Unrestrained narcissism will do that to a person, especially to the weak-minded. The pathological nature of USAPA devotees continues even in face of absurdly bad odds.
We'll simply agree to disagree on how "absurdly bad" any odds are, but fairly note that only the truly "weak minded" much fret over odds whenever pursuing a course they believe to be the correct path. Early west propoganda included actually "pathological", absurdly narcicisstic, and unquestinably "weak-minded" childish fantasies of somehow magically being the equals of King Leonidas at the Gates of Fire, who faced off against completely suicidal odds, but felt himself Duty bound to do so. Hmm...perhaps a bit more time spent yelling standard west variations of how "It's OVER..Get used to it!" and seeing them have not the slightest effect..coupled with the "Miracle in the Desert"..which again, hasn't actually had the slightest effect...well...maybe it's now current west "wisdom" to fret over odds? I can't keep up with the ever changing flavors of west propoganda. You folks flip over faster than pancakes at IHOP.