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US Pilots Labor Discussion 3/11- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Another very lame half truth.

The truth is, all other work groups at USAirways integrated via their union merger policy or the corporate policy, even under arbitration when necessary.

The only group who feels they are entitled to a special consideration is the east pilot group. Who also believes they can reneg on binding arbitration and are somehow above the RLA and Federal law.
Not above RLA law, working very nicely within it. You will find out soon how the Desert Judge stuck his nose into an internal dispute.
We don't work for the other groups we are pilots.

Umm..and thusly, "we" are above and fully removed from any and all common sense elements of well established protocol by which all others govern themselves....? :lol:
Dream on. You're leaning on so many half truths and lies by omission that you have zero credibility...like "End of Black Swan"
Did nic4us teach you how to throw out that lying thing? Now I ask you. Where is the lie? You guys crack me up. You accuse everyone you don't agree of it, yet cannot list one lie. We know who the liars are as a result. nic4us first, now you. Shame
Wow Clear. Is it that hard to get that our number one guy is a 1973 hire, and that would be, like at least 10 years before your little outfit was even a low cost , low everything, especially low paid dream for year after year. So you want that many years credit for something that didn't even exist? This is exactly why Wye River was a failure. This must be the kind of stuff they teach in Mesa Indoc. Especially the entitlement part.

"So you want that many years credit for something that didn't even exist? " Well why not? Some kids are just "special"...others, it seems are "truly special". Such "thinking" is hardly unprecedented ="Pigs are more equal than other animals" Orwell

Here are some big "heavy lift" propositions for you.

Try telling the truth.

Try acting like a responsible individuals, and live up to your agreements.

Lift that, and maybe someone will take you seriously, I guarantee it.
This is right out of your playbook. Note the "try telling the truth"
There was nothing false about my statement. But perhaps you did not understand my intent.

My post challenged you( by that I meant the plural usapa supporters, those that will do the heavy lifting) to do two things.

1. Tell the truth. i.e. usapa needs to quit instigating trials and arbitrations for which it has the evidence that its position is unfounded, yet it persues that position anyway, ignoring and trying to cover said evidence, to further its ulterior motives.

2. Try acting like responsible individuals, and live up to your agreements. see #1.
Then this is how you try and get out of the lie..........
Another very lame half truth.

The truth is, all other work groups at USAirways integrated via their union merger policy or the corporate policy, even under arbitration when necessary.

The only group who feels they are entitled to a special consideration is the east pilot group. Who also believes they can reneg on binding arbitration and are somehow above the RLA and Federal law.
Be careful with the truth, and have a good night.
I’m sorry who are you taking about? USAPA. I think the better question would be other than being found liable of DFR what have they DONE?

USAPA wrote a scary press release to the public about fuel school and got nowhere after the press found out what usapa was all about.

They wrote a scary press release demanding lower fares and opened door for SWA to come kick our behinds.

How is that new contract coming along?
Where is that DOH list. (Oh that’s right stopped by a federal injunction)
Where is the better union, more responsive to the pilots? (Looks like hero worship to me, kissing rings and all)
Where is the cheaper union that keeps all of the money in house? (1.95% the same as the last union)

That is a pretty poor track record for a two year old union. No contract, no money, no respect, just a losing law suit and a DFR injunction.

Sad really.

"The scary press release."

We had hoped to have the CEO of US Airways as our guest tonight. He canceled two hours before the show,

"How is the new contract coming along."

How many West pilots are dues payers, one year ago and today?

"Where is the DOH"

Where is the Nic?

Where is the better union and cheaper one?

You are a member of it.

"That is a pretty poor track record for a two year old union. No contract, no money, no respect, just a losing law suit and a DFR injunction."

I think you meant, since you allow yourself discretion in other posters meanings;

Where is my nic? It sits on a shelf.
Not above RLA law, working very nicely within it. You will find out soon how the Desert Judge stuck his nose into an internal dispute.

" Desert Judge" Actually I am starting to like the sound of that, perhaps I will use it in a song.

Desert judge's robe is long,
Doo-dah Doo-dah
Kicks usapa's butt all day long
oh, Doo-dah day.

West put bets on their suit,
Doo-dah Doo-dah
east will pay restitute
oh, Doo-dah day.

Nicolau is fair,
Seeham doesn't care,
takes your money and laughs all day
while desert judge rules our way.
"The scary press release."

How long did that last? One day until the press found out what the dispute was and dropped it like a bad habit.

"How is the new contract coming along."

How many West pilots are dues payers, one year ago and today?

No answer just deflection What does paying dues have to do with usapa getting a new contract? Nothing. No wonder we are no closer to a contract two years later, no focus or sense of purpose.

"Where is the DOH"

Where is the Nic?
No answer again. The Nicolau is in the contract under a federal injunction, thanks for asking. USAPA is prevented from even talking about DOH.

Where is the better union and cheaper one?

You are a member of it.
Again no answer.
Being a forced member does not make it better or cheaper. Still paying 1.95% just like ALPA.

"That is a pretty poor track record for a two year old union. No contract, no money, no respect, just a losing law suit and a DFR injunction."

I think you meant, since you allow yourself discretion in other posters meanings;

Where is my nic? It sits on a shelf.
My Nicolau and your Nicolau sit in the contract in progress. It is DOH that sit in the trash. Tell me I am wrong.
Did nic4us teach you how to throw out that lying thing? Now I ask you. Where is the lie? You guys crack me up. You accuse everyone you don't agree of it, yet cannot list one lie. We know who the liars are as a result. nic4us first, now you. Shame

The LIE my, myopic, pathological cohort, Is stating that ALPA has a new "policy" on DOH. In fact, it does not trump the new laws mandating "Binding Arbitration", (I know you don't know what that is). Moreover, it specifically states that no weight or consideration of DOH is mandatory as a national Union Policy. Therefore, you've left out some very specific information that undermines your entire argument. That can mean only one thing...You are a hardline, dyed in the wool, pathological....how you say? "omissionist".

Luckily, aside from your house cat and perhaps a fern, nobody believes a word you say and understands that it is nothing but raging hope and projected optimism that get's you through each posting day. I was just going to put you on "ignore" because one can take only so much spin and insanity. However, then again I find you so amusing. Having said that, after the 9th shoves seham back up from whenst he came, I suspect you'll be done posting here anyway. Why?

Because You've gone all in with a pair of....Nothing. A fact lost on nobody.
How long did that last? One day until the press found out what the dispute was and dropped it like a bad habit.

So...how long did the "Fuel School" last after that? No matter...musta' been just some weird coincidence.
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