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US Pilots Labor Discussion 10/14-10/22

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Not being Catholic, I appreciate the education. I've been wrong about that branch of religion all these years - too many TV shows and movies where the mafia don does a little penance for a life of sin and the pearly gates open, I guess.

I got it from the Nic award - read it.

Is that an interogative or a command ?

Either way, I have read the Nic, and on it, it says Monda, the last active east pilot is number 4768. If you do as I did and subtract Odell's AWA number 1884, you get a difference of 2884 east pilots senior to their last active pilot. Many of which, just guessing 300 or so, are listed as on MED, RET or SPV.

Did a little more research and found that on the east certified list, Monda was indeed #3537, a number very close to your claim of 3600. Crazy thing about that list is it has about an average of 8-10 pilots per page on MED,RET,SPV. If you multiply that by the page you finally find Monda on, page 81, you get 8x81=648. Take Monda's number 3537 subtract 648 and you get, 3537-648=2889 active pilots.

More fun with numbers?
there were roughly 3600 active US Airways pilots then, now down to 2590 today which is -28%.

Actually you're mixing apples and oranges. The 3600 "active" include all the categories of inactive pilots except furloughed - medical, retired still on the list, leave, etc. That's really the number of non-furloughed pilots on the seniority list back then. The 2590 is not even all the active pilots but rather line pilots - no training department pilots, medicals, retired still on the list, etc (never mind that that's the number for December and not "today" as in October).

To compare apples to apples, there were 2800+ line pilots on the PID date vs the 2600+ in October. A reduction of 7.1%. I don't have a seniority list from the Oct 2009 bid (not the one issued annually) so can't compare the oranges. If you have one for the last bid before the PID date and Oct compare away.

Amazing how the USAPA guys are avoiding this post.

Not even a peep.

Even they can't seem to spin this in their own world.

Nobody wanted to answer such a me me me post. I am glad they will get the money. I see what you think of your junior pilots.Keep spinning how the Nic is "fair". Even though you will win the lotto you will never convince us it was fair. Come to CLT and feel the warmth.
Keep spinning how the Nic is "fair". Even though you will win the lotto you will never convince us it was fair.

Only USAPA supporters believe not having your job stolen by the East is winning the lottery.

In an effort to help all US Airways pilots in the holiday season, the BPR passed a resolution to send all pilots and their families a Thanksgiving turkey certificate:

Thanksgiving for US Airways pilots and their families

Whereas all of our US Airways pilots have been through some very trying, insecure and financially devastating times and,

Whereas since these trials seem likely to continue, given Management's seeming indecision about our company’s business plans going forward, and,

Whereas the inept management culture that we work under leaves all of us in perpetual uncertainty and limbo regarding the direction of the airline and our careers that the pilots have sacrificed and built, and

Whereas our positions, our jobs and our careers that we, as well as our families, have given so much of their energy, time and sacrifices continually are held in the balance by US Airways management, and

Whereas US Airways management refuses to acknowledge the value of our profession, treats our pilots with distain and continues steal, take and impose policies and procedures that adversely affect our working environment and family lives.

Therefore be it resolved that the Board of Pilot Representatives, the Officers and your union, in a spirit of appreciation and unity, authorize the purchase of a $10.00 (Ten Dollar) gift certificate towards the purchase of a turkey for every covered US Airways mainline pilot, including those on furlough, medical, disability or military leaves and,

Be it further resolved that these certificates will be mailed to every US Airways pilot’s home address and are redeemable at any supermarket or grocery store within the US other than certain specialty or “big box†stores such as “Honey Baked Hamâ€, “Costco†or “Sam’sâ€, and

Be it further resolved while our Company does not have the desire to give us the respect and to properly consider our pilots and their families during the upcoming holidays, your Union does.

Be it finally resolved The Board and Officers hope that this small token of our appreciation helps to place a turkey on your dining room table for you and your family to enjoy this Thanksgiving. It is your Union’s sincere hope that you can celebrate this holiday with your family and that we can reflect on all that we can be grateful for. USAPA acknowledges all of our pilots for your ceaseless contributions to aviation safety and to the success of the US Airways operations.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and to your families

Who in the world comes up with such a stupid resolution? I for one do not want the better part of $75000 in dues used to buy Turkeys. I thought Cleary was Napoleon, now he's playing the part of Mussolini, thinking he can bestow the benevloence he gets from extorting dues from pilots by threatening them with their jobs. It's not a token of their appreciation. They're not ponying up the $75k out of their own pockets.


I hope this decision gets overturned before any money is wasted, but if not I plan to send Cleary back his Turkey Ticket with the message "HERE'S YOUR TURKEY - STUFF IT!"
Out of curiousity does aAnyone care to define what a "covered US pilot" is?

Turkey a la USAPA - Lots of fat with little nutritional value and a plastic backbone that gets in the way.

Think of the number of turkeys each pilot could buy with a new contract.

Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake". Cleary says, "Let them eat turkey." The sentiment goes over about as well today as it did during the French revolution.
Talk about lying with statistics - there were roughly 3600 active US Airways pilots then, now down to 2590 today which is -28%.

I'll remember that 8000 number next time I see those AWA jets on the gate in CLT or any other city you never served either.

You did NOT have 3600 ACTIVE pilots then. Over 800 of them were on medical leave. And west airplanes are doing a little (which, admittedly does offset some of the 8000 hours) bit of east flying, but very little compared to what east aircraft are doing out west. Also, I believe AWA has served CLT for years.
You did NOT have 3600 ACTIVE pilots then. Over 800 of them were on medical leave. And west airplanes are doing a little (which, admittedly does offset some of the 8000 hours) bit of east flying, but very little compared to what east aircraft are doing out west. Also, I believe AWA has served CLT for years.
Vis a Vis the cross-pollination flying...first and foremost this is/was another ALPA screwup. The then current flying that was not to be replaced was defined in the agreement by flight numbers! Not city-pairs. Makes you want to primal scream at the ineptness of the peanut sized intellect that crafted that arrangement.
Also, p-a-r-i-t-y would have helped the situation, n'est pas? The penny-pinchers in the head shed are just utilizing the cheapest resources to accomplish the mission. Can't blame them for that - it is what I would do. But who do the pilots have to blame for this mess? Four letters: A L P A
Never again folks.
Also, I believe AWA has served CLT for years.

Nope, and although US Air at one time did fly routes like PHX-SAN, PHX-LAX, AWA never flew CLT-EWR. It's clear the company reduced west flying too much and shifted some east excess to the west. USAPA filed a grievance about it, and won! Why are you guys arguing about this?
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