Really! You think that the line pilots are in charge of usapa?
Did you get a vote on the legal strategy for the Addington loss? When was the vote to go to appeal? Will you get to vote on going to the supreme court? What was the vote tally on the union operating manual that gave the officers a $1000.00 stipend? I recall about 6-8 votes so far. If someone did not vote 6-8 time in the last 22 years at ALPA that was by choice not design.
Clear, the pilots that choose to vote really are in charge, and to look back in time at the changes 1600 voting pilots and possibly 5 reps from the West could have had early on are, well food for thought. Who knows.
The NMB election and the following vote ratifying and amending the CBL was fuel enough, and votes enough, that you can count on Addington going to SCOTUS. Not a valid comeback, but did the Addington litigants poll the membership to see if their DFR should have been filed? The litigation is what it is, and will move forward to satisfy the CBL. Even you know that.
You have a point on the stipend, but not really based on the lack of a membership vote. The communications from your own reps (all the reps), and the entire union was piss poor, and very late in even trying to explain what that was all about. I won't spell it all out here, but after taxes, and with no benefits the 1K stipend will not even bring the affected pilots up to the point of matching their loss of tax free per diem for a single month. You can go to and search for the article on Chris Bebee's compensation at ALPA if you really want to see greed. But I give you a win on this particular argument..the poor communication, and then late communications on the stipend issues was unacceptable. Maybe a vote would still be a good thing, at least making USAPA make the case for the need for stipend. USAPA knew early on they might be required.
Different subject entirely, but word on the street is your LAS rep indeed is the real deal and doing a standup job. Being a rep is not always about your personal beliefs, or even from where you came. Some have made a big deal that he was a principal at AOL. Heck, all the rest are principals at USAPA. It's how you do the pilot's business. Hopefully you guys will find him a place in PHX.
Hope you were home to enjoy Halloween with your loved ones. If not, at least take that turkey chit, buy the bird, and try your best to bid and don't miss Thanksgiving at home!