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Pay Cut For Us Airways Pilots: 18%


Help my uderstanding...what choices do pilots at MAA have?

Do you get to vote? I know I could find out tomorrow, but induldge me.

MAA f/as do not vote on mainline proposals, and vice versa.
What happens if the Membership shoots this TA agreement down???????????????

Who do you plan to blame then...what are the excuses going to be???????
PITbull said:

Help my uderstanding...what choices to pilots at MAA have?

Do you get to vote? I know I could find out tomorrow, but induldge me.

MAA f/as do not vote on mainline proposals, and vice versa.

MDA pilots ARE mainline pilots. They just don't get the same pay and benefits to fly the same passengers and routes that they flew before their buddies threw them under the bus.
Our MAA f/as are mainline f/as, and we are all on a single seniority list. However, MAA f/as can not vote on our proposals, and we do not vote on theirs. They have their own MEC Officers now, and they are MAA f/as.
I am a dues and assesment paying, member in good standing of the ALPA Council 94. I get a vote just like any other AAA pilot.

All MDA pilots upon day one of initial (if members in good standing) are eligible to vote. Since (obviously) returning furloughees, and (not so obviously) transferred pilots from a wholly owned subsidiary are not considered probationary pilots.

Right now all MDA pilots are based either in PIT or PHL, and supposedly "represented" by those two councils. But in reality we are forced to handle most of our issues internally, with IMO little real support from our elected council representitives. <_<

Which is dumb, because we will start to grow into a major voting block over time. With nominations happening now, and elections in the future, canidates for office might want to consider that fact. We want what most Airways pilots want, but MDA tends to mirror the opinions of the 1879 Airways pilots currently furloughed from the "Mainline". And unlike those still on furlough, or those who accepted a JFJ position, we will each have a vote.
Mainline MEC separated the MAA f/as and AFA INterenational established a "new council" for them. It was deemed after much discussion among the MEC members that in time it would be a conflict of interest.

ALPA and AFA have the same structure.

So, it would be a simple thing for ALPA mainline to write an "agenda item" to separate MAA and establish their own council..actually, you should plan on that to take place at some point.

I believe it's better to have a job while looking for a job than no job.

In regards to my options, if the cuts are to severe or I elect to leave, I'm probably going to stop flying. My choice will probably be to buy a couple of franchises; as well as my bride returning to work. Or I could go back into the commodity markets.

The EVLA looks attractive and is something I am actively considering.


So, it would be a simple thing for ALPA mainline to write an "agenda item" to separate MAA and establish their own council..actually, you should plan on that to take place at some point
I doubt that will happen anytime soon PB, as we are counted as part of the roll call numbers that maintain the majority for the PIT and PHL reps. Break us off, and that strips those reps of our numbers.

300 MDA pilots now is not a huge deal, but over time we will constitute both a larger number in, and precentage of a given base like PIT... And politicians (pilot or otherwise) tend not to deny themselves whatever keeps them in power.

And trust me, from experience, ALPA national has few concerns about "conflicts of interests". Instead they prefer to "keep under wing", and maintain a fair degree of control and leverage over other pilot groups within the same company...

I would suspect that AAA ALPA is no different when it comes to other pilot groups within the same certificate...

Peace B)
USA320Pilot said:

I believe it's better to have a job while looking for a job than no job.

In regards to my options, if the cuts are to severe or I elect to leave, I'm probably going to stop flying. My choice will probably be to buy a couple of franchises; as well as my bride returning to work. Or I could go back into the commodity markets.

The EVLA looks attractive and is something I am actively considering.



We need a Taco Bell in Cranberry forget the damn Chik-fi-let! As for your bride, put the bag to work. I get my old lady to run the business; she's the Captain. You gotta get used to that second officer position again USA320Pilot.
USA320Pilot said:

An employee is only worth what the market will permit.
True enough.

It's not my fault people are willing to work at JetBlue and AirTran for wages and benefits less than the major carriers.
As to it not being your "fault," I am not entirely sure that is accurate, as someone else has pointed out. You are right though as far as those carriers help drag down standards for everyone else.

However, that is a different topic for a different thread. I am mostly concentrating on YOU, and the situation you are helping create at U, not JetBlue or AirTran.

I am absolutely amazed you are still in a "Give... give at all costs... then give some more" mode. Do you REALLY believe it will make a difference in the long run? Do you REALLY believe they won't be back for more in a few months? Do you REALLY believe that "If we do it--- JUST THIS LAST TIME--- we will be purchasing A380s and starting service to South Africa and Australia next year--- yeah that's the ticket!"

Do you really not see the connection between your postings here and the land grab U management is carrying out? How can you still be advocating giving away so quickly many the contractual items your predecessors fought so hard to build over the decades?

I am absolutely amazed-- since you continualy remind us what sunny options you and your family has-- that you haven't been so disgusted by what has happened over the past few years, that you haven't left long ago to pursue one of those other options. Rather, you are CONTINUING to advocate that everyone simply cough up whatever management wants, no questions asked, despite good proof that it won't make a difference, they will be back for more anyways, and the promises of "just once more and then the good times will roll" just ain't gonna happen.

I don't think I have ever seen someone so desparate and scared. It's fascinating-- though not very pretty.

Do I like what is happening? No, of course not.
I'm not so sure of that either. You claim otherwise, but in most of your postings the glee at other people's misfirtune is quite obvious to those of us familiar with your "work" over the years.
I gotta tell ya, I'm enjoying watching 320 squirm and wring his hands. His fear is palpable.

Read the ALPA constitution sparky. Tell me the procedure of how a TA gets to the pilot group for a vote. Then, after that, explain to me how anything the brave 4 men who represent the majority of pilots at this airline are, or have done, ANYTHING even remotely out of line with what our constitution and by-laws state.

You just don't understand the mindset of a company bent on destroying this union and the will of the brave men who are fighting it. If a judge wants to allow them to destoy it then so be it. But WE will not be a party to the wholesale rape of our profession. Unlike what you are willing to accept. We will not.

USA320Pilot said:

I believe it's better to have a job while looking for a job than no job.

In regards to my options, if the cuts are to severe or I elect to leave, I'm probably going to stop flying. My choice will probably be to buy a couple of franchises; as well as my bride returning to work. Or I could go back into the commodity markets.

The EVLA looks attractive and is something I am actively considering.



I'd like to stop into one of those resturant franchises, "Chicken Littles" where you've got an open face chicken sandwich for $1.99, no, $1.29, no $0.99, alright, $0.59, please, $0.39? Ah, go ahead and have it, it must be what food is worth?

Commodities market? Or working at a market that sells commodities like milk and orange juice?

Having a job while looking for a job is very different from being a willing accomplice to the dismantling of a profession while looking for a replacement job in the very rubble you helped create. If that would sink in, you might see why people here are so all over you.
Someone in AFA is not telling the whole story here. I just talked to two people (one on the LEC level and one MEC) that state we ARE in TRANSFORMATION PLAN NEGOTIATIONS. So, are we just negotiating TEMP cuts or what? I swear...just like the MEC member for AFA said....NO COMMUNICATION at all. The MEC seat accused Local 40 of stalling and only wanting TEMP CUTS. Who the heck knows what to belive really. But if we are not being procative in exchanging TRANSFORMATION PLAN material with the company to reach some mutual agreement then something is wrong. I will get to the bottom of this smelly pile of bunk on Monday because something is not adding up and AFA is accountable to the line F/A's. We deserve and have the right to know what is going on in that 3 ring circus. I tell you people are getting irritated and AFA is not communication as a whole with it's members. The only LOCAL that seems to keep people updated is PIT...where the heck is my LEC? We need to speak as one voice not 4 bases talking at once.
USAirBoyA330 said:
Someone in AFA is not telling the whole story here. I just talked to two people (one on the LEC level and one MEC) that state we ARE in TRANSFORMATION PLAN NEGOTIATIONS. So, are we just negotiating TEMP cuts or what? I swear...just like the MEC member for AFA said....NO COMMUNICATION at all. The MEC seat accused Local 40 of stalling and only wanting TEMP CUTS. Who the heck knows what to belive really. But if we are not being procative in exchanging TRANSFORMATION PLAN material with the company to reach some mutual agreement then something is wrong. I will get to the bottom of this smelly pile of bunk on Monday because something is not adding up and AFA is accountable to the line F/A's. We deserve and have the right to know what is going on in that 3 ring circus. I tell you people are getting irritated and AFA is not communication as a whole with it's members. The only LOCAL that seems to keep people updated is PIT...where the heck is my LEC? We need to speak as one voice not 4 bases talking at once.


You just received 2 communiques via e-line. One was PIT and one was the MEC.

I am well aware of the MEC Officer who told you this.

The NC came up with the strategy to separate and make two proposals, and the MEC President Chairs that committee. The PIT President only suggested two items.. to increase Reserve Guarantee during any month there is a request by the company to increase flying obligation 5 to 10 hours. The second, was to turn the temporary wage counter into a deferral. Whereby the f/as get this money returned after 2 consecutive profits are reported, the following quarter will commence a payback to our group over 6 months.

These are protections for our group and AFA has an obligation to protect its members.

If you have a lack of understanding the proposals or the intent of what the PIT Local pres endeavors to argue...you need to put a call to her personally.
USA320Pilot said:
The ALPA constitution and by-laws now state that any TA, MOU, or LOA that significantly changes pay, work rules, or benefits must have membership ratification. This new mandate was passed by an 89 to 11 percent margin. Will the RC4 break this mandate and further subject them self to another lawsuit?

They still have the 7 day period to consider it before the CS8 fire off a lawsuit, correct?