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US Airways Pilots Labor Thread 4/15-4/22

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Disagreement's often to be fully expected.

Among adults, granted, and there can even be agreement to disagree. On the other hand, you and some of your buds don't seem to have anything good to say about those who disagree with you. You do find plenty of ridicule, belittlement, insult, etc, to throw their way however.

The beauty of relatively free speech is that it can be indulged in as such. :up:

It a shame that you don't feel that way toward those that disagree with you - another of those patented flexible "principals" (sic) perhaps.

If it entirely eluded you in my posting there = I never assume myself remotely capable of advancing the opinion of "the entire world"

Since it obviously eluded you, I didn't say you were "capable of advancing the opinion" of anyone. I did say that you do love to tell anyone and everyone whether they're right or merely having "absurd notions" depending on whether they agree with you or not. Apparently "fully expecting disagreement" doesn't mean accepting any disagreement - at least for you.

Maybe you should go back to catching the mail bags in those Stinsons - ALPA hasn't changed their policy and the latest ALPA to ALPA pilot merger arbitration went relative position. As did the two before that.

I could have sworn APLA National recently change there language in the merger policy
UAL comes to mind
the East's 1 for 3 record on the NYC waterways...
Indeed, one of the three involved an extremely new captain with little experience, like what the east pilots would like to avoid. Unfortunately, an inevitable under "nic". The other two did great jobs in the face of serious mechanical failures.

One of the good things about experience is that an experienced FO can, quite literally, make or break any inexperienced captain. I am grateful for all the help I got while an inexperienced captain but would not be quite so sure the same opportunity would be extended in a mixed cockpit. Separation would likely yield the best results to the bottom line, otherwise the west will shortly learn yet another meaning of "experience".
I gotta admit, you're right - you don't claim to "speak for" every other human on the planet. You just tell them what's right and what's "absurd" - no disagreement allowed. That takes real arrogance...
Expressing an opinion now "takes real arrogance"? Well, then, pot meet kettle.
Perhaps usapa will give him union business flight pay loss. A paid witness. Wonder if the jury might discount his story knowing that he was paid by the union.
Flame bait.

If he gets anything, it will be compensation for missed trips, and not "pay" to testify, like the broke alphabet soup will be doing.
Since Legow came from an airline background, I find it extremely hard to believe he said that in the context of airline financial reporting.
Indeed, it is always about "context". That is why I asked for clarification. I don't care that other airlines define it differently.

To get back to the issue, cómo se dice, net profit per seat mile or RASM divided by CASM?
I was not aware USAirways had gone out of business. Can you prove that?

Did not say they went out of business. Said they experienced a downfall, as in a decline from a former standing.

However, since you mention it can you tell me exactly were I can purchase their stock. I keep looking for it but all I can find is this Deleware corporation, headquartered in Tempe,AZ listed as LCC.
Did not say they went out of business. Said they experienced a downfall, as in a decline from a former standing.

However, since you mention it can you tell me exactly were I can purchase their stock. I keep looking for it but all I can find is this Deleware corporation, headquartered in Tempe,AZ listed as LCC.

The same place where you can buy AWA stock.
The same place where you can buy AWA stock.

Oh..I am familiar with that place...it is called " the past" sometimes refered to as "history". It is also where east and West independent seniority resides.
Im reading 2 very disturbing thoughts in todays back and forth. First, comments about accidents. There, but for the grace of God, go all of us. As we all know, most accidents dont end up being "Miracles" on the Hudson. It appears to me that their are some real ghouls on this board who would second-guess and attack those who are unable to defend themselves for no other reason than shock value or put-down.

The second is asparaging the honesty or motivation of a true hero, who was participated in saving the lives of an entire planeload of people.

This anger and venom. Totally mean-spirited and just sick. To what point?

The Snoop
OK..Now that's truly desperate.

More fresh popcorn for all. :lol:
By what possible definition do you find desperation in those words? I would say projection is the word of the day.

Exactly how is this “desperate“?

Tuesday the judge will rule on all of these things. He may reject all of usapa’s desperate irrelevant positioning. Jeff can fly his trips as scheduled. Then it becomes a non issue.

Manners please. You keep asking for more popcorn. Quiet! No talking at the movies.
Wow!...just 1999 versus 2000? That's hardly a proper yardstick for measuring west greed, in that it's barely a mark that'd even be findable on the stick!! 😉

So then = Kindly fill us all in on the rationale for having the then 6 year old child, at the time when many east pilots signed on and started flight ops, becoming magicaly "senior" to the those east pilots? Perhaps you would have better luck explaining the 2 month's of "seniority" with your "Save Dave" that should trump, say 17 years out east as well? As for: "Where do you guys come up with this (self serving) stuff????" I certainly agree, and all I can say is that the west position has long baffled me,. Perhaps you can actually explain the source of "this (self serving) stuff" in it's entirety some day.....

Oh I guess "Seniority Matters" only if you have what 40 years..or is is 30..maybe 20? 9 or 10 years is "barely a mark that'd be findable on the stick!! 😉" What is the magic cut off point for " Seniority Matters" on the junior side of the scale? Let me guess...it's "all about MEEEE", the only yardstick for any greed being measured is when its all about you..and the hell with anyone else.
Flame bait.

If he gets anything, it will be compensation for missed trips, and not "pay" to testify, like the broke alphabet soup will be doing.
I am still waiting for an answer. What exactly is Skiles going to be testifying about? What exact knowledge does he have as to the formation of usapa, the DOH list, the false C&R, negotiations or the current running of the union?

Other then an emotional appeal and some “starâ€￾ appeal what does Skiles know about the DFR?

Let’s look at what usapa has him testifying about. From the list of witnesses.

Skiles, Jeff Fact Inequities of Nicolau

What does that have to do with how usapa acted? What does that have to do with a DFR?
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