As we start yet another week waiting for the NMB to come back with some ruling as to what is going to happen with this Association and whether we will get a vote, Still nothing has been brought forward by the AMFA Organizers here at AA.
Most of us know who they are system wide has anyone been told what the plan is?
The cards we collected will start to expire the first of the new Year. (Jan 2015)
Don't you think that we should know what the Organizers have planned, for whatever scenario that will come with the ruling of the NMB.
The NMB will either rule or wait until the New Yr. what is it going to be? That is the Million Dollar question,
Are we going to see something from AMFA National or the Lead Organizers here at AA or are we in for another let down and another wasted card campaign?
I think it's Time to let every card signer and all the fence sitters know exactly what the plan is, what the card count is, where AMFA National stands in this, What about YOU?
Most of us know who they are system wide has anyone been told what the plan is?
The cards we collected will start to expire the first of the new Year. (Jan 2015)
Don't you think that we should know what the Organizers have planned, for whatever scenario that will come with the ruling of the NMB.
The NMB will either rule or wait until the New Yr. what is it going to be? That is the Million Dollar question,
Are we going to see something from AMFA National or the Lead Organizers here at AA or are we in for another let down and another wasted card campaign?
I think it's Time to let every card signer and all the fence sitters know exactly what the plan is, what the card count is, where AMFA National stands in this, What about YOU?