I think you are the one blinded because the crux of the argument for a new union is that it subverts the Nic by including the west as equal participants in crafting a new integration methodology free from the DOH requirement in USAPA's C&BL's and their scorched earth relationship with the west. This "reset" if you will, completely negates any DFR by the virtue of equal participation in crafting the solution.
The replacement union would run on a platform of principals mirroring it's eventual C&BL's and dedicated to the two separate tasks of initial integration and the traditional role of a union and their role of supporting the needs of the US pilots.
The west and east would get to elect Constitutional Congress reps who would craft a C&BL's with equal input. They would then craft a integration methodology which would require independent ratification on both sides. With this in hand they would then turn to negotiating the remaining sections of the CBA with the company which would then be sent out for independent ratification. Once the CBA has passed, elections would be held to staff the pilot representitive positions. All further votes going forward would be the combined group.
Remember, there was no west participation in crafting USAPA's C&BL's. They simply satisfied themselves knowing they had sufficient numbers to pass whatever they wanted. Remember, they needed no plan B. This was a crucial error.
A replacement union would have the key advantage of unity before it ever started. There will certainly be some dissenters as it's impossible to please 100% of the people 100% of the time. But the percentage of dissenters and no-participants will likely be in the more menegeable single-digit percentages, rather than the 25-30% USAPA has cultivated.
USAPA relies on scapegoats and boogeymen to divert attention from their inability to garner signifiacant unity among the people who disagree with them. The folks who would form the core of the leadership of this union would be those who have, despite their differences, developed working relationships with their opposite-coast counterparts. They see the futility in continuing on USAPA's chosen path and no longer wish to be accomplices to Cleary's false pride-soaked agenda. He wins only when everyone else loses.
There are sufficient pilots out there who reject this and want to use their experience, common sense and the fraternity they always used associate with their profession, to move forward and leave this nightmare behind.
Join them.
Total unadulterated BS... The same tiresome complaints you have today, would be no different if things didn't go "your" way