I like to consider myself as a moderate. I also believe in trying to work out issues before any third-party makes a binding decision because you never know how a third-party will decide an issue. I've posted that quite a few times in the past.
The problem that I see now is that both parties have previously submitted the dispute to a third-party and a binding decision has since been rendered. East got the top 517 slots and West got proportional slotting after that. I know that is perceived as a West win, although some folks would dispute that after the first 517 slots went East, but I have a hard time coming around to the position that after a binding decision was rendered why a party should now negotiate any part of that away. To me it is akin to someone negotiating against themselves.
Believe me, I know the process and know the results. It may be me, but I do this job for money. It's a great job, but if they stopped paying me, I would go elsewhere. Right now I see the East contract as the worst in the industry and the West contract as the second worst. This is not being pejorative, I just see that as a fact.
Unless this logjam is broken, that will pretty much remain the case. I think that if there were a set of fences to provide peace of mind for the East then it could help break the logjam. Due to the geography, I don't think there is a huge groundswell of demand for either group to swap domiciles. Sure there is some, but probably not a lot. By pegging the fences to actual retirements and growth, you could slowly open up the opportunity for each side to intermix. I don't see this type of fence as a huge concession by the West, it will mainly provide some backstop for the East pilots.
Most importantly, if you break the logjam, then you can get contractual gains. These gains will provide each side much more in economic value than if either side prevails 100% in their views. If you are number 1 on a list with a bad contract, who cares. If you are number 1 on a carrier that has been liquidated, really who cares.
So while the West is perfectly within their rights to stick to the Nicolau award as written, I don't see that putting the green in their wallets any time soon. In fact, this process is just a negative as both sides are racking up pretty gigantic legal bills.
Maybe I am just too mercenary, but I only do this job for money. Anything that puts more money in the pockets of both East and West seems like a good thing to me. I know this is easy for me to say because I am not living the emotions of either side. I see two sides that are fighting each other to the death and their airline is failing at least in part due to that. I have a hard time seeing any winners under the current path.