AMR Corp. (AAMRQ), the parent of American Airlines, said it plans to emerge from bankruptcy protection as an independent company ...
It was so nice to read only articles in this thread, before you all started your bantering and told-you-soing.
Take it to the flight attendant thread!
Leave this one for articles, please?
It's pretty much a given that AA needs to merge. I think this merge will occur after AA exits BK and under AA's terms. AA will get thru this restructuring and then move onto a merge. Who will AA pick??? Thats the big question.
The purpose of this topic is for new related items and not bantering. There are hundreds of threads that people can blog. For those who desire to read merger related articles I once again ask that you respect those who want to read news versus blog. In addition, I ask the Moderators to enforce the desire to have a proposed merger only topic. Just like different labor groups have their own topic and the mioderators do not allow topic creep into other topics, I believe it would be best to have a proposed merger news topic.
Thank you for your consideration.