a job and there for will be stapled on the bottom of the list. You can't have it both ways.

Theyre not asking for it both ways. When the Nic gets passed to the APA, those West furloughees on the nic are now owed their properly integrated position. Which is well into employment. Just because a bunch of scabs tried steal their careers doesn't change anything. They were granted rights the East has successfully and illegally denied them. Did you really think you were going to get away with it forever? There's a reason Parker end ran USAPA rendering them completely pointless and irrelevant. They're incapable of getting out of their own way. He isn't waiting for your ridiculous, B.S. union to pull their heads out of their asses anymore. You've had four years to run amok. You did and you've failed every pilot on the property so many times I doubt there is ever going to be an accurate accounting of it all.

Even for the most myopic among you, everything I've said above will be coming into sharper focus in the coming weeks. This is over.
And I guess you have not learned a thing either. What did the results of the last election tell you?????

With regards to the appeals board election the results tell me that ucrapa is the most corrupt farce of a "union" ever to exist.
That AWA job was worth far less than an APA job. They have a pension and a B fund. Your crappy contract had none of it, no widebodies either. A guy on the street at APA has a more valuable career than an active west div. pilot.

Well, Claxon/MM/Cleary, using your logic you could quit now, be happily on the street, and brag how much better off you are than a west pilot. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Now Fifieriver is going berserk and is promoting himself to Uhaul Sidekick. I wonder who wisperd the bad news to them. :lol:
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