I see you've regressed to attacking grammar what means you've admitted to a weak argument.
Once again, put some effort into it. Since you know Gary "personally", call him directly. Ask him to supply you with the APA's Q&A sheet they supplied to their pilots.
This is going to arbitration. Make peace with that.
As for my "there" sub, most on this forum have a gentlemen's agreement regarding this because of the pitfalls of autocorrect.
You obviously didn't get the memo.
Oh, sorry, autocorrect is an feature on most smartphones that automatically checks a words spelling and, if misspelled, substitutes a correct word.
Oh, sorry, a smartphone is a phone that is kind of like a computer.
Oh, sorry, a computer is....
Weak argument????? You used to be the king of attacking for spelling or sentence structure. You stopped because you realized that you were worse than anyone else.
Links move, links.
Not going to arbitration, watch and see.