marco90821 said:
Phantom, as much as we hate to admit, it is labor that played a major role, not only in the downfall of US Airways, but of all legacy carriers, along with mis-management. Everybody wanted the largest piece of the pie as possible; and now the pie is finished.
To a degree I see and somewhat agree with what you are saying , afterall it's human nature to attempt to better ones situation , unless you are just completely nuts?
On the other hand...and regarding U itself Vs the other legacy carriers throughout the years. U has had a history of shrinking or cowaring against any and all whom offer up opposition to markets that we traditionally controlled. Labor didn't shrink from the fight "Upper Management" did.
U's "Upper Management" was also the very same people that all but force-fed contracts to the laboring groups that called for parity plus 1% Vs. the other legacy carriers. How in a right-minded world could a (at the time) #6 airline in the US offer such things Vs. the offerings being made to others at some of the largest airlines in the entire world? ( I.E. AA,UA.DL, CO and the alike).
U's upper management coward at domestic competition in the west...and then it started the same old crap in mid-atlantic region. When one limits themselves to the ability to make cannot offer mirroring wages at any level and expect for life to go on as it always has. I agree that both sides of the coin are guilty of grabbing all they can , when they can , yet some of labor is still here grinding it out day to day...and soon to be for far less . all the while failed leader after leader has walked away with Millions upon Millions in cash and continued benefits that are seemingly endless.
U can be saved IMHO...but if we are to survive? , all will have to pay some degree of due-diligence to make it happen. This meaning..if my contract can be tossed asside? should the promises made to everyone whom had a steering role n U' decline. (I.E. Schoefield , Wolf , Gangwhal and for certain Seigel)
We will likely never be able to recover a dime of their parting bounties..but the continued travel perks and insurance benefits can certainly be cut off in at least a token attempt to stop the bleeding. They can afford it better than anyone of us can afterall.
Logic dictates..that everything that does't promote profits..needs to be addressed , other than retirement obligations to those whom dedicated their lives to this business.
Schoefield is one thing....but in my opinion , Wolf and the other collection of "Fly-by-Nights" should not be getting anything beyond a one time seperation settlement. Allowing them a lifetime of perks while Rome burns and others continue to dedicate themselves to this job under the threats of reductions in wages , furloughs or even worse is simply distastefull....and those rewards should be challenged with all the other labor issues while under Chapter 11 this time.
Simply put...if the agreements with labor can be challenged , abrogated , or likewise should theirs , only quicker. They led us to this point , labor just did its job as they directed it to be done.