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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I agree. The East pilots have been and continue to be foolhardy.


USAPA put downs aside, do you fundamentally agree with my union stance above?

Not debating the woulda / coulda / should of's of past happenings concerning the Nic.

"so as to slant the meaning" = My arse. Gasp!....

Out your arse, maybe...

Sure - you left something out and then made much of what you chose to include. "Not a factor" and something about "differing opinions" ring any bells with you? Where is the percentile slotting that you left out mentioned in that? If you slant much more you'll fall over... :lol:

You forgot to add the McCaskill-Bond Act sets up a process for combining seniority lists.

US Airways-APA Conditional Plan of Labor Restructuring Bits & Pieces of Information: April 23, 2012

Duration: Six year contract

Narrowbody Captain Pay Rate:

• Date of Signing Pay Rate: $172.44
• 3% annual increase for years 2-6

• Year 2: $177.61
• Year 3: $182.94
• Year 4: $188.43
• Year 5: $194.08
• Year 6: $199.90

• Parity with UAL/DAL average at the end of the contract if those companies average is higher than our pay rate
• F/O pay rate 68% of Captain rate.

Training Pay:

• Ground School - 3:00 hours/day
• Simulator - 4:17/day


• Vacation - 35 days per year
• Vacation Rate - 3:40/day
• Max sick bank - 1,000 hours
• Sick Accrual Rate - 60 hours per year


• DC Plan - Increase Company Contribution from 10% to 14%


• Max Average Line Value per month - 83 hours
• May pick up time to 90 hours/month
• Cannot exceed 82 hours on a 12-month average)
• Transition to a preferential bidding system with a maximum average line value of 83 hours, with an individual voluntary pick-up maximum of 90 hours (based on a 12-month average). Credits for line-building for vacation 3:40, classroom training 3:00, simulator training 4:17.

(US Airways Flight Attendant PBS TA):

Detailed PBS rules:

• Union involvement in all facets of PBS.
• Three Months of parallel bidding to introduce PBS.
• Bid as low of 40 or as high 110 hours (line average)
• Many sorting capabilities.
• Bid pairings positions on different aircraft types (like SAP).
• Bidding is approximately 2 weeks prior to bid month.
• Same bid and award date for Lineholders and Reserves.


• Improved and more powerful than SAP
• Runs after PBS monthly bid award and then daily throughout the bid month.
• Persistent bids can be entered in the program.
• DROP and/or ADD throughout entire bid period like SAP
• Maximum/ceiling exists.
• Non High Option transactions between 40 hours and line maximum (i.e. 90) of Company time or other

AIL Function of ISAP

• Ability to drop touching trips regardless of “staffing”
• AIL ceiling/maximum
• No daily limits but monthly limits can be triggered.
• Eliminates requirement to meet monthly flying obligation.
• Replaces weekend restriction with holiday restriction (104 weekend days versus 8
• Activity can go down to 40 hours.

Real time ETB boards

• Will be awarded up to 2 Hours before report upon implementation of PBS
• Reserves have the same practice has today with respect to Moveable Days
I agree. The East pilots have been and continue to be foolhardy.

Foolhardy to charge the ALPA Merger Committee with a DOH or nothing mandate.

Foolhardy to press for DOH even when the arbitrator gave them a chance before rendering his award to back off DOH.

Foolhardy to create USAPA for the sole purpose of overturning binding arbitration, a process they agreed to.

Foolhardy to allow Mike Cleary to run amok for the past few years, in many cases unchecked by the same BPR that now is so upset about the incoming President's way of conducting business.

One poster suggested USAPA is so irrelevant even they won't be able to screw up a merger with American Airlines. Given the recent CLT/PHL update, I'm not so sure.

What are you talking about? The AA Horton Plan is being rolled out as you count your American chickens. Doug Parker will never achieve his American Pie moment, he will be denied again. The bankruptcy court will see the fallacy of the USAirways overreach. Back to business, watching the greatest slugfest on earth.
What are you talking about? The AA Horton Plan is being rolled out as you count your American chickens. Doug Parker will never achieve his American Pie moment, he will be denied again. The bankruptcy court will see the fallacy of the USAirways overreach. Back to business, watching the greatest slugfest on earth.

Don't be so sure. The east has been willfully living under LOA93 to avoid the NIC for how long? I can somewhat understand their anger about the NIC, but as a whole they've done so many things to harm themselves, I just have to shake my head. The jihadists over there never fail to surprise me.

Things have changed over there overnight. What Parker is now offering had changed their tune completely. They've been bought.

They now see Nic ain't do bad.

And theres nothing their union can do to change this.
You just "don't get it". Whatever happens with this likely merger isn't anything that will be at all determined on chat boards, and, from any purely selfish, personal perspective, really means nothing to me in financial matters in any case. However; If it's in your "mind" that the nic is YOUR biggest "issue" in life...guess again. "Never think you are above being bought - because there's always a price." The very ability to make that statement demonstrates a black hole in the spirit that no amount of worldly gain could ever fix. That you clearly don't understand that is a cruel burden you can either suffer under, or work hard to change. Your choice.
Sure thing Mr Integrity. Shouldn't you be altering someone's work to prove a point?

Save your lectures for some else. You lack the moral character to preach.

You want to see that post again?
You forgot to add the McCaskill-Bond Act sets up a process for combining seniority lists.

Everyrone realizes this except those clinging to the western Nic fantasy. That boat left the dock and promptly sank when it never was ratified in a contract. This will be a brand new process. It ain't sitting too well either. Horton isn't giving in to the amateurs Parker and Kirby, no way.Harvey Miller of Weil Gotshal is on the property to make sure Parker doesn't stain his pants again prematurely.
Everyrone realizes this except those clinging to the western Nic fantasy. That boat left the dock and promptly sank when it never was ratified in a contract. This will be a brand new process. It ain't sitting too well either. Horton isn't giving in to the amateurs Parker and Kirby, no way.
Damn you're stupid. Is it painful? To be that stupid...does it hurt?
Damn you're stupid. Is it painful? To be that stupid...does it hurt?

Couldn't be more painful than working for Mesa Grande all those years. This is going to be fun watching the western children watch their AA plan fall to the wayside at the hands of Horton. He will easily outmaneuver Parker.
Hello Mr. Parker, this is Mr. Hummel.....the new usappppaa president. REMEMBER ME? Wondering if we can chat sometime??..I know your busy and all....Please return my calls at your earliest convenience...Thx Goodbye.

Few hours later..

Mr. Hummel this is Mr. Parker's secretary...He said to pass along to you...either play along with who you work for (LCC), or take your marbles and go home...or words to the effect...have a nice day sir.... 😛

Hello Mr. Parker, this is Mr. Hummel.....the new usappppaa president. REMEMBER ME? Wondering if we can chat sometime??..I know your busy and all....Please return my calls at your earliest convenience...Thx Goodbye.

Few hours later..

Mr. Hummel this is Mr. Parker's secretary...He said to pass along to you...either play along with who you work for (LCC), or take your marbles and go home...or words to the effect...have a nice day sir.... 😛


Funny, that is exactly what Harvey Miller laid on Parker in reference to his big plans. Horton has other plans for the cheesball Tempe Team
Funny, that is exactly what Harvey Miller laid on Parker in reference to his big plans. Horton has other plans for the cheesball Tempe Team
You are right,everyone thinks this is a done deal, not so, Parker put his cards on the table can't wait to see Hortons next move. This will be fun to watch.
EastUS1, on 23 April 2012 - 11:32 AM, said:
"so as to slant the meaning" = My arse. Gasp!....

Out your arse, maybe...

Sure - you left something out and then made much of what you chose to include. "Not a factor" and something about "differing opinions" ring any bells with you? Where is the percentile slotting that you left out mentioned in that? If you slant much more you'll fall over... :lol:


Ummm....you do realize that you just edited my post, then posted what little bit, partial phrases, that you saw fit to make your supposed "point"? In fairness; I must assume that you, like myself, realized that any/all could read the original posting in it's entirety if they wished.....Seriously; Do you ever actually THINK? 😉
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