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US Pilots Labor Discussion 2/17- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Let's turn it around and make blanket statements about the west pilots. They cannot see their own idiotic actions and feel that any slight against them allows them to act in anyway they wish, towards anyone they wish. I don't think I have ever seen a west pilot call out any other west pilot for their childish, or worse, actions. "It doesn't matter what we do, look what was done to us! Wah!"
Everything the East has done since the merger can be fairly characterized as idiot: from ignoring an arbitrator's demands to come off of DOH to thinking they could just change unions and ignore an arbitration to thinking they could get off of LOA 93 by cramming down a DOH seniority list on the West and voting a new contract. How's that yellow "seniority matters" lanyard working out? How's life on year 7 of LOA 93? How's it going paying more now for a lot less in your union.


So yes, it's fair to paint with a broad brush when it concerns the East.
Yes, very short indeed. After the Kagel award, I have been living with his decision "for the remainder of my career." Twenty plus years and still counting. Very short.

What exactly is your point, BB? Or do you not really have one, but are you experiencing a bit of "diarrhea" of the fingers.

I admit at the time I was disappointed with the Kagel award, but DOH is difficult to call unfair simply because it is not a subjective criteria and in the aftermath no one senior to me arrived on the scene after me. So I accepted it and moved on. No one on the south side ever wanted to get rid of ALPA over Kagel's decision. He followed ALPA policy to the letter and his award embraced decades of precedent in labor mergers.

Near my house there is a lake with ducks. A young kid used to throw rocks at the ducks and peak over his shoulder to see who would come out of their house first to scold him. Eventually he got bored when they stopped coming out. But before he left for the last time he made this really big ruckus and tried with all his might to get someone to come out.
No need - just read LOA 91, LOA 93, and the TA...


Once again - wrong.

Read LOA 93 - it will illuminate the darkness you're engulfed in.

I don't see any quotes or links in that update. What was it you said about that...something about "no quotes or links to provide, to base your findings on" making it not to be believed...

Everything I said came straight from the LOA's mentioned above and the TA. Perhaps you should really know what you're talking about before saying others are wrong - it just makes you look foolish.


I have read all LOA's and provided links for you when necessary. A lot of folks have bought swamp property sight unseen, like needing proof of your comments.

By the way, your comments on how much flight pay loss you received from ALPA. You conveniently decided not to comment on that subject.
By the way, your comments on how much flight pay loss you received from ALPA. You conveniently decided not to comment on that subject.
That explains how you missed all that stuff about RJ's in the LOA's and TA because I did comment.

So wrong yet again.


You never answered my questions...an oversight I'm sure...


Simpler solution - require crew members live in their domicile.
Much simpler, and more likely solution - require crew members to be in base 12-24 hours prior to their report time. You can still commute, you just have to be there with enough time to get "adequate" rest.
In the jungle (from which our species evolved), survival was predicated on rational actions based on what was going on. A hunter might have looked at a prey as quite appetizing for the brood back at the campfire, but if he didn't think before he acted, then the hunter could have been making himself the hunted. You had to think to survive.

"Rational actions in the jungle" you say. The hunter and hunted were based on the instinct of needing a meal and of the fight or flight response.
Everything the East has done since the merger can be fairly characterized as idiot: from ignoring an arbitrator's demands to come off of DOH to thinking they could just change unions and ignore an arbitration to thinking they could get off of LOA 93 by cramming down a DOH seniority list on the West and voting a new contract. How's that yellow "seniority matters" lanyard working out? How's life on year 7 of LOA 93? How's it going paying more now for a lot less in your union.


So yes, it's fair to paint with a broad brush when it concerns the East.

No joint operations until a combined contract. Welcome to the jungle.
I think if you check, each line is an anagram of the bolded line above it. Ie. some of them are anagramed twice.

Another one..
"Push A Vapid Clod" :lol:

Upon further inspection, they are better than I thought.

How about this

usapa lee seeham

AHA! Please sue me.
Much simpler, and more likely solution - require crew members to be in base 12-24 hours prior to their report time. You can still commute, you just have to be there with enough time to get "adequate" rest.
That is what Cathay Pacific requires. I know some guys that used to be based in SFO and lived in PHX. Very short commute but had to be in base 12 hours prior.

I have commuted and it is hard. Now I live in base much easier. Every other industry requires that you live in the city that you work. Commuting means an hour or two drive not a cross the country flight to operate it back.

That is one of the reasons that I did not apply to US Air. I did not like the bases in the system.

Things are changing. Congress is imposing it's will on everyone. If congress requires the rest or no commute policy why scream now and threaten to strike. Where were the outrages when congress changed the age to 65?

Oh that was good for some. But if it is bad for the same people then everyone must strike to support their lifestyle. Sounds pretty selfish to me.
The following is a quote from a USAPA update;

Once again it appears that we may be headed down the grievance trail with our management as they nitpick and find ways not to honor our contract.

Well there is your problem right there,

Using usapa as a reference on contract interpretation. It is actually funny.

By the way, Hemminway is probably correct on this one also, (although I do not like seing it) usapa will lose this grievence, along with the LOA expiration pipe dream. But hey, what kind of treatment did you expect for an organization that has no predisposition to adhear to contracts, or act with the slightest sense of honor.

Here is a highlight for you. How many grievences has usapa won?

PS. thanks for linking the goat video, watched it to remind me just what a sham usapa is.

Other than the horrific picture of Prater, the naked guy on the motorbike with a traffic cone in his rear, the circus clown who ends up with his head in a horses rear, and of course the goat scene, it is actually quite informative, and pretty much predicted what a loser organization usapa would come to be.
Much simpler, and more likely solution - require crew members to be in base 12-24 hours prior to their report time. You can still commute, you just have to be there with enough time to get "adequate" rest.
It's way too early to get your tail feathers in a tizzy. I think once they dive into this, their going to see there would be way to many problems to work out. Define adequate rest, do you use far's, 8 hrs rest is fine when your on a trip, does your report time to base change by how many duty hrs your trip is. How long before it's implimented, everyone can't just sell their house over night. Some congressman or senator blowing hard to make themselves look good and make it appear they really care. Why not really take a hard look at all the real items that affect safety, they don't really want to look at that pink elephant, thats too hard, so we'll just suggest another band-aid on a problem and all will appear good. How about this, making adults and professional's responsible for themselves? :lol:
. How's that yellow "seniority matters" lanyard working out? How's life on year 7 of LOA 93? How's it going paying more now for a lot less in your union.


So yes, it's fair to paint with a broad brush when it concerns the East.

You know, I used to consider myself a moderate, but posts like this have made me join the ranks of those that think it will never work for us to be combined. The well is too poisoned by people like you.

Things are working well for me, thanks. I'm enjoying my 737 left seat without having to fly with certain loud mouth, goat loving children. How's that right seat working for you?
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