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US Pilots' Labor Discussion 10/27-11/?

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What's a US Airways pilot worth? Less than a cup of coffee?

In the past seven years, while inflation increased by 20%, the average hourly cockpit wage cost for the average passenger fare dropped by 29%.

As you can see, on average, the coffee you purchased in the terminal before your flight cost more than what both pilots will earn from your passenger fare for each hour of flight they accept responsibility for your safety.

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I attended 3 of the 4 Bankruptcy Court hearings on the East DB Plan termination. US Airways like Delta, Northwest, and United all had their DB Pension plans terminated as a requirement of POR. The Creditors Committee emphatically stated they would not endorse the POR and then the company would ahve likely seen its formal reorganization become a Chapter 7 liquidation if the plan was not terminated. I heard the testimony first hand - to suggest otherwise is nonsense.

ALPA R&I did a fantastic job negotiating the Target Benenfit Plan as a DB Plan replacement designed to pay a 30-year Captain a $1 million lump sum and a lucrative Equity Plan where the pilots obtained 19.33% of the company. What happenend? Following this agreement the hardliners regained control of the MEC and negotiated LOA 93 and gave up the Target Benefit Plan and Equity. Now where are these hardline type of leaders? Thye are in charge of USAPA where they continue to break campaign promises, enrich them self, harm other pilots, and assess the pilots over-and-over again.

Since USAPA took office all the pilots have experienced is a reduced standard of living with more furloughs, downsizing, and less take home pay.


And you can add to that the BPR's need for housing and moving expenses that the membership will be paying for.
Since USAPA took office all the pilots have experienced is a reduced standard of living with more furloughs, downsizing, and less take home pay.


Nice try to spin , we are where we are right now because of ALPA. ALPA brought you LOA 93. Remember!!!!!!
Nice try to spin , we are where we are right now because of ALPA. ALPA brought you LOA 93. Remember!!!!!!
If you are going to continue to blame ALPA what was the point in switching unions? At what point does it become USAPA’s fault?

USAPA was going to get a quick contract. So whose fault is it that you are still on LOA 93? Still ALPA or is it USAPA because they have been the CBA for 18 months now.

USAPA was going to fix all the evil that ALPA had caused. When is that going to start?
I will bring a discussion item to the next Board of Pilot Representatives meeting to determine whether or not to seek new management at US Airways

How about new management of USAPA? That sounds like a much more productive effort.

Mike (Turkey Boy) Cleary just doesn't understand that no one takes him or his "hard line" seriously.
ALPA brought you LOA 93. Remember!!!!!!

The "Let MY Daddy Vote" campaign that resulted in it going to a vote and the 57% of the pilots voting "Yes" had nothing to do with it I guess...

If you are going to continue to blame ALPA what was the point in switching unions? At what point does it become USAPA’s fault?

USAPA was going to get a quick contract. So whose fault is it that you are still on LOA 93? Still ALPA or is it USAPA because they have been the CBA for 18 months now.

USAPA was going to fix all the evil that ALPA had caused. When is that going to start?
I agree with you if ALPA were still here we would have had a contract a long time ago, but the only problem it would have been worse than LOA 93. I'll take my chances and wait.
The "Let MY Daddy Vote" campaign that resulted in it going to a vote and the 57% of the pilots voting "Yes" had nothing to do with it I guess...

It did, please remember we have the weakest pilot group in the industry group with CLT leading the way. I'll give you that.
please remember we have the weakest pilot group in the industry

I haven't forgotten - except for the pension fiasco it's that "weak pilot group" that ratified every concession. ALPA may have negotiated those agreements but no one held a gun to each pilot's head and forced them to vote "Yes". Too many pilots more fearful of losing their job than what the compensation/work rules were for doing the job.

What type of ALPA Leaders were in charge of the East MEC and Negotiating Committee that used over 50 "roll call" votes that resulted in LOA 93?

Who were the type of leaders that made these decisions against the advice of every ALPA Legal and Financial Advisor to become the first MEC in the history of ALPA to provide management a concession greater than the "ask"?

Let me answer those questions for you. The same type of people who are now in charge of USAPA.


What type of ALPA Leaders were in charge of the East MEC and Negotiating Committee that used over 50 "roll call" votes that resulted in LOA 93?

what difference does it make - the leaders didn't hold any guns to anybody's head and force them to vote "Yes". For the East group as a whole, look in the mirror to see who is responsible for LOA 93. Or better yet, look at the pilot sitting beside you in the cockpit next trip - the numbers say that at least one of you voted "Yes" and ratified LOA 93, approved outsourcing the E170/175's (weren't you a cheerleader for that little concession?), the pay rate for the E190's, etc.

What type of ALPA Leaders were in charge of the East MEC and Negotiating Committee that used over 50 "roll call" votes that resulted in LOA 93?

Who were the type of leaders that made these decisions against the advice of every ALPA Legal and Financial Advisor to become the first MEC in the history of ALPA to provide management a concession greater than the "ask"?

Let me answer those questions for you. The same type of people who are now in charge of USAPA.



You obviously still have not had that required crew rest you claimed to so badly need.

I have a direct question for you, name names please. Name any USAPA Officer or BPR member, past or present, that was either a Rep or Officer under ALPA at the time LOA 93 was presented and passed. I personally cannot recall a single one, and if I could, would that single person be "in charge" of USAPA?

By the way, your constant digs at "who is in charge of USAPA" are offensive to those pilots who actually are in charge..the line pilots. But you have chosen to not to vote, and have missed out on more votes in the last 18 months than you had at ALPA in over 22 years.

Time to show your cards. And don't give us that "same type of people" lame excuse.

You obviously still have not had that required crew rest you claimed to so badly need.

I have a direct question for you, name names please. Name any USAPA Officer or BPR member, past or present, that was either a Rep or Officer under ALPA at the time LOA 93 was presented and passed. I personally cannot recall a single one, and if I could, would that single person be "in charge" of USAPA?

By the way, your constant digs at "who is in charge of USAPA" are offensive to those pilots who actually are in charge..the line pilots. But you have chosen to not to vote, and have missed out on more votes in the last 18 months than you had at ALPA in over 22 years.

Time to show your cards. And don't give us that "same type of people" lame excuse.

Really! You think that the line pilots are in charge of usapa?

Did you get a vote on the legal strategy for the Addington loss? When was the vote to go to appeal? Will you get to vote on going to the supreme court? What was the vote tally on the union operating manual that gave the officers a $1000.00 stipend? I recall about 6-8 votes so far. If someone did not vote 6-8 time in the last 22 years at ALPA that was by choice not design.
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