The LIE my, myopic, pathological cohort, Is stating that ALPA has a new "policy" on DOH. In fact, it does not trump the new laws mandating "Binding Arbitration", (I know you don't know what that is). Moreover, it specifically states that no weight or consideration of DOH is mandatory as a national Union Policy. Therefore, you've left out some very specific information that undermines your entire argument. That can mean only one thing...You are a hardline, dyed in the wool, you say? "omissionist".
Luckily, aside from your house cat and perhaps a fern, nobody believes a word you say and understands that it is nothing but raging hope and projected optimism that get's you through each posting day. I was just going to put you on "ignore" because one can take only so much spin and insanity. However, then again I find you so amusing. Having said that, after the 9th shoves seham back up from whenst he came, I suspect you'll be done posting here anyway. Why?
Because You've gone all in with a pair of....Nothing. A fact lost on nobody.