Well, yes. USAPA said up front that they would eventually be able to operate the union at less than half of the dues ALPA charged. They made this claim based on the costs other independent pilot unions incur in their operation.
They went on to say that initially the dues percentage would remain the same as ALPA in anticipation of the west pilots being dues objectors until the process plays itself out.
Given that USAPA made these statements even before the election was complete, those 60% of us paying the way (for now) for the other 40% is not a problem. I consider it growing pains. Soon the coffers will be overflowing as the termination process for objectors begins in earnest.
When the dust settles, I am certain that USAPA will live up to their intention to lower the dues rate to something more reasonable.
But for now, they are by their own admission "charging way to [sic] much than [sic]."