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TWU screws us again

FROM: Garry Drummond, Int’l Vice President,
Director Air Transport Division

DATE: May 22, 2013

RE: ATD Assignments

Please accept this notification that effective June 3, 2013, on Videtich will be assigned the position of AA System Coordinator, Deputy Director Air Transport Division. Bobby GlesDs has been reassigned by the International President to work on various projects, including TWU/IAM Joint Council, liaison with our counsel on American Airlines bankruptcy court proceedings, and assist on other open International projects.

Thank you for your cooperation during this transition.

Just another way the TWU INtl. is taking care of it own rather than the membership I can assume by this appointment that both will recieve a substancial bump in pay.

Lets hope that we replace the TWU before they get thier first pay checks.

AMFA at AA in 2013

Truly a bump in pay. Guess where the money will be coming from?
Lets deny them their selfish glory and vote them out.
Sign a AMFA card and vote AMFA when you get your ballot.

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