To begin with, the we've won attitude of the West posters is almost comedic. Judge Wake left an enormous amount of room for an apeal by the amount of information he did not let the jury consider in their findings. He almost exclusively allowed any information pertaining to the Final and binding arbitration of the Nic to be included, without any of the history or circumstances to that finding be admitted. Said award, was based on the findings of an arbitrator assigned by the previous bargaining agent, and not assigned by any legal entity. Of course, none of this was allowed by Judge Wake. He also did not allow any facts of the differences of the findings, there was sufficient testimony, but he reminded the jury they could not consider that in the final judgements.
You continue to champion the NW/DAL merger as an equal to this situation, what you fail to mention is the complete disparities of the two pilot groups. Primarily, the fact their groups were of very similar demographics. It's true, NWA had a senior group, but the increases in pay for their group alleviated the lost seniority of a much similar group, this is not the case in the US Airways and AW merger. The entire premise of the Nic award was of the failed US carrier and the vibrant AW partner. In all documents, testimonies and actual performances since the award, this has been illustrated to be a false premise. You contend it was a straightforwrd slotting, but in the slotting of US Airways and AW you completely discount the 1800+ furloghed pilots of US Airways, even though it is the US Airways side which brings the majority of the attrition. Did not both ALPA contracts say individuals on the respective seniority lists were on the seniority lists.
In addition, why did AW continue to hire pilots while they had already started talks with US Airways about a potential merger. Interestingly why after the first rounds nothing was agreed to, but afterwards (500 more furloughs) and LOA 93, they were able to come to and agreement. Lets get Doug, Scott, Bruce and all of the other players under oath and ask if this had anything to do with the final structuring. A structuring which greatly advantaged the West.