You might prefer to think of yourself as (or having been) a moderate, but if you are proposing any course of action other than using the NIC as the combined seniority system, then you are, in part, the cause of the problem rather than an advocate for a solution. The root cause issue at hand is the failure of East pilots to accept a binding arbitration award. It doesn’t matter if you advocate pure DOH, DOH with C&Rs, a modified NIC, or whatever else you might want to dream up; you are, of your own volition, violating the terms of an agreement and are perpetuating the myth that something other than the NIC is somehow possible. That’s the same myth, lies really, that USAPA used to gain power so that they could siphon money out of pilot’s pockets and put it into their own, or a least as much as Seham is willing to let them keep.
There is and always has been only one solution since the conclusion of the arbitration process – the NIC. It doesn’t matter how much you may be against a pure DOH list, if you are not pushing the USAPA leadership to accept the NIC, then you are just as culpable and immoral as any hard core USAPA supporter. It’s time to let go of the delusions and self-affirmations of how righteous it is to try and find a "new" post-NIC compromise and start accepting and advocating for the already arbitrated seniority system.
BTW – one does not have to be a MIG to expect their CBA to fulfill the federally mandated DRF responsibility. Likewise, one does not have to be a MIG to bring a DFR suit against CBA that fails in this duty. The only thing being a MIG gains is a vote on a new joint contract and we all know that a new TA will include the unmodified NIC. I’m sure this point will be even more clear to a rational thinker (not many on the East I know) once the Declaratory Judgment is issued on the Company’s filing.