Well said.![]()
But, the difference is that I am willing to admit to same.
Your solution puts the west in the position of negotiating against itself everytime the TA gets voted down. The arbitration took the power of the majority to excercise tyranny away from them. Now you're proposing that it be given back to them.
No, this will only come to an end when enough east/west pilots get fed up enough to force out the USAPA leadership that thrives on disunity. Then a contract will be voted on that will determine how big an issue the Nic is. Everything else is a dozen blowhards on a internet message board.
Eleven plus me.
There are thousands of opportunities to find reasons why something will not work. Prime example...everyone in the airline business knew that Southwest wouldn't last a year. No assigned seats, cattle car boarding, no interline change of bags, flying to only two airports--both closed to commercial aviation. Preposterous.
But, the only upside to "I told you so" is a certain amount of schadenfreude. Thin gruel indeed when your children are hungry.
And, it is easy to point out mistakes and missteps in retrospect. I've always loved the saying that experience helps you make good decisions. Experience is what you get right after making a bad decision.
Are you all willing to destroy your careers and your airline for the sake of principles? I can only assume that the trust funds that daddy left you must have matured. Because you are not going to find another flying job unless your real career goal was to fly an rj for a regional and make less money than a mainline flight attendant.
And, does it ever occur to any of you that Doug Parker is laughing his behind off every day that you drag this out further? He's got all of you working for substandard wages. But, instead of a united pilot corps fighting him, you would all rather fight among yourselves. Your argument is saving DP buckets of money that can be redirected to a good cause--his bonus.