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US Pilots Labor Discussion 10/14-10/22

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AWA never flew to CLT prior to the merger
Vis a Vis the cross-pollination flying...first and foremost this is/was another ALPA screwup. The then current flying that was not to be replaced was defined in the agreement by flight numbers! Not city-pairs. Makes you want to primal scream at the ineptness of the peanut sized intellect that crafted that arrangement.
Also, p-a-r-i-t-y would have helped the situation, n'est pas? The penny-pinchers in the head shed are just utilizing the cheapest resources to accomplish the mission. Can't blame them for that - it is what I would do. But who do the pilots have to blame for this mess? Four letters: A L P A
Never again folks.

You know.....I used to have a parrot that said the same one phrase OVER and OVER and OVER again. The novelty wore off, and I sold him to a pet store and bought a turkey with the proceeds.

YOUR EAST ALPA is the only party responsible for where you are, and NOW some of the same people are in charge. Cleary is leading you to the edge of a cliff...the problem is that the lemmings never realize before it's too late.

You think ALPA cost you $$? Just wait and see what USAPA and the USAPA gang will ultimately cost you.

If you are tired of being led to a cliff, join the new silent majority. Go to: www.cactuspilot.com

Wavier: If you are an angry FO, you are welcome to the site as well. Our goal is to make USAPA a true union for ALL US Airways pilots, drop all senseless litigation, and negotiate a new contract with the company that we can all live with.
Wavier: If you are an angry FO, you are welcome to the site as well. Our goal is to make USAPA a true union for ALL US Airways pilots, drop all senseless litigation, and negotiate a new contract with the company that we can all live with.

In other words, we stole your upgrades so now lets get the money for them. As far as "angry FO" have you seen yours . I was flipped off by one of yours two weeks ago. A friend of mine was denied J/S because the Captain said that his F/o did not want him in the cockpit. When are you guys going to quit playing the victim? All of you guys talk all this real union crap. How many Wien Air scabs are still there and do you care? I bet you dont even know who they are. We will never negotiate a new contract that we can live with. The Kirby offer is a joke and it wont get much better. You Westies already said you would scab if we went on strike so it looks like not much is going to happen anytime soon. Live with it.
Wow, there are some ungrateful people in the world. A coupon for a turkey... its better than nothing. But then again, I bet the same poster would whine, ####, and moan if NOTHING was given and have a different spin "Oh those worthless, selfish.."

I was in US Mgt for a while. We provided our employees with holiday meals and it *was* appreciated (they all were tired of the sole airport restaurant, and Cocina Airways was never much of a real option). We even ensured food for the flight crews (MidAtlantic & PSA) as they were in the middle of a 2 or 3 day trip, so they didn't get to take part in what US was giving them.

Be it a small token, it is one that is welcomed by most. Its a human touch.
In other words, we stole your upgrades so now lets get the money for them. As far as "angry FO" have you seen yours . I was flipped off by one of yours two weeks ago. A friend of mine was denied J/S because the Captain said that his F/o did not want him in the cockpit. When are you guys going to quit playing the victim? All of you guys talk all this real union crap. How many Wien Air scabs are still there and do you care? I bet you dont even know who they are. We will never negotiate a new contract that we can live with. The Kirby offer is a joke and it wont get much better. You Westies already said you would scab if we went on strike so it looks like not much is going to happen anytime soon. Live with it.

"..we stole your upgrades...": We have been one company now for a few years. This US / THEM crap should have been dropped a long time ago. The fact is that many furloughed US Air pilots are now flying as captains because this company merged and presently survives. If you can not put this in the past where it belongs, this company may not survive.

Flipped off: Not me; I graduated Junior HS a LONG time ago.

Jump Seat: Not me; I usually mention to the Captain that the JS is his to give / take away, but as a commuter myself I respectfully request that he not deny any JS for any east/west drama.

Victim: "US Air did this to me! ALPA did this to me! Nicolau is a senile old man. Judge Wake doesn't have a clue about the law! The DFR jury was tampered with!"

Wein Air S###'s: Not many, perhaps one more. I don't lose sleep over it. Hey you forgot to mention the Australia flying!

"..never negotiate a contract..": Judge Wake says you are required to do so in good faith. If Parker REALLY wants a single pilot group with a single contract....he will have to pay for it. Will the $$ be enough to get it over the edge?? Time will tell.

Westies.....strike...s###: Not likely (as if this administration would allow a large air carrier to strike). Now if you wildcat based on seniority / Nicolau........well, you figure it out.

Be angry, stay angry.....let it eat you up inside. Unfortunate. You have certainly proved your tenacity. It is too bad that it couldn't be directed toward something attainable.

To the lurkers: Now is the time to act and join. USAPA can be a union for ALL US Airway pilots, but we have to act together. We must stop the ridiculous bleeding of litigation $$ being spent on fruitless legal maneuvers.
If you are tired of being led to a cliff, join the new silent majority.

Is that like the old Jerry Falwell "Silent Majority," which was none too silent and not even close to a majority. But, keep saying it enough and sooner or later even you may believe it to be true. Of course, that won't make it true any more than Jerry's was.
Wow, there are some ungrateful people in the world. A coupon for a turkey... its better than nothing.
You're missing the part where the union is using OUR money to buy us a "gift".

You lose the abilty to get away with that little scam about the time you turn 8 years old. Management offering to cater lunch for those folks who have to work on a holiday is nice. Not necessary, but nice. But when you craft a resolution that calls them theives, you dampen their enthusiasm to do something nice that they don't have to do.

Maybe the company will join an ever-growing percentage of the pilots and ignore USAPA.
..... But, keep saying it enough and sooner or later even you may believe it to be true. Of course, that won't make it true any more than Jerry's was.

Would you also mean phrases such as:

"We are supremely confident that we will get you Date of Hire."
"We are supremely confident that we will win the RICO lawsuit."
"We are supremely confident that we will win the RICO appeal."
"We are supremely confident that the DFR law suit has no merit."
"We are supremely confident that we will win the DFR law suit."
"We are supremely confident that we will win the appeal to the DFR penalty."
"We are supremely confident that we will win the DFR appeal."
"If we lose the DFR appeal, we are supremely confident that we will win in the Supreme Court of the United States of America."
"We are supremely confident that USAPA will buy brand new Taurus vehicles for union business travel."
"We are supremely confident that we are doing such a great job, that we will vote in a raise / stipend as a reward!"
"We are supremely confident that USAPA will buy every current member a turkey for Thanksgiving!"

Well......3 out of 11 isn't bad, is it??? :lol:
Wow, there are some ungrateful people in the world. A coupon for a turkey... its better than nothing. But then again, I bet the same poster would whine, ####, and moan if NOTHING was given and have a different spin "Oh those worthless, selfish.."

Be it a small token, it is one that is welcomed by most. Its a human touch.

Awww, that's nice. What about that other human touch, the one where they are still trying to ruin the lives of people who had the audacity to post on web boards? Something tells me the turkey gesture falls a little flat to them, as it does to the rest of us.
New East Permenant Bid for Jan 2010 is out. Here are the drivers for the bid.

ô€€´ Close CLT E190 positions and consolidate E190 flying into single PHL domicile
ô€€´ Increase PHL E190 lines and reserves to support E190 schedule changes
ô€€´ Increase CLT 76I FO lines with full month IRO flying
ô€€´ Complete closure of CLT 76D positions
ô€€´ Increase B737 and A320 staffing
ô€€´ Bid announcement will be published on WINGS under "Flight Operations\Pilot Bids Sub"
Bid results will also be published on WINGS.

No furloughs. We actually increase staffing by 5 people.

Summary Domicile Variance
Domicile Dec-09 Jan-09
CLT 976 (96) 880
DCA 255 0 255
LGA 101 (10) 91
PHL 1,119 +111 1,230
BOS 139 0 139
TOTAL 2,590 +5 2,595
No furloughs. We actually increase staffing by 5 people.
But have a net of 5 people returning to the line - 4 captains and 1 f/o - so the numbers balance out but there'll be some downward pressure because of the 4 returning captains. They are overstaffing the lower paid positions - particularly the narrow body F/O's.

But have a net of 5 people returning to the line - 4 captains and 1 f/o - so the numbers balance out but there'll be some downward pressure because of the 4 returning captains. They are overstaffing the lower paid positions - particularly the narrow body F/O's.



You never cease to amaze me. You are able to find the negative in any situation. We just sold 10 aircraft on the east with the potential for 110 furloughs and you're worried about 4 captains? Next you'll be telling us that they didn't want to announce a furlough now and that the company is going to carry 110 pilots thru the holidays and then announce a furlough. Or maybe those 110 pilots jobs are less important than the 4 captain positions that are going to force 4 junior captains back to senior F/O. Exactly what is your point Jim? How much downward pressure will these 4 returning captains represent?

P.S. Jim....would those 4 junior capt's that will be forced back to F/O not have had those jobs had the Capt's that are returning to the line not have gone out on medical? Please explain that to me. Bottom line....staffing is increasing by 5 pilots.
My point was that there's more to the story than "a gain of 5 positions". Yes, not furloughing is great news - I hope US never furloughs another pilot (or anyone else for that matter). but you'd already said that so no need for me to repeat it. The fact is that some folks will move backward despite there being no furloughs and "a gain of 5 positions". If giving the rest of the facts is "just being negative" tell me how you read the bid announcement differently.

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