You must have a small group of friends. East pilots...are tired of the circus. Just because they dont come on this webboard, to show their dissatisfaction doesnt mean its not there. Usapa is holding them 'hostage' too, put a Contract up for a vote...lets see if it passes.
As Usapa continues to fail, the dissatisfaction will grow out East.
Some say we need a better contract, we need better vacation BUT WE DO NOT NEED NIC.
Some as in the East pilots? Well then it must be so. You see, every one else party to this mess has agreed on the process. Your majority is the only wrench in your defense. Watch how fast things change, when it is determined that Cleary and co. arent negotiating in "good Faith" as ordered by Wake. A little jail time will be a Wake Up call, hmmm?
I tried to tell you guys months ago that our over 60 guys are now pulling down 130-160k per year and another 28-48 per year PBGC and more than a few 0-5s and 0-6s getting a check from Uncle at 15k-25k per. Our old guys (me be one)
They'll start retiring to get away from this place.
will not sell out the F/Os and many junior Captains,
Your history will repeat itself, always has.
junior includes 20-25+ years here for an extra 10-20k per year for the few remaining years they will be here. Remember, final average earnings don't mean squat anymore.
USAPA ain't going anywhere.
It may not go anywhere. Fine. But neither will the NIC, the sooner you learn to comply with the arbitration and court order, the better it will be for the entire airline.
Outside financial forces will determine our fate, not NIC, WAKE etc.
Those outside sources have a sneaky way of determining your fate, dont they? Say when its time to vote on a contract. In the privacy of their own home, most will vote move on. The fight is over, you lost. Say what you want about the Federal Court system, how dare they try to Trump the East pilot resolve. Please.
You guys will give birth to bricks when we start upgrading 150-200 F/Os per and you upgrade 15-20 per.
We have all adapted.
And you will adapt with the NIC in place as well. Hear the crumbling yet?
Remember the old joke: What will survive the nuclear winter: Cockroaches and US Airways!!!!!!!!Lets discuss what we know that you know but don't give much thought. If there is ever a single CBA DP will draw down PHX the same day......or at least start making plans to.
There will be a single CBA. Your fantasy is far from true. We dont all live in PHX, so it really not that much of a threat.
Cooler heads need to prevail here.
They will prevail, sooner than you think.
......but if you STAY THE COURSE and try to cash that lottery ticket......go to Craker Barrel and get a rocker and a will need it.
Start making care packages for your USAPA leadership.