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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Totally agree.


Add me in.

Just look at this board. There are 3 or 4 east jihadists that are just cycling through the roof. Forget long term job security and the chance to be part of something good. They're terrified of losing their little usapian world. Paaaathetic.

Lying BS, pure and simple. Are you asserting that, while the ENTIRE letter was posted for all to read, that clipping sections to highlight to make a point, with the full and reasonable expectation that all who could actually read had done so, amounts to deception of any sort? Two possibilities there: You presume that none read and understand documents, nor can piece anything together on their own, or...you really are insane. Given your "philiosophy"....you're a compete waste of anyone's time...and I'd strongly advise that any "friends" never turn their back on you, or leave their wallets laying around loose: "Never think you are above being bought - because there's always a price."

Please check this for full accuracy. I certainly don't wish to tamper with your full expression, for my own treacherous purposes 😉 "Never think you are above being bought - because there's always a price."
I guess I've hit home with that one. You fear that statement because you know its true. You know the Nic is no longer an issue because your brethren see bigger and better things with AA.

I can't wait to watch you guys crawl over each other to get this contract - Nic and all.

The east has been BOUGHT!! :lol:

And like I said, your posts are meaningless.
You certainly fit that description. Selectively picking and choosing what to "clip" so as to slant the meaning of the original message to fit the point you wanted to make - didn't take much to buy your "integrity" did it?

At least you've got company - look how far some easties will go to keep their dream alive...


"so as to slant the meaning" = My arse. Gasp!....Did I just "slant the meaning" by not re-pouring your entire little puddle of fresh drool? The postings were set as QUESTIONS, seemingly obvious to so much as any door jam...but which NONE of YOUR pathetic sort can seemingly answer...Unless you would care to try?....No?...Really?...What a complete surprise 😉

Oh Well....At least your collective "motto" and "moral code" is now proudly out there for all to see:

"Never think you are above being bought - because there's always a price." A true tragedy that you can't easily fit that on a T shirt, I suppose.......
"so as to slant the meaning" = My arse. Gasp!....Did I just "slant the meaning" by not re-pouring your entire little puddle of fresh drool? The postings were set as QUESTIONS, seemingly obvious to so much as any door jam...but which NONE of YOUR pathetic sort can seemingly answer...Unless you would care to try?....No?...Really?...What a complete surprise 😉

Oh Well....At least your collective "motto" and "moral code" is now proudly out there for all to see:

"Never think you are above being bought - because there's always a price." A true tragedy that you can't easily fit that on a T shirt, I suppose.......
Said the eastie who alters other people's work.

Your hypocrisy is unbearable east.
US Airways-APA Conditional Plan of Labor Restructuring Bits & Pieces of Information: April 23, 2012

Duration: Six year contract

Narrowbody Captain Pay Rate:

• Date of Signing Pay Rate: $172.44
• 3% annual increase for years 2-6

• Year 2: $177.61
• Year 3: $182.94
• Year 4: $188.43
• Year 5: $194.08
• Year 6: $199.90

• Parity with UAL/DAL average at the end of the contract if those companies average is higher than our pay rate
• F/O pay rate 68% of Captain rate.

Training Pay:

• Ground School - 3:00 hours/day
• Simulator - 4:17/day


• Vacation - 35 days per year
• Vacation Rate - 3:40/day
• Max sick bank - 1,000 hours
• Sick Accrual Rate - 60 hours per year


• DC Plan - Increase Company Contribution from 10% to 14%


• Max Average Line Value per month - 83 hours
• May pick up time to 90 hours/month
• Cannot exceed 82 hours on a 12-month average)
• Transition to a preferential bidding system with a maximum average line value of 83 hours, with an individual voluntary pick-up maximum of 90 hours (based on a 12-month average). Credits for line-building for vacation 3:40, classroom training 3:00, simulator training 4:17.

(US Airways Flight Attendant PBS TA):

Detailed PBS rules:

• Union involvement in all facets of PBS.
• Three Months of parallel bidding to introduce PBS.
• Bid as low of 40 or as high 110 hours (line average)
• Many sorting capabilities.
• Bid pairings positions on different aircraft types (like SAP).
• Bidding is approximately 2 weeks prior to bid month.
• Same bid and award date for Lineholders and Reserves.


• Improved and more powerful than SAP
• Runs after PBS monthly bid award and then daily throughout the bid month.
• Persistent bids can be entered in the program.
• DROP and/or ADD throughout entire bid period like SAP
• Maximum/ceiling exists.
• Non High Option transactions between 40 hours and line maximum (i.e. 90) of Company time or other

AIL Function of ISAP

• Ability to drop touching trips regardless of “staffing”
• AIL ceiling/maximum
• No daily limits but monthly limits can be triggered.
• Eliminates requirement to meet monthly flying obligation.
• Replaces weekend restriction with holiday restriction (104 weekend days versus 8
• Activity can go down to 40 hours.

Real time ETB boards

• Will be awarded up to 2 Hours before report upon implementation of PBS
• Reserves have the same practice has today with respect to Moveable Days
I think DOH is dead, and I think the Nic. will be it. I would like to see an eastie tell me how they conclude that it will be a 3 way. I mean I have looked at this every way I can think of and I haven't seen how anything else can be used.


You really don't want to hear anything from an Eastie but rather continue in your Nic fantasy world.

Rather, just ask ANY furloughed AA pilot if they are OK with returning at newest job opening of combined carrier behind the
" Save Dave O " folk?

Seek help or take a break from board, the AWA desperation is getting fever pitched !

I guess I've hit home with that one. You fear that statement because you know its true. You know the Nic is no longer an issue because your brethren see bigger and better things with AA.

I can't wait to watch you guys crawl over each other to get this contract - Nic and all.

The east has been BOUGHT!! :lol:

And like I said, your posts are meaningless.


Don't be so sure. The east has been willfully living under LOA93 to avoid the NIC for how long? I can somewhat understand their anger about the NIC, but as a whole they've done so many things to harm themselves, I just have to shake my head. The jihadists over there never fail to surprise me.

You know the Nic is no longer an issue because your brethren see bigger and better things with AA.

You just "don't get it". Whatever happens with this likely merger isn't anything that will be at all determined on chat boards, and, from any purely selfish, personal perspective, really means nothing to me in financial matters in any case. However; If it's in your "mind" that the nic is YOUR biggest "issue" in life...guess again. "Never think you are above being bought - because there's always a price." The very ability to make that statement demonstrates a black hole in the spirit that no amount of worldly gain could ever fix. That you clearly don't understand that is a cruel burden you can either suffer under, or work hard to change. Your choice.
Said the eastie who alters other people's work.

Your hypocrisy is unbearable east.

Your contrived BS that, in your opinion, affords you excuse for avoiding the most obvious questions as to nic supporter "morality" and "principles" is laughable. Oh well. Pretty impressive tap dancing though, I'll give you that 😉
Rather, just ask ANY furloughed AA pilot if they are OK with returning at newest job opening of combined carrier behind the
" Save Dave O " folk?

Indeed. I'm "sure" that the AA people will just immediately fall to their knees in gratitude to their west "saviors".....especially all those "saviors" hired years after them, and who's "career expectations" of course included AA....You just can't make this stuff up.
US Airways: Hell-Bent on Creating History's Worst Airline http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2012/04/23/us-airways-hell-bent-on-creating-historys-worst-a.aspx You go Doug!!!!!! Worst... airline... ever!
The combination would result in a company with nearly $6 billion in cash, but – get this – almost $16 billion in debt! Not to mention this combined entity would have declared bankruptcy three times in the past decade (once for AMR, twice for US Air). However, this is just the beginning of their problems.

<<The airline industry has witnessed a definitive shift in recent years away from national carriers and toward regional providers. The reason for this shift is that regional airlines like Allegiant (Nasdaq: ALGT ) and Spirit Airlines (Nasdaq: SAVE ) can offer teaser prices that undercut the national airlines. These regional airlines also have more route flexibility and rarely have the same expense structure as national carriers since they often purchase older planes for their fleet.>>

Yeah, THIS guy knows the subject matter......GMAB!
Indeed. I'm "sure" that the AA people will just immediately fall to their knees in gratitude to their west "saviors".....especially all those "saviors" hired years after them, and who's "career expectations" of course included AA....You just can't make this stuff up.
So you are ok with having AA furloughed pilots return senior to active east pilots and all of the new hires?

I am sure the east pilots you want to throw under the bus might have something to say about that. Willing to throw your own east pilots under the bus to protect yourself.

You really don't want to hear anything from an Eastie but rather continue in your Nic fantasy world.

Rather, just ask ANY furloughed AA pilot if they are OK with returning at newest job opening of combined carrier behind the
" Save Dave O " folk?

Seek help or take a break from board, the AWA desperation is getting fever pitched !


Sure...go ahead and ask that question..it is completely relevant. Make sure you also ask the other question that would also apply.

Do you want to go with Horton's plan, furlough 400 additional AA pilots, slash their wages, benefits and pensions, then wait for your recall to the bottom of the stand alone AA llist?


Do you want to go with Parker's plan, with improved wages, a safegueard for pensions, and then get recalled to the bottom of a finacially restructured , better competeing airline with a much larger network, greatly increased fleet size, and 15,000 pilots to draw attritiion from?

We already know the answere the APA, (that would be the union representing this furloughed AA pilot) has given the airline and financial community. So, by all means, lets get this particular pilots imput.
Indeed. I'm "sure" that the AA people will just immediately fall to their knees in gratitude to their west "saviors".....especially all those "saviors" hired years after them, and who's "career expectations" of course included AA....You just can't make this stuff up.

my "career expectation" never included working for usairways,,,,and now since my career path has taken me there, my future is much more tainted having encountered the likes of usapa supporters.
So you are ok with having AA furloughed pilots return senior to active east pilots and all of the new hires?

With any AA guy/gal that's worked more than another pilot coming into this?..My answer is yes, not that my opinion holds sway.

Sigh!...Wonderful rhetoric. Perhaps you can field at least these then:

1) Given that you've currently (unfortunately, as I wish that on no one) furloughed folks out west; Do they "bring a job"?
2) Shouldn't a "snapshot at the time of the merger" be used for integration?
3) Isn't "where you sit at the time of the merger" a determining factor?
4) Do you REALLY believe in all the BS used to argue for nic orignally?...or:
5) Is it always just to be "What's in it for MEEEeee RIGHT NOW?" with you people?
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