Hi Freebird,
You wont be disappointed with the EU flying. For me, its the best part-time job I have ever had! It allows me to "play" when I do fly, and run the business with all the time I have on the farm/home.
The 330 is a separate type, hence no transition, full initial. I wish my time on the 320 would have counted for something.
I now have no need to read the Nic as it is now irrelevant. FYI, "I" didn't choose him, our previous representation did, but we've all but beaten that topic to the ground already haven't we?
I actually enjoy the flying even at the current pay. See above regarding the part time job. In my previous reply to you I explained my take on the pay issue so I don't quite understand your fixation on it?
IE; continuous posting of information we all already know? It's like your trying to convince us to grab for $$ and a contract proposal that as of now doesn't exist, and probably won't for some time to come.
My chin has always been up. It never had anything to do with what I was flying or impressing anyone. That's not the reason I took the job at U so many years ago. My nearest neighbors are over 1/2 mile away and could care less about what my other "day job" is.
Personally, the most important thing to me other than family is how my business is perceived by my customers. In that regard I am very fortunate as I have many more customers than product to sell.
Being that you are fixated on the hourly rate thing...were you around for the short time at HP when they had 74's ? What was the pay like back then in comparison to what other carriers were paying on that eq type? Would also like to know what your feelings were during the many years that HP was the bottom leader (pay wise) just curious...
You still don't get it do you? It is not about the pay or the glamor
🙂 The pay may get better, the "job" never was glamorous and anyone who follows this career path for the "Glamor" or to impress anyone is a fool.
Thanks for the update. I look forward to flying the Europe routes soon. How long is the transition course on the -330?
About 'your' attrition. Read the Nicolau Award, he's the guy you picked to arbitrate the seniority list, and he clearly states in his decision how his formula protects the career expectations of all pilots. He didn't subscribe to the me, me, me formula.
You must be fairly senior to be on the -330. How does the Captain you fly with (forgot, you're all Intl Captains 😀 ) like flying the "Heavy" at such low pay?
USAirways A330 $160
Airtran B717 $153
Frontier A319 $156
SWA B737 $206 Bags fly Free
Spirit A320 $152
Delta MD90 $159
Hawaiian A330/717 $180/157
Enjoy the 'Lucrative' Flying. Keep your chin up. At least your neighbors still think you're cool.
Usapa = Wasting Away Again in Myopiaville,
Searching for Integrity here in the dark.
Some people claim that it's George Nicolau to blame,
But I know, It's our damn fault...