The ALPA president, ALPA financial advisors, ALPA economists, ALPA attorney’s, ALPA professional negotiators, ALPA contract administer (an attorney), all 3 MEC officers, 8 MEC members, and now the entire ALPA Negotiating Committee recommend that the TA be sent out for membership ratification.
The ALPA constitution and by-laws now state that any TA, MOU, or LOA that significantly changes pay, work rules, or benefits must have membership ratification. This new mandate was passed by an 89 to 11 percent margin. Will the RC4 break this mandate and further subject them self to another lawsuit?
Moreover, the entire ALPA NC, of which 3 are "hardliners" told the MEC today that this is the best deal they can get. Why? Every proposal gets worse, which ALPA's advisors predicted and the RC4 ignored.
The advisors are batting 1000% and the RC4 zero.
Since Setpember the company's September 6 proposal that the RC4 refused to let the pilot's vote on ALPA has lost:
What else besides Fragmentation has disappeared in the company's offers, and remains gone in our present TA, from where we were in the company's Sept. 6 proposal?
1. Fragmentation rights.
2. DC Plan went from 50% to 10%.
3. Equity participation (stock) went from 19.33% to 8.5% of the total shares issued.
4. Minimum Aircraft (279) and minimum block hour guarantees are gone.
5. Contingent Acquisition Rights (protections in the case of a buyout) are gone.
6. Special Training Relief has been granted, allowing training out of seniority.
7. No MDA Displacement Rights while we are in bankruptcy.
8. J4J Displacement Rights are gone
9. Vacation went from maximum of 28 to 21 days.
The RC4 and the NC did a great job getting this TA, which is dramatically worse than the proposal that could have been voted on before bankruptcy that th RC4 blocked.
Don't let the facts get in the way of your nonsensical comments.