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Us Airways To Seek Court Supervision To Complete

callgirlcindie said:
HIPPA concerns privacy, not insurance or pre existing conditions.

Well, it's the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Under the act, one can go up to 63 days without coverage without impacting coverage for prior existing conditions. If the company liquidates, COBRA will NOT be an option, in which case you'll need to find insurance on your own.
Hawk said:
Pitbull’s sources are always on the money. This is a sad day at Airways. Many jobs will be lost as a result of this restructuring. This could have been avoided if the labor leaders would have used the democratic process and allowed their membership to vote on the company proposals. I don’t blame the employees, as they are the key to our survival. Much of the blame can be placed upon the labor leaders that refused to accept the proposals that were competitive with today’s market place. The honorable judge will see that the company has negotiated in good faith with each group. I wish each and every employee the best of luck during these turbulent times.

Excuse me Hawk for siging,

But the co. latest proposal to AFA WAS NOT a T/A. A T/A is reached at the table between the co. negotiators and AFA negotiatiors when they both agree it is a tentative agreement. There was no T/A; merely a bad counter proposal.

The co. never elluded or intimated that this proposal was intended to be a final. You have us confused with ALPA.

AFA will continue to negotiate whether in BK or out of BK. AFA will continue until we come up with a mutual T/A or when the judge tells us to stop.

Don't put a spin on the furloughs. Managment planned this way back in Feb. when they gave AFA the slide presentation showing huge job losses with these concessions.
I have a question. On the transformingusairways.com the following is a part of what was said.........On September 12, 2004, US Airways Group announced that the Company and certain of its subsidiaries filed voluntary petitions for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
What is meant by.....certain of its subsidiaries ? I assumed that when US filed, all under our certificate were included. Anybody know what "the company and certain of its subsidiaries" means?
RedOne said:
Anybody know what "the company and certain of its subsidiaries" means?

The holding company is US Airways Group, Inc. The subsidiaries include US Airways, Inc., Piedmont Airlines, Inc., PSA Airlines, Inc., US Airways Leasing & Sales, Inc. and Material Services Company, Inc. My guess is all of the subsidiaries are included, but perhaps not.
USFlyer said:
I wish everyone the best ... this go around will be much worse than the last one!

I don't know, its seems to get easier everytime we do this.

Relax. U will operate as they always do.
It would be quite interesting if the company did indeed file as USAirways and a few subsidiaries. This would mean that only parts of the group are technically in Ch. 11. Could mean that there is even more of a plan than anyone really knows of right now. We've all got our theories and mine includes a lot more MidAtlantic and much less mainline with more point to point flying. Good luck to all! I see US pulling out of this.
....................................GOOD LUCK TO ALL...................





Remember MidAtlantic is part of US Airways, Inc., which is in Chapter 11.
PITbull said:
Don't put a spin on the furloughs. Managment planned this way back in Feb. when they gave AFA the slide presentation showing huge job losses with these concessions.
What kink of job loss are you at AFA expecting? I heard you were working maily at minimum crew already. Could it reallly go further?
USFlyer said:
Remember MidAtlantic is part of US Airways, Inc., which is in Chapter 11.

I realize that but I, in the back of my mind, believe that MidAtlantic plays a larger role in the "New USAirways". I have faith that US will emerge and that some changes will be for the better. My heart goes out to those that might end up with paycuts or even being furloughed..
The thing to remember is that if the managment of this heap had funtioned in any way resembling honorable and made valid realistic proposals we would not be in this position.

Company managment and union breakers brought us here again not honorable Union leaders.

They are still working on dividing us and are sitting back laughing when we snipe at each other.

Stand together and be strong. :up:
certain of its subsidiaries may or may not mean anything.
I just find the wording interesting, and it kinda jumped out at me. I too feel there is more to it than we know now. At least others opinions and mine are the same.
ua767fo said:
The sun will still come up tomarrow. It always does.


Ask the employees of Braniff, Pan Am and Eastern how bright the sun became in their world.
FA Mikey said:
What kink of job loss are you at AFA expecting? I heard you were working maily at minimum crew already. Could it reallly go further?


Flight Attendant furloughs will be the result of productivity improvements (less vacation, sick, more flight hours, less credited time, and on and on and on). And yes, we are at minimum staffing with the exception of select transatlantic routes. Likewise, if they reduce the fleet further, well... that's self-explanatory.

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