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US Pilots Labor Discussion 3/26- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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I just want to know what the pilots are going to do when the RLA steps are complete and the company imposes a new CBA? Funny how the die hards refuse to answer this question.
i think I know where this is going . Early 90's You guys struck. ALPA. I am very vague on this. I think we took a 10% for 1 yr.(this was used this yr. in LOA 93 grievance) FROZEN.You guys took no hit. Our guys were pissed. I honestly don't remember much of this. This was a minor skirmish, but if you guys had a picket line, you are absolutely correct that no employee group should have gone across. If this is what happened, then I apologize. I hate this )()(&*%&^* as much as you.
I see no offer. In a minimum of 2 yrs. the east is going to have massive hiring. You would not believe how many guys are going soon. As soon as these guys start to go, I honestly see no reason to do any deal. We are all moving up. All positions open wide. East furloughees, you are coming back sooner than you think. I hope you west furloughed come on board soon.

Yep. That Brass ring is just right around the corner...exactly where it's been for the last two decades for you guys.
I see no offer. In a minimum of 2 yrs. the east is going to have massive hiring. You would not believe how many guys are going soon. As soon as these guys start to go, I honestly see no reason to do any deal. We are all moving up. All positions open wide. East furloughees, you are coming back sooner than you think. I hope you west furloughed come on board soon.
USAPA cannot permit the east pilots to deny the west pilots the opportunity to vote on a contract. USAPA must negotiate just as if there was stagnation or furloughs. Anything less will certainly bring swift justice from, what'd you call him?, our "boy" in AZ.
The recent USAirways VP of Labor "relations" Hemenway manifesto letter, 28jing (monday morning quarterbacking) the loa 93 pay dispute, combined with the Ceo, Doug Parkers mitigation threat of contract clauses precluding a merger that exist in the pilot agreement, equal a soon to be laughable offer to the pilots. They want to blame something on the pilots in the near future.

The management amateurs of USAirways (formally America West management) are trying to line their own pockets in a future airline transaction. Trust me, present USAirways employees need not apply to this new venture. Thousands of jobs will be lost.

This less than unique management is trying to argue that as pilots, you will not get the LOA 93 wages and Doug has to mitigate the change of control language or we are all going down the tubes. Expect an offer from the company soon that you must move on very quickly or you will all surely be doomed. It is their version of the new health insurance laws, vote on it now, we will explain later. Trust us, we know better.

The rhetoric of the "let us vote" West crowd is now explained.
After doing it once, it should be a piece of cake to get around the CoC language a second time...how quickly some forget...


This is not the ALPA union representing USAirways pilots, like you were used to when you retired a few years ago.

You can not have your piece of cake and eat it too with this pilot group anymore.
This is not the ALPA union representing USAirways pilots, like you were used to when you retired a few years ago.

You can not have your piece of cake and eat it too with this pilot group anymore.
Man I have to give it to you east guys. When you get obsessed with something nothing will let you release it.

ALPA IS GONE. Can you understand that?

Something else that you guys are going to have to understand. This pilot group or this union is going to have NOTHING to say about how the deal is structured. Parker and the next partner are going to figure out a way to structure the deal without triggering the CoC. Do you understand that?

This pilot group or this union are not going to have some veto vote or the ability to change the terms. Remember when this deal was announced? It was announced as a done deal, no say, no chance to look at it.

You can pound your chest and fool yourself into thinking that you have any control, but you would be wrong. We are simply labor hired to move airplanes. Saying that the US Airways pilots are not going to take it anymore might make you feel better but is just words.
You can pound your chest and fool yourself into thinking that you have any control, but you would be wrong. We are simply labor hired to move airplanes. Saying that the US Airways pilots are not going to take it anymore might make you feel better but is just words.
"We're mad as hell and we're only going to take it a few more years, probably till 62, but you never know...." :lol:
This is not the ALPA union representing USAirways pilots, like you were used to when you retired a few years ago.

Did I miss the part where omnipotent ALPA caused the other unions to lose their CoC grievances? Does anyone really believe that the reason that US Airways Gp was the surviving corporate entity although AWH was the "acquiring company" for accounting purposes was just a whim? They structured the US/HP deal to get around the CoC language and they can certainly do it again. Throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks, then trying to connect the flecks remaining as "proof" of something smacks of desperation...

How, as a stock clerk did you get such a hard on for pilots? I have never run into a stock clerk, and have no opinion either way about them. You, on the other hand, have some sort of complex. As far as what we do? You will find out when the time comes.
Lets see how about October of 1992?
Man I have to give it to you east guys. When you get obsessed with something nothing will let you release it.

ALPA IS GONE. Can you understand that?

Something else that you guys are going to have to understand. This pilot group or this union is going to have NOTHING to say about how the deal is structured. Parker and the next partner are going to figure out a way to structure the deal without triggering the CoC. Do you understand that?

This pilot group or this union are not going to have some veto vote or the ability to change the terms. Remember when this deal was announced? It was announced as a done deal, no say, no chance to look at it.

You can pound your chest and fool yourself into thinking that you have any control, but you would be wrong. We are simply labor hired to move airplanes.

Such emotions.

Your quote; "ALPA IS GONE. Can you understand that?

In my post you are referring to my quote was; "This is not the ALPA union representing USAirways pilots, like you were used to when you retired a few years ago. " What part of your understanding of my understanding is at question. I said this is not ALPA anymore.

You are adding emotions to my stoic posts consistently .

Your quote; ' Saying that the US Airways pilots are not going to take it anymore might make you feel better but is just words." When did I say what you said I am saying.

You added your emotion to my stoic statement again.

I post assuming the readers are intelligent and allow them to discern truth. Your posts weakly attempt to propagandize.
i think I know where this is going . Early 90's You guys struck. ALPA. I am very vague on this. I think we took a 10% for 1 yr.(this was used this yr. in LOA 93 grievance) FROZEN.You guys took no hit. Our guys were pissed. I honestly don't remember much of this. This was a minor skirmish, but if you guys had a picket line, you are absolutely correct that no employee group should have gone across. If this is what happened, then I apologize. I hate this )()(&*%&^* as much as you.
Are you rewriting history?

We took paycuts, freezes and concessions and lost 1/2 the mechanics off the line, I guess you shouldnt comment on things you have no idea about, all of this in 92 after the 5 day strike.
Emotion is the cancer of intelligence and reason.

You mean like activating the CIRP team, abandoning negotiations, and starting USAPA with thinly veiled intentions dripping with pretext? How about spending 300k of union dues to convert an internet post into an organized criminal enterprise? I agree 100% Emotion is the cancer of intelligence and reason. That explains why this cancerous fake union has metastasized to the point of choking it's own body, (the pilots that pay the dues). Fortunately, there are laws against this kind of cancer but that has been made painfully clear to you already so I'll refrain.

BTW, give my condolences to the Bubbas in CLT. As much as they wanted to further their choke hold on the free communication between PHX pilots and their duly elected reps, it didn't work. So Sorry.
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