US Pilots Labor Discussion 9/23- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Yeah. More incessant whining and crying about having made terrible career choices. More Narcissistic wailing followed by threats and demands of DOH. I'm sure the CLT reps are NOW on firm notice that they had better not Yeild an inch on DOH...just like they told ALPA 5 years ago. The result of that:

Hundreds of thousands of dollars forever lost to their families.

The most pathetic aspect of a group of Easties getting together to act tough is the fact that it is completely lost upon them that NOBODY cares. They are powerless to affect the Nic. award. The only thing they can do is vote "no" on a contract. That's it. All the bravado that they're in charge of anything is simply laughable.

We're all aware that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. The CLT pilots and their little meetings are a prime example of this delusional behavior. Their former airline does not even exist anymore. They don't know that...still. The Nic. award, the TA, their DFR, the Companies legal obligations, AOL, Not ever going to go away. They don't know that....still.

All the Good Union Pilots: Enjoy your misery...You've Earned it.
Thats' very interesting Metro. I was there, you were not, and you know more about it than anyone! What one wishes and what is reality are far apart. The Nic Award was an ALPA agreement, better get a read on what that means before you post.
Watch the PHX crew news from 23 Sept very carefully. Kirby states over and over that the company accepted the Nic. They went to court to ask if they should accept it (which they already did) or negotiate something else. Do you honestly believe that the court will give the company a pass after a legal and binding arbitration and after the company on, paper and in court, accepted the Nic?

The request for declaratory judgement is nothing more than the company using the court to tell the east "the devil made me do it" (as the late Flip Wilson would say). They need a fall guy because it is obvious they are afraid of the east goiing postal. I don't know why they are afraid of you because you are proven cowards. You accepted so many givebacks over the years then proceed to blame everyone but yourselves.
AMES, watching the call volume on this thing more than your PHX crew news. You better strap in because there is panic in Tempe, and the AMR machine just might come calling. It certainly isn't ALPA, and there are not really interested in seeing you guys position yourselves with the Nic.
Thats' very interesting Metro. I was there, you were not, and you know more about it than anyone! What one wishes and what is reality are far apart. The Nic Award was an ALPA agreement, better get a read on what that means before you post.

Sure. Where is the USAPA contract? Why is it taking YEARS to close even the most simple contractual sections? TWO Federal Judges say you're wrong, the other two declined to comment other than to remind USAPA of their DFR and the pain that can follow if they abandon it.

BTW, your contract, and every LOA and section in it is an ALPA AGREEMENT. Where do you get the idea that your side will be allowed to treat contracts as a Smorgasbord...getting to pick and choose what applies to you and what doesn't? $eSHAM, has done a number on you guys....he saw you comin'. :lol:
Then bring the vaunted legion of Leonidas. They can litigate, then surely they can negotiate.

Part of the request for declaratory judgement seems to allude to something along these lines.

However, I think the only thing that AOL will be willing to negotiate is the terms of payment of damages.

Besides, it will surely upset usapa to find out they do not have exclusive rights to negotiate terms of the CBA.
I would sum it up this way, clearly, pissed off at the company and west intentions with Nic.
Sounds like desperation back East.

What flavor Kool-Aid was Cleary serving? Yellow? It would be fitting of a group who cannot live up to their agreements.

Are you telling me that your East pilots are so uninformed of the process that they are just now understanding the Nic ? The NIC hasnt changed. Our Intentions havent changed. Your pilots sound like they're running scared and will believe just about anything or anyone. Cleary and Seham tell them what they want to hear. Unfortunaltely its not the truth.

Any idea of when the LOA93 results will come out?

Usapa = We are the reason you havevnt a NEW CONTRACT.
Go stand in the corner and repeat 1000 times....SEPERATE OPS....SEPERATE OPS....SEPERATE OPS....
run along now!!!


Sure, no problem.


Sure beats having my job stolen by a furloughed usapian.

Now how about you go stand in your corner and along now junior!!!!
AMES, watching the call volume on this thing more than your PHX crew news. You better strap in because there is panic in Tempe, and the AMR machine just might come calling. It certainly isn't ALPA, and there are not really interested in seeing you guys position yourselves with the Nic.
You're right. AA looks forward to giving you DOH......

How are your schedules on the -190 these days?

USAPA = We have no power.

We are living up to our agreements with USAPA. ALPA couldn't close the deal for your lottery ticket (Kirby's quote). ALPA let you down. Under USAPA we have a mandate for Date of Hire with conditions and restrictions. And the majority of pilots within USAPA agree with DOH. J. Freund tried to tell you guys that the Nicolau was a proposal and you guys wouldn't listen. Go back and listen to both crew news and you will see that this airline is running two separate operations. You guys out west only ask questions about the the east video the Nic isn't even mentioned. Wonder why?

ALPA shouldnt have to close the Binding Arbitration deal. It's a final and binding. Cowardly actions back East are only serving to delay the inevitable. Usapa was created after the fact for one dishonorable purpose. Cowards.

The majority of your pilots agree with DOH and C/R's because it favors them (DFR).

I agree with AMES. Not talking about the NIC isnt going to make it go away.

In the meantime enjoy your LOA93. Blame the West for that one too.

USAPA = Really?
Sounds like you are getting the idea of what could be in store for PHX. I hope not, but it very well could happen. But then again, this clinging to the Nic is what has taken you into the danger zone. You have to believe another merger is coming. The longer you go, holding on to the lottery ticket and constant litigation -the longer you stand out there all alone with no place to run to. As it stands, if there is another pullback and PHX is hit, you have no place to run except the street. This is your choice. So you have your top guys being locked out of the widebody flying they are entitled to with their seniority, and the guys on the street you keep on the street with these unreal expectations. And now more are in danger near the bottom. I would imagine there is quite a bit of pressure to end the quest for the unattainable for a few. We shall see.

Swan, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if PHX is downsized, closed, whatever, the West has min fleet protections that still stay in force.

Also, the West is recalling, requalifying pilots as we speak. Have to staff 122 airplanes, no matter where they fly or are based.

If another merger comes, well we will merge with the other group with the only combined seniority list on the LCC property, and that would be the Nic. Know why? Because the surviving union will not be usapa, but they will have a DFR to all their pilots, and they are not going to be willing to take on usapa's losing lawsuit and the damages coming as a result.
Dog, you can clearly figure out who needs the Nic so badly to launch their careers Mesa style. Some of them are practically begging for it. DENIED

Well I would much prefer to launch my career "Mesa style" (whatever that means) than to steal it from a fellow pilot usapa style.
Sounds like the company isn't so sure the Nic is final and binding. Who is stealing from who? Isn't the west doing 20% of east flying. That says volumes all by itself. The east is saving many west jobs. hummm...
Sounds like the company isn't so sure the Nic is final and binding. Who is stealing from who? Isn't the west doing 20% of east flying. That says volumes all by itself.
The West doesnt choose where to put the airplanes.

Sounds like to company cant wait to tell Napoleon Clearly and the Backstreet Boys that the NIC is the NIC. Live with it. The company wants the court to be the bearer of bad news...

Prepare yourself. Keep the CIRP number on speed dial. You know, the one you called when you didnt get DOH in the NIC (Surprised? you were warned)

Merger CIRP

Be sure to route your call through Sehams office. He needs your money. He doesnt mind taking it from your substandard LOA93 pay.

USAPA = We are our own worst enemies... :lol:
Sounds like the company isn't so sure the Nic is final and binding. Who is stealing from who? Isn't the west doing 20% of east flying. That says volumes all by itself.

The company says that there are two competing legal opinions as to whether the Nic is final and binding, and while feigning neutrality do not offer their opinion.

We have the opinions of every lawyer, two federal judges, a jury and the Addington litigants who say it is, versus Seham and usapa who say it is not.

Who is stealing from who? Well the way I see it, this merger got Coello and something like 400 furloughed east pilots a return to employment, while Odell and 142 West pilots were given the furloughed status Coello occupied. So you tell me who is stealing jobs.

No the West is not doing 20% of east flying.
The company says that there are two competing legal opinions as to whether the Nic is final and binding, and while feigning neutrality do not offer their opinion.

We have the opinions of every lawyer, two federal judges, a jury and the Addington litigants who say it is, versus Seham and usapa who say it is not.

Who is stealing from who? Well the way I see it, this merger got Coello and something like 400 furloughed east pilots a return to employment, while Odell and 142 West pilots were given the furloughed status Coello occupied. So you tell me who is stealing jobs.

No the West is not doing 20% of east flying.
No, the west is doing 28% of the east flying. That is real job theft!
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