Would you stake what passes for honor, (integrity lite) that there was no intimidation during the USAPA card collection?
Most certainly yes. I never saw the least bit of "intimidation", nor would I have responded favorably towards any such thing, much less ever considerd offering such to another. What would be the possible point in any case? These people out here aren't children. What would/could be any possible "intimidation" involved? I honestly can't see how it's so impossible for some to believe the overall level of positive enthusiasm for dismissing Alpa.
"Do you really think that when you are in the midst of an angry sea of yellow (nice imagery for the east) that you would feel free to stand firm in your dissention?" YES!..Are you flat-out joking? Imho: Anyone who'd actually be "intimidated" by any supposed "angry sea of yellow" would be beneath contempt as a person. Again: These aren't children, nor is this grade school.
"Heck even Bradford has been too scared to come to PHX and face those he claims to want to represent." Speaking of children and grade school...umm..did you miss all the fun videos from the PHX roadshow? Quite honestly; I'd find it difficult to wish to personally give your group even the time of day after such antics. I'm speaking only for myself...but you might consider that the lack of wishing to waste time outside some overly-excited monkeys' cage, is hardly equilvalent to being "too scared" to visit the zoo. What possible purposes would be served by wasting yet more time doing such in any case? What are you honestly waiting for out there?..A personal kiss from every east pilot, followed by a warm and fuzzy group hug? Properly affording any/all of you essential professional courtesy's one thing...but don't get ridiculous 😉
"Too think that everyone was firmly united behind USAPA out of their own convictions is too naieve to even consider." Speaking of "naieve" = Ah yes....It MUST have been pure coercion, intimidation and..whatever other notions you most cherish. Why...just the enormous and overwhelming enthusiasm for Nic throughout the east, all by itself, almost made it impossible to get anyone at all to vote Alpa out. It's simply impossible to believe, or even imagine anything otherwise...I see things clearly now.