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Us Airways To Seek Court Supervision To Complete

usfliboi said:
700, Your facts said US couldnt file vol BK. Now what?

In 700's defense, I believe he was right. However, UAIR worked with the ATSB to allow this to happen. My guess is they convinced the ATSB the major reason for needing Chapter 11 was to renegotiate labor contracts, and thus the ATSB agreed to it. If you read the supplemental brief for Monday's court hearing, it outlines the non-labor part of the transformation plan, which contains some interesting comments (e.g., adding state of the art in-flight entertainment, etc.).
Atlantic said:
Pbull, Cavalier, 700, etc. dancing a jig right now. I'm not.
Well, Hell, Pitbull is going into Management as per her own statement on another post. Sleep well.....
My point exactly. He keeps touting facts, but leaves reality out of it! Iam,s reality comes next!
FlyOnWall said:
Question for anyone...if F/As and pilots are given the option of MidAtlantic or furlough...what percentage would go to MidAtlantic? If they were to furlough 700 F/As, would more than half go or would they choose to move on? I'm just curious to know what you all might think.
With the most recent company proposal, as of 9/11/01 I will have to have taken a 53% pay cut just on Mainline alone. MAA is not in the future for me. I can stay home and put my red light on the front porch and make more money than prostituting myself any further with this heap of ####. Sorry, think about your options. MAA is NOT the future of this airlines. It is like a bastard/stepchild.

No offense to those who have chosen this way. My heart goes out to you all and I know you deserve much better. You all were Mainline at one point, and proud to have been hired on at U. I think you have been screwed. But haven't we all. 🙁 🙁 🙁
I wonder how many sick calls(sick from disgust), will become reality starting mon. AM ??????/

Same for IOD's. !!

Speaking of IOD's, "FYI",
Any pilot, or topped out AMT, who's based in DCA, and suffers an on the job injury, gets $1022 a week(tax free)(maximum, for the district of colombia), if they are unfortunate enough to become temporarily or totally disabled. This rate is paid for a lifetime, if there is no Voluntary settlement with the insurance company.


US Department of Labor/Workers compensation Division.

Obviously W/C applies to all employees in dca, and any state in the usa.

I used DCA as an example, because I was informed that DCA was one of the top 5 states(areas).

Every state has a different rate.

Low rate states-- PA., NJ., NY,.NC.,MA.,

High rate states-- DCA, CT. RI, NH, IA.

USA320Pilot said:

I agree. It's the labor leaders fault and their lack of courage to step up to the plate. Now there will be a very difficult restructuring that could have been avoided.

I'll say it again, it's better to have a job while looking for a job than no job at all. Now some people will get their wish...they made no concessions and now they could be job hunting on unemployment.


You really are living in a world with rosy glasses on aren't you. If you act lie the prison #### every time the bully comes into your cell, then you will Always get it rammed into where the sun doesn't shine. And nobody will respect you, not even yourself.
BostonTerrier said:
You might be surprised by how many elect MAA. Take a 15% pay cut on mainline, and then compare that to the wages at MAA. There are a lot of folks that simply require health coverage, others that simply want to have a job in PIT. Tough times, tough choices.

Unfortunatly, all new F/As are going to be based in PHL. No growth in PIT.
ktflyhome said:
With the most recent company proposal, as of 9/11/01 I will have to have taken a 53% pay cut just on Mainline alone. MAA is not in the future for me. I can stay home and put my red light on the front porch and make more money than prostituting myself any further with this heap of ####. Sorry, think about your options. MAA is NOT the future of this airlines. It is like a bastard/stepchild.

No offense to those who have chosen this way. My heart goes out to you all and I know you deserve much better. You all were Mainline at one point, and proud to have been hired on at U. I think you have been screwed. But haven't we all. 🙁 🙁 🙁

Wow, easy there tiger. For some, this is all there is. At least with a legacy carrier. Calling a division that supports several people that I know (be it very sparce) and respect a heap is disrespectful and unnecessary, especially since US is viewed that way as a whole by many outside of the company. Let's think before we type, shall we?
ktflyhome said:
I can stay home and put my red light on the front porch and make more money than prostituting myself any further with this heap of ####.

You're nuts women :lol: But I love it 😛
USFlyer said:
I wish everyone the best ... this go around will be much worse than the last one!

I agree with you on both counts. I am hoping for the best here but I dont see it as likely. Heard lots of people at Gatwick today and a few on the plane in Charlotte talking about how to dump their miles. Not a big concern for me, whatever happens. But I dont see people having a large about of confidence in continued operations. It is real bad for the employees and some of the smaller places serviced by US. I think this is a lot different than the first time. There has been too much talk by Bronner about liquidation this time around in my opinion. In addition, without apparent DIP financing it doesnt seem like they can go on for long. Also, with the low travel season approaching sales are going to be off anyways. And people booking for the spring are going to be pretty nervous about US. I suspect people even looking as far out as Thanksgiving and Christmas will be nervous about booking. This could easily turn into a bad self-fulfulling prophecy. Good luck to everyone, I so hope I am wrong on this.
If you read the supplemental brief for Monday's court hearing, it outlines the non-labor part of the transformation plan, which contains some interesting comments (e.g., adding state of the art in-flight entertainment, etc.).

Is that really going to make a difference in the transformation of USAirways?
Atlantic said:
Pbull, Cavalier, 700, etc. dancing a jig right now. I'm not.

Now that is absurd. The company want to eliminate my classification and outsource the work, why would I be happy?

Grow up.
usfliboi said:
700, Your facts said US couldnt file vol BK. Now what?

What was said and clarified is the if US filed Chapter 11 they would be in violation of the loan convenents.

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