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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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WRONG. There lawyers have already indicated that is where the SLI will end.

Don't you read anything? Don't you know anyone over there?

WRONG AGAIN. "There" lawyers??? OK what are their lawyers names and provide the links where they say otherwise.

Yes, I do read and I do know people over there. And I know Gary Hummel personally too.

Maybe you should read more and then you might figure how to properly use the word "there".
DOH it is in the constitution. How can you negotiate something other than DOH? Do you think APA will accept DOH? No how does that math work out for you hard core usapa pilots? How can it not go to arbitration?

A scenario can be seen by which arbitration might be avoided.

If Usapa polls the membership, and if the majority are found in favor of diluting/deleting DOH; they can work from there. The CBL's then expeditiously adjusted, and negotiations with the APA unfettered. I've no idea on the odds of that happening, and would personally be strongly opposed to such, but who knows?
Would you rather they do to you what they did to the TWA pilots?

You guys love law suits so go ahead and sue the APA - they have way more money than USAPA and AOL. Do you think the company wants to piss off the APA? Do you think the APA will be happy with putting their 6yrs of service pilots (now furloughed) behind the AWA newhires?

And also where did you pick up the spelling of the word answere? Its ANSWER - did you learn how to spell in Australia scab?

Maybe the company will realize they can just shut down PHX and recall the APA furloughed guys to fly your planes - you guys keep threatening to sue the company.

This is so entertaining...please keep it up!

First, to answere your question about Australia. Did not fly, learn to spell, or ever visit Australia. But feel free to call me a scab under the definition of I refuse to join a union. Although the scabs at usapa hardly qualify as a union, so....I really don't have a union to join.

The fact that the APA has more money is the reason they are not going to let the usapa scabs jeopardize said money. You are being a typical usapian...you are point blank saying...go ahead and sue...it is somebody else's money...so I can get what I want without repercussion to me. Well think again! You are not going to get the APA sued just because you want to scab the West.

Oh, one more thing. The furloughed APA pilots who have six years of service???? Well the AWA "newhires" would have two things they don't.

1. A job
2. 7 years of service.

I cannot believe you made such an ignorant post. A pilot hired at AWA in say Jan of 2005, now has 7 years of service. Keep making a fool of yourself.
The APA doesn't care what list we give them.

While I'm far less certain of any evidenced "enthusiasm" being shown by the APA people for the nic, as in; I've read nor heard of any so far...well....consider your above posted thought a bit further.....
This is so entertaining...please keep it up!

First, to answere your question about Australia. Did not fly, learn to spell, or ever visit Australia. But feel free to call me a scab under the definition of I refuse to join a union. Although the scabs at usapa hardly qualify as a union, so....I really don't have a union to join.

The fact that the APA has more money is the reason they are not going to let the usapa scabs jeopardize said money. You are being a typical usapian...you are point blank saying...go ahead and sue...it is somebody else's money...so I can get what I want without repercussion to me. Well think again! You are not going to get the APA sued just because you want to scab the West.

Oh, one more thing. The furloughed APA pilots who have six years of service???? Well the AWA "newhires" would have two things they don't.

1. A job
2. 7 years of service.

I cannot believe you made such an ignorant post. A pilot hired at AWA in say Jan of 2005, now has 7 years of service. Keep making a fool of yourself.

OK Nic4

Well where did you learn to spell answere then, NZ, the UK? Do you spell tire - tyre? You say you are senior and I think you flew in Australia.

And you need to correct yourself :

1. A Job - Where does it say that a new hire that brings a job is more deserving than a furloughee that has say 15 years of service - other than Nics travesty?
2. 7 years of service - You have those newhires furloughed now so how do they bring a job? Do they have 7 years of service or 7 years on your seniority list? How do you think the APA is going to argue this in the new SLI?

You are entertaining!
WRONG AGAIN. "There" lawyers??? OK what are their lawyers names and provide the links where they say otherwise.

Yes, I do read and I do know people over there. And I know Gary Hummel personally too.

Maybe you should read more and then you might figure how to properly use the word "there".
I see you've regressed to attacking grammar what means you've admitted to a weak argument.

Once again, put some effort into it. Since you know Gary "personally", call him directly. Ask him to supply you with the APA's Q&A sheet they supplied to their pilots.

This is going to arbitration. Make peace with that.

As for my "there" sub, most on this forum have a gentlemen's agreement regarding this because of the pitfalls of autocorrect.

You obviously didn't get the memo.

Oh, sorry, autocorrect is an feature on most smartphones that automatically checks a words spelling and, if misspelled, substitutes a correct word.

Oh, sorry, a smartphone is a phone that is kind of like a computer.

Oh, sorry, a computer is....

While I'm far less certain of any evidenced "enthusiasm" being shown by the APA people for the nic, as in; I've read nor heard of any so far...well....consider your above posted thought a bit further.....
No matter what list we give the APA, their list will be slotted via RS.

Like I said, they don't care.
OK Nic4

Well where did you learn to spell answere then, NZ, the UK? Do you spell tire - tyre? You say you are senior and I think you flew in Australia.

And you need to correct yourself :

1. A Job - Where does it say that a new hire that brings a job is more deserving than a furloughee that has say 15 years of service - other than Nics travesty?
2. 7 years of service - You have those newhires furloughed now so how do they bring a job? Do they have 7 years of service or 7 years on your seniority list? How do you think the APA is going to argue this in the new SLI?

You are entertaining!

You do understand that when you're furloughed you're NOT EMPLOYED by the company, right?
I see you've regressed to attacking grammar what means you've admitted to a weak argument.

Oh, sorry, autocorrect is an feature on most smartphones that automatically checks a words spelling and, if misspelled, substitutes a correct word.

Oh, sorry, a smartphone is a phone that is kind of like a computer.

Oh, sorry, a computer is....


You might have saved a great deal of typing by simply admitting yourself apparently incapable of correctly using or suppressing a program feature. Perhaps it would serve well to spare us all the presumed computer/phone "expertise" 😉
I see you've regressed to attacking grammar what means you've admitted to a weak argument.

Once again, put some effort into it. Since you know Gary "personally", call him directly. Ask him to supply you with the APA's Q&A sheet they supplied to their pilots.

This is going to arbitration. Make peace with that.

As for my "there" sub, most on this forum have a gentlemen's agreement regarding this because of the pitfalls of autocorrect.

You obviously didn't get the memo.

Oh, sorry, autocorrect is an feature on most smartphones that automatically checks a words spelling and, if misspelled, substitutes a correct word.

Oh, sorry, a smartphone is a phone that is kind of like a computer.

Oh, sorry, a computer is....


Weak argument????? You used to be the king of attacking for spelling or sentence structure. You stopped because you realized that you were worse than anyone else.

Links move, links.

Not going to arbitration, watch and see.
You might have saved a great deal of typing by simply admitting yourself apparently incapable of correctly using or suppressing a program feature. Perhaps it would serve well to spare us all the presumed computer/phone "expertise" 😉
Why would I suppress a feature that works 99% of the time and occasionally puts up a wrong word? You old guys need to learn to embrace technology instead of fearing it.

I seem to remember your "indorce" faux pas a few pages back. Or did you conveniently forget that one?
First of all, the new contract and pay rates will be in place immediately upon consummation of the merger, or the merger will not happen. Then the SLI will begin.

11. (if by some miracle the above 10 would happen) If the East loses in Silver's court, the East continues the appeal all the way to the SCOTUS.
12. East formed AOL files suite to stop the NIC.


Sorry, no Move to CLT, you are Still Fenced to PHX!

😛 :lol:


This is fact. Move2Clt is more than fenced to PHX. The Nic. is finished in a deal with APA. Over. There will be no eastern/western agreement prior to an APA deal, which kills the Nic. It is a total re do if it gets that far. The APA is well aware of the east coast attrition. They want to capture it. Things are starting to get grim for Leonidas, and it is evident on this board. Claims that the Nic is it, yet absolutely nothing factual to back it up. The western have no CBA with the eastern division. Therefore no Nic.
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