I meant to say that as a usapa member it is your right to vote no on any contract proposal that you do not feel should be ratified.
Further, I understand your position has frequently not towed the party line, for instance, your opposition to the RICO lawsuit. But what I was saying is that it is one thing to be an east pilot who opposed the RICO suit, and quite another thing being a defendant in that suit.
I am also working on leaving. I began working on alternatives during the Nicolau arbitration, because if the east got what they were asking for, my career could have ended shortly after the award. The irons I put into the fire are starting to pay dividends and I might have to quit to manage other opportunities.
You mention recent events on the line. I will tell you that I witnessed something this week that I had never before seen, and it upset me greatly. A West pilot made a confrontational statement to an east crew entering the PHX crew room. Apparently the week prior the West pilot had a 3 hour sit in CLT and was in the CLT crewroom and approached and told that he was not welcome there, so this week he returned the favor by telling an east crew the same. I have personally been denied an east jumpseat the one and only time I requested one, been ignored and confronted on crew vans and in hotel lobbies, heard snide remarks on ATC frequencies. I have always dismissed these events and forgiven the responsible east pilots and never made an issue of it, or brought it to the chief pilots attention or filed any reports of any kind. I am however, having a very difficult time forgiving this West pilot for stooping to that level.
Maybe it has upset me because for the first time I now see that the West pilots are no longer AWA.
We, the East and West have more in common than we do differences. Unfortunately, we now share a common hatred. If we do not overcome these feelings and soon, we will all be leaving LCC behind. Then I will have no vote, and nothing to say.
Good luck in your future endevours.