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I've been retired around 5 years, and only come here occasionally for entertainment. The post from 5 years ago were almost identical to what yall are saying now. Has anything improved in the past 5 years?

I hope yall are using your time wisely to prepare for career changes. I wish I had...but I didn't. Should have gotten out the first day I could have and started anew. Take one college course at a time and change. It will kill ya to work at a place that you question your / it's stability and future all the time.

Good luck !
the employees that are miserable are the employees that vent on this board. You have allowed yourself to be influenced by a handful of people.

Funny, I've witnessed the misery of both sides on the line. Don't fool yourself.
And then there are the employees that are so fed up with the nonsense that they only do what is required of them and nothing more. At the end of the day, no thought given to US.

An employee satisfaction survey? That may very well end up in the circular filing cabinet.
"miserable" was the key word here. Not true for the majority of employees, the vast majority. Morale could be improved, but "miserable" is not the way to describe this.
Here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another "THE SKY IS FALLING" thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeezus people......... It's pathetic already.
No, it's reality. Whether you like it or not, things will begin happening very soon. Schedules will be condensed, planes will be parked, furloughs will happen. I don't understand how you said in an earlier thread that you have been around awhile, and how you could not see a trend here. For those of us who have been around a long time, this is purely history repeating itself.
This airline blows. All you have to do is fly another carrier to see it. We are in some serious doo doo and we have THE top talent in the industry to lead the way to oblivion. Get your handheld sales units ready guys/gals and SAAAAAAAVE this company. :lol:
"miserable" was the key word here. Not true for the majority of employees, the vast majority. Morale could be improved, but "miserable" is not the way to describe this.
Ok, I stand corrected. Your customers are miserable as evidenced by your company's ranking in DOT complaints. You must be very proud..
"miserable" was the key word here. Not true for the majority of employees, the vast majority. Morale could be improved, but "miserable" is not the way to describe this.

Who are you kidding? I'm thinking nobody. The views of many posters on here ( a few exceptions made) reflect the masses that DON'T post here. That goes for employees and passengers alike. 🙄 WOW! ! ! !
Who are you kidding? I'm thinking nobody. The views of many posters on here ( a few exceptions made) reflect the masses that DON'T post here. That goes for employees and passengers alike. 🙄 WOW! ! ! !

This is example number one.
USAir could very well be at the crossroads(soon) that Eastern found itself.

If memory serves me correct, that A$$ HOLE Lorenzo demanded the "first born child" from all the EA employees, in turn for "saving" their jobs.

We ALL know the Outcome,...............The Unions told ol' FRANK to.."G-F-Y" !!!!....and rode EA Into the history books.

Could LLC be faced with a similiar situation ?.......Yes !

But my feeling is, that the LLC unions(mostly the East Employees) will tell DP, to "GO POUND SAND", and ride LCC into the history books as well.

And I wouldn't blame them if they did.

Everyone has a "line in the sand" that they WILL NOT cross, and I suspect that the good folks at LCC/East are very near that "line" !!
This is example number one.
I think it's safe to say that from this response you find me negative? Well I don't view myself as negative or a pessimist but more of a realist. I call it like I see it. I'm sorry you have your head in the sand 99.9% of the time. That's on you. :lol:
Travelpro is defintely NOT negative- actually is one of the few that doesn't have the obligatory chip on the shoulder and/or repugnant attitude that way too many FA's have.

I'm not talking about all- - just some.....*cough*TPAlastnight*cough*
Travelpro is defintely NOT negative- actually is one of the few that doesn't have the obligatory chip on the shoulder and/or repugnant attitude that way too many FA's have.

I'm not talking about all- - just some.....*cough*TPAlastnight*cough*

I agree with you International Shannon. I have worked with Travelpro72 and he is an EXCELLENT Flight Attendant. He puts customers FIRST. Like he said he is just a realist B) He scores an A+ is my book.

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