Implementing the Nic award would be a tremendous burden to US Airways. 175 west furloughed pilots would have to be recalled and retrained for east positions and additional east pilots would be furloughed and paid pretty large furlough pay, so be careful what you wish for with the judge taking the company's health in to account.
I think that depends on the results of the trial. Worst case for the company is a West win followed by the judges wholesale trashing of the TA "no flush, no bump" language. Or a crazy ruling that the company implement the NIC with recalls and additional furloughs as you argued.
It must be rough living life so bitter and wanting doom for your co-workers.
Your right, Pi. Its been quite a sight to watch.
If you take the lower CASM side (West) that's making do against WN, then add the high CASM side (East), something has to support the resulting high CASM. When the economy turns south, it's the low RASM flights that go since they're reducing the average RASM the most.
CASM, RASM, SPASM, CRASM! Im totally confused. Maybe Im missing a point here, but arent East Pilot CASMs lower than Wests? Not sure about East/West FA CASMs, but arent all the other work group CASMs already neutralized by virtue of a fairly seemless operation?
With a few exceptions, this forum just brings out the worst in all of us. I know it does with me, more than I would like. It won't necessarily be pretty always, but we'll all live through it and be all right.
No doubt it does. I attempt to be factual, but keep running up against the likes of xxxxxx, et al, who delight in out-of-context, often non-factual gottchas. As Ive said so many times, however this ends (after all the appeals are in), Ill accept it not only de jure, but mentally as well. Not sure that goes with the majority of either side.
And we were within two weeks of TA'ing a contract when Nic came out and the east bailed on negs because they didn't want to implement the list.
More wasted than just stomach lining.
Agree with the stomach lining thing for some of you, TOGA, but 2 weeks from a TA? The company didnt even present its final wage/cost package until a week AFTER the NIC. Are you saying ALPA had a secret cram-down plan already in place?
Granted, with the NIC in the back pocket, I cant imagine a single west pilot not agreeing to even West status quo. But back East, not sure if wed gone for that. Snoop