Have you read the award?
We all know the recalls had occured, your pilot neutral wrote an opposing statement on the topic of the placement of those who had already been recalled.
They were recalled because of the merger, not prior to it, and that fact alone is why they are junior to the working pilots who did not need to be recalled.
I have to reply to the 330 comment because I am not sure what to make of it.
Is that some sort of jab that I will have the seniority to bid an equiptment type that you feel I do not have the right to bid? If the Nic was implemented today, I could not hold 330, but eventually I will have the seniority to hold it if I want to, if we still have them or a job. Here is the ironic part, the wait would not be as long as you think, and I truthfully really did not want one. But I am starting to think I may have an obligation to bid the thing to keep Bradford,Thuer, Cleary et.al.off of it. Kind of a payback for screwing the West pilots on the front side of this deal. I guess we already know how and why they would vote on any contract tenative agreement. (picture Theur making his decision and agonizing "must keep Nic4us from getting his 1/4th share of 330 seats") Meanwhile Nic4us drinks a beer in his hot tub having no ballot to cast as he refuses to join the union founded at the Seeham school of how to steal from your fellow employee.
While we are talking, how is that LOA93 grievence going?