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United Pilots Say US Airways deal potential deal "extremely negative"

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I think we should be objecting to the premise that UAL is in the driver's seat in this potential merger. I think it speaks volumes that CAL ran away as fast as they could, after looking over the books at UAL. UAL is in a World of hurt, so who cares what their pilots think? It is ironic that LCC has one of the best balance sheets in the industry right now (despite horrible management) and UAL is a mess, even after CH 11.

UAUA is in a world of hurt and Parker will take advantage. That is his job.
Yes they do, UAL bought the Pan Am Pacific Assets, along with the LHR slots from them. TWA sold the LHR landing slots to AA.
selling slot routes is different than saying you are just going to sell a hub to an airline. Thats what I thought the post was referring to.
Speaks volumes that the UAL pilots have a problem with USAir, just like in 2000. When I came to America West the whole United buyout movement was in full swing. It is funny I don't ever remember the UAL pilots having problems with AWA.
That's because they were not threatned with your seniority
🙁 🙁 I'm not trying to stir the pot here :eye: but when the original US Airways name was never very positive in the industry. I don't blame United employees for feeling this. America West employees felt the same way when we hear about the merger with US Airways..."oh please, not them!" :unsure: It no surprise after the pilot disaster that they would be even more fearful of the tie-up 🙁 :angry2: Right now, whatever makes sense is what will happen and we'll figure it all out as we go, personally, I'd probably have to quit.
"Additionally Blomberg reported yesterday “UAL's standalone plan is not viable," Daniel McKenzie, a Credit Suisse analyst based in New York, said today in a report to investors, citing a projected decline in its cash position to $1.3 billion by the end of 2009."

Ual is a bad deal for US Airways.

Good deal for United shareholders and employees.
🙁 🙁 I'm not trying to stir the pot here :eye: but when the original US Airways name was never very positive in the industry. I don't blame United employees for feeling this. America West employees felt the same way when we hear about the merger with US Airways..."oh please, not them!" :unsure: It no surprise after the pilot disaster that they would be even more fearful of the tie-up 🙁 :angry2: Right now, whatever makes sense is what will happen and we'll figure it all out as we go, personally, I'd probably have to quit.
Believe me, HP was not very high up on US wish list. In fact, I think they were close to the bottom, if not, defining the bottom. Were I you, quitting would be the least of my problems.

and, yes, you are trying to stir the pot.
🙁 🙁 I'm not trying to stir the pot here :eye: but when the original US Airways name was never very positive in the industry. I don't blame United employees for feeling this. America West employees felt the same way when we hear about the merger with US Airways..."oh please, not them!" :unsure: It no surprise after the pilot disaster that they would be even more fearful of the tie-up 🙁 :angry2: Right now, whatever makes sense is what will happen and we'll figure it all out as we go, personally, I'd probably have to quit.

In my 24 years with USAir we have always been the airline people love to hate, always. While we were serving "Golden Sun Service" and a choice of three entrees to the west coast it was never enough. American did half of what we did and they were always considered a better carrier. We will always be thought of negatively. Even after the name change- US Airways the public perception never changed.
USAPA is screwed if there is a merger!!! Do they have reps, more importantly do they have any money for the lawyers. Aside from all that, a merger would be a negative for all parties involved, except those who get their stock bonus!!!
The fault for the pilot debacle falls squarely at the feet of Parker and Kirby and no amount of deflecting the issue to US's prior reputation will change the facts. Management without pilots union fiasco and a host of other blunders that could be repeated ad nauseum but that serves no purpose as the overwhelming majority of people tasked with running US are from America Worst and that my young F/A says it all.

How does the managment affect the union fiasco? ALPA has a policy for merging seniority lists, management stays out of it, I thought that is how it works :unsure:
The dealmakers don't care about labor (Pilots you are labor), they care about money to be made.
One of the questions you continue to ask of the United Pilots Association is: can you provide the same benefits and services that ALPA National provides me at this time? The answer is a resounding YES. ALPA National does not have a monopoly in the services industry. With a pilot workforce of over 8000 members we will be able to negotiate our own independent contracts with the companies that provide these services, just like every other independent union does. Here is but a sampling of what is available:

• Harvey Watt & Co. - Has been providing pilot insurance products since 1951. Currently represents Delta, Continental, FedEx, Southwest and JetBlue to name a few.
• Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. – A division of AON Corporation and currently provides insurance services to UAL pilots.

• Virtual Flight Surgeons, Inc. – Their sister organization Aviation Medicine Advisory Service (AMAS) currently provides the ALPA National aeromedical services.
• Pilot Medical Solutions, Inc. – Oklahoma, OK.

• Flight Safety Foundation – Independent, nonprofit, and international organization. Current members include the Air Transport Association (ATA), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and ALPA National.

So in closing ladies and gentlemen, UPA once again asks of you: do you feel you are getting the representation you deserve from ALPA National or do you think you would be better served by an independent union whose only interest is United pilots? Fill out and mail in a representation ballot right now (available on our website: www.pearlgroup.org) and when the NMB directs a vote later this year, if you still like what ALPA National provides for you then by all means vote for them. If you want an organization that will remain focused on United pilots then please vote for the United Pilots Association. We cannot do it without you. If you do not vote, you will not have a choice.


Brave United Pilots tried to squash the fear that corporate America and unscrupulous unions have held over labor for quite a long time, yes Virginia, there is insurance after alpa.

Cell phone companies held you hostage before the ability of cell number transfers to other companies.
How does the managment affect the union fiasco? ALPA has a policy for merging seniority lists, management stays out of it, I thought that is how it works :unsure:
For one, management could have worked out a joint contract prior to Nic. This would have made for tremendous good will. Then when Nic came out, it would have been already to late for the East pilots. (Nic would have gone into effect the second it was issued had there been a joint contract)
But instead management played games for almost two years in order to keep the East under LOA93 as long as possible.
So in managements zeal to hose pilots they created the current mess.
America West was and is the laughing stock of the industry from a customer perspective and all one neeed do is look at the DOT consumer complaint stats for proof positive.

This is typical east b.s. that gets taken at face value. It's been gone over before here so I won't re-post all the numbers. Suffice to say, if you look at the last year or so of truly separate ops - say 2004 to 2005, US Airways was dead last or near last in every category. America West was in the top third. That's why we were getting fifty bucks every month.
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