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United Pilots Say US Airways deal potential deal "extremely negative"

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And Cheap is the operative word isn't it?
Everyday we see the high cost of cheap at US Airways.

Bob, I like you and your posts are interesting.

But you've got this unrequited love thing with US so your judgement is clouded.

At least when the issue is which airline to fly out of PHL.

US never was a great airline just the same as Yugoslavia was never a great nation.
What exactly does "surviving business enterprise" mean? Hopefully not keeping the name, the management, and the HQ in Tempe?!?! This place is such a mess now. I know some of the AWA people like to say that US was trash before but I'm sorry you're wrong. Yes after 2 BK's and the airline being stripped of everything including the paint on the planes it was a mess, but prior to that US had it together and we did it with class and pride, mostly because we had the tools to do our job and were treated as ADULT PROFESSIONALS. When I called payroll, Employee Travel, Inflight, Res, etc... I ALWAYS had someone (with experience no less) pickup the phone and resolve whatever issue was at hand, no matter what and this was when we had close to 60,000 employees. Present day is a complete 180... generally it's always leaving a voice mail to somewhere in Tempe and you either 1. NEVER hear back or 2. get a return call from someone that is either completely unprofessional and argues due to their incompotence or is as nice as they can be but have only been in the position for 2 days and can't help. Calling the pass bureau?? Forget it, everytime I've had to call it's always some recorded message to call back or send an email and I tried that only to hear back 2 weeks after the fact. It's a mess now and they either need to get with it and fix it or merge it and find some true airline airline people to run it.
AMEN ! Well put. This has been the equivolent of Macy's beeing taken over by the Dollar Store!! :lol:
Piney, dispite your love affair with the East they are a major problem for US Airways and any merger partner. Thier attitudes are a lot like yours, piss poor!

Devotion to a company goes only so far(with you, it is apparent), when they are wrong, just say it!
Right Ok, Wrong, not Ok. Forget where you need to put your nose. Unless you are extremely selfish. It's pretty simple :blink:
Look up the word pollyanna in the dictionary and concider it. Hope it helps.
I sometimes wonder if US would be in better shape now if Piedmont had been the acquirer.

If Piedmont had been in the driver's seat, the Bill Howard/ Gordon Bethune management team would have kicked a**!

Colodny and Seth "Deer-in-the-Headlights" Schofield? Well, we all know how well that went.
I just reread Post #64. I suggest you do the same. (hint - you are reading into things that aren't there.)

Has there ever been a merger where the employees came out thinking it was a success?

Yes, it may have been bad for other employees to some extent, but for me, the Piedmont-Usair merger was good for me.
...then it turned bad. Really,really bad.
If Piedmont had been in the driver's seat, the Bill Howard/ Gordon Bethune management team would have kicked a**!

Colodny and Seth "Deer-in-the-Headlights" Schofield? Well, we all know how well that went.

You are either the carnivorous predator or the meat. Piedmont was the meat. No disrespect for former Piedmont pilots, a lot of them are responsible for a new historical union.
767jetz you said:

"I do disagree with the notion that "things are just as bad at every airline," or "UA is no different than US." Yes, I agree that poor employee relations exist at both airlines, but that culture has been around at US far longer than UA. Not due to worse people, but longer periods of adversity and repeated mergers and integrations over the years."

Oh really? Do you really work for UA, and if so for how long? Let me tell you a little story.

Back in 1984 I flew for a commuter that UA worked in DCA. While on a two hour sit one day, I started talking to a UA 727 F/O. He looked like Columbo, in his great tan uniform, with bags under his eyes. I asked him how it was to work for UA, and he said "Stay away from this place. Nobody likes each other here and I've been stuck at the panel, then right seat for X (I think it was around 17)years. Go to work for Delta, Piedmont or USAir."

From the outside looking in I cannot remember a time when the UA pilots seemed happy. Last year I had a UA A320 Capt on the jumpseat from PHX-SAN, and he &^%^ed more in an hour and a half than 10 US pilots could in a day.

I do agree with you that a US/UA merger would be a disaster. We just disagree on the reasons.
You are either the carnivorous predator or the meat. Piedmont was the meat. No disrespect for former Piedmont pilots, a lot of them are responsible for a new historical union.

I don't consider the US/PI merger a success, if the criteria is creating a competive airline operation. Market concentration during a favorable business environment was responsble for the success on the short term. I think that Piedmont remaining independent would have been more of a longer term success, because the PIT based US would have struggled, been absorbed or dismantled or disappeared.

I think that would have been healthier for the industry.

Not to say that PI would not have had massive challenges and restructurings. But they would have been manageable, IMO.

Of course, this is all backwards crystal ball.
Although USAPA was elected to reporesent the pilot group, they have no $ nor have a contract which probably 18 to 24 motnhs away to even reach an agreement. What power do they have to even stop any sort of merger?

About the same amount of power they have to overturn the Nic award, and once they merge with UA, USAPA will cease to exist. Nice try though.
oh groan.... but wasn't the whole point of the USAPA vote (or vote to dislodge ALPA) really more about demonstrating that it is highly, highly unlikely that the US/HP pilot group would ever vote for a contract that is economically feasible that includes Nic?

I suppose obviously, it gained support for other reasons, but wasn't it really a 'stand in' for a contract vote that includes Nic?

How do UA's pilots get to change that majority?
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