You, at least for the present time, have your blessed injunction. What it hasn't, nor will get you is your lusted for nic list. The very, VERY best you can hope for out west is that nothing's diminished or dismised and your injunction stands. Then..."all" you have to do is figure out some magical method by which to get the east to vote it into existence. You're all virtually baring fangs and barking like rabid dogs about even the thought that the east even may see some enhanced wages...which you all must know would completely doom your wildest fantasies for any east voting in of the nic. Face it; you people are completely out of airspeed, altitude and ideas, and have nothing left to throw....except for the endless propoganda, patronizing, condescending and generally just mindless, hostile BS..none of which is ever going to get you anywhere.
You people like to come off as so seemingly certain of your success. Given that; How about kindly clue us all in as to when any contract containing the nic will arrive?. Drop the usual rhetoric and just tell us all. "Enquiring minds want to know"...Got nuthin' ?Umm...Hmm....the silence is deafening. I'm sure it'll be filled up with acidic but utterly meaningless west BS shortly though....It's a pattern that's been well established for almost three years now.
Bottom Line = Even, for the pure sake of argument, assuming that all your highest hopes come true and the east scores nothing in any of the current courtroom or arbitration issues being processed; Show us how you're EVER actually going to get your nic gift...without the east agreeing to hand it to you?...Anyone out west want to field that one? No matter.."Keep those cards and love letters coming..the audience is just eating 'em up!" 🙄