It has been mostly west and other posters that have made this seniority fight a moral issue. Many of them have questioned my moral fiber, but used faulty assumptions to do it.
Sometimes some people's views on a subject blind them to other things and they lump everyone is the same group.
Pi Brat,
I respect your opinions on this forum as you seem to be able to set yourself apart by looking at the big picture.
As for the Moral fiber. Usapa's actions have been for one thing only. That is to trash the careers of the West to propel themselves. Period.
What do you expect from the West, who have abided by the rules in this game, only to be backed into a corner. We are going to protect ourselves. And we will point out Usapa's weaknesses. Which happen to be the un-Moral ground that they stand on trying to impose DOH upon the West by not abiding by the Binding Arbitration.
As for your next post, you mention that your are/were treated poorly by West pilots in PHL. I have had many encounters with the East pilots in the J/S, crew lounges, food court, etc. and most of them are reasonable and friendly. The trouble lies in that as a group, the East doesn't bode well. At every turn, your group has either reneged, delayed, or essentially tried to throw the West under the bus.
Look in the mirror brother. Look at the actions of your group. They made an agreement hoping for DOH. It didnt happen. You can either MOVE ON and set your fears aside of a massive west invasion (which isnt going to happen) or remain STAGNATE. Your choice.
Your group started this fight with the formation of Usapa. RICO suit. Section 29 letters. Opening the entire contract (parts that were finished). For what? The NIC isnt perfect, but its the result of an agreed upon process. Nothing more, nothing less.
Do you read what your East "brothers" post on this forum? Go back and read the desperation from Black Swan, Luvthe-9, MM, etc. (all posters I enjoy bantering with). Usapa's intentions are harmful to every pilot at US Airways. They alone have caused this 'issue' of distasteful behaviors.
Usapa = it cant get much worse...