Just a few quick numbers for you. One measure of productivity is Sales Per Employee. In 2005 the last year HP ran as a standalone company the (SPE) was $196,667.00 per employee.
Contrast that to todays SPE of $330,000 for the consolidated US Airways.
Another measure is Labor as a percentage of total cost.
In 2005 US spent 19% on labor versus 21% for HP.
Seems on the surface at least that you owe me an apology![]()
Because unless Doug lied to the SEC these numbers are true and correct.
Piney- What was USAirways East's PROFIT per Employee in 2005? I believe they were "selling" themselves right into extinction. All you have proven is that there are economies of scale - yippee! It doesn't prove that the east has been the glory hole of profitability, just that economies of scale have benefitted the new US.