US Pilots Labor Discussion 2/10- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Did you hear me? What does any legacy carrier want with a large PHX are a liability. To merge the pilot groups is suicide for Parker and USAiways. If the 9th is lost by USAPA, it does not mean that Parker is going to want a joint contract and seniority list.


The liability in any merger is the East Pilot group. Nobody else will accept your DOH mantra. Nor will they want to deal with any antics of your pilot groups sense of entitlement. Keep steppin' over dollars to pick up that shiny nickel....Parker shouldve let AAA die on the vine.
Putting your fingers in your ears is not the same as "There is no answer."

Subsequent to an agreement to binding arbitration, the entire pilot group enacted an hortatory constitution by means of a free, fair, and lawful election. I know, I know... plenty of people deny that it was free and fair, and they deny the hortatory nature of the new constitution that supersedes (supplants :lol:) the old one... but... Wake forgot to school anyone about what they decided in their new constitution.

The irony of course is that the only reason there ever was an arbitration among "brothers" in the "union" of ALPA was that the previous Constitution (get it yet) let the leadership shirk any responsibility in a seniority integration, but instead mandated the "union brothers" figure it out, or go to arbitration. The ALPA constitution (Eh..?) was the only thing that required the arbitration, and it allowed ALPA to deny any culpability.. errr. responsability... uh.. glory.. for the outcome... so they thought.

Fact is.. all the pilots voted in a new Constitution (Eh?) and no body has pointed out any issues wit dat.

What part of OUR Constitution don't WE understand? (see.. its so easy.. tastes great. less filling... :rolleyes:... your turn.).

By the way, how come the cashier won't accept confederate bills?

And how did that work out in the DFR case?

You made a promise, stick to it. USAPA was created to reneg on an agreement. You all have harmed the airline and all the employees with your petty crap.
While I have read here in several posts the Comapny had made the statement that the Nic was the list, I was unaware that this had actually been stated in court. I see now how that would indeed cement their respective position going forward.


I am sure you will enjoy ALPA merger policy soon enough. We noticed that the UAL boys had a resolution to National for DOH. At least ALPA changed the policy to length of service now since this goat rope. UA/CO should be a fun time for all. Team Tempe will be splitting this thing up over here. The westies will be pulling gear for the Republic guys. Remember furloughed guys don't bring anything to a merger.....ALPA/ west rational.

The Cactus 18 are facing some very serious charges and they know it, USAPA as offered a solution but so far they have not accepted some could be career ending if found guilty but will see.
Stay on topic. The Cactus 18 have nothing to do with the West and our DFR claim. The Cactus 18 are a group of pilots pursued by USAPA to the tune of how much? $$$$$$ What is USAPA going to get in return for their efforts against these other words, what is their return on the dues dollar.

ThirdSeatHero, dont expect a straight answer, they dont have one. They'd rather deflect and keep their eyes on the bong water.

There is plenty of financial support out West. Integrity Matters.
Subsequent to an agreement to binding arbitration...

Since you omitted some steps between the agreement to accept binding arbitration and USAPA becoming the CBA, let me fill them in.

Subsequent to an agreement between the CBA and the company to accept the Nic award, USAPA was elected as CBA and inherited all previous agreements between ALPA and the company - including the combined seniority list.

That make it clearer for you...or do you cling to the belief that USAPA's election erases all the agreements between ALPA and the company...


I am sure you will enjoy ALPA merger policy soon enough. We noticed that the UAL boys had a resolution to National for DOH. At least ALPA changed the policy to length of service now since this goat rope. UA/CO should be a fun time for all. Team Tempe will be splitting this thing up over here. The westies will be pulling gear for the Republic guys. Remember furloughed guys don't bring anything to a merger.....ALPA/ west rational.

How much length of service did a 1988 hire have? or 1998 hire?

Could you imagine if Parker DID split this thing up? Say, sold the West to a carrier such as CAL/AA and dumped AAA? Seriously. Not gonna happen? Well, how many offers did AAA have hours before closing the doors? Not many suitors. Parker was your WHITE KNIGHT, you should kiss HIS ring.
That make it clearer for you...or do you cling to the belief that USAPA's election erases all the agreements between ALPA and the company...
Yes and no. The election erased from existence those agreements which the new union found disfavorable, but said union would scream bloody murder if the other party, read: the company, elected to erase agreements it found unpalatable. So it's an objective analysis applied to all, except the new union, whence the tyranny of the majority rules. Apparently, they have a lawyer who insists there's mountains of case law to support that position too!
1 - I've read the complaint

2 - Typical BS non-answers to straightforward questions.

Not surprising at all...distorted reality is all that matters to some...

Thats what I like about this board. Whenever the fish aren't biting, you can always get a rise out of the rocking chair crowd to tell the young whipper snappers what it really be. :lol:


Ever since the desert judge had a change of direction the other day the westies have been flustered. As you know the judge has gone the west way from the start. Must have been really tough day for the judge.
The 9th is about to spank the westies on the ripeness issue.

There would be no more litagation ,the west does not have the money and most of the pilots out there are fed up with the cactus 18 that are causing all this.
It is quite obvious that you have no idea what the cactus 18 is or how much money the west has and is willing to spend.

The cactus 18 did not cause anything. The west pilots are very supportive of those guys. The two suits are separate and the only thing that they have in common is usapa does not know about litigation. The Addington is about how usapa has not fairly represented the west. The RICO suit is about intimidating west pilots. USAPA has lost both of these cases.

First we really have nothing to worry about further litigation in the addington because the ninth is going to rule in our favor very soon.

Second the RICO litigation is going to be very bad for usapa soon. Lose in the fourth and get sued for filing malicious suit.
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