The rebid being discussed here was not done at the request of the Company; it was done in response to complaints from the membership that, after a surplus situation, people were holding preferred shifts out of seniority. Honoring seniority is a good thing- that is what we should always work for.
In Solidarity,CIO
So can the membership request or complain to get their Holidays and Vacation back too now since the contract does not matter and negotiations continue?The rebid being discussed here was not done at the request of the Company; it was done in response to complaints from the membership that, after a surplus situation, people were holding preferred shifts out of seniority. Honoring seniority is a good thing- that is what we should always work for.
In Solidarity,CIO
that is a false statement anyway Sam cerri and they can do that brother Hewitt said it was because of the RIF and the company was going to undermanned in certain areas on second shift, sounds like a personal problem to me STOP VIOLATING THE CONTRACT TO HELP THEM. If three month rotation isn't working for them so what it's what they wanted.The rebid being discussed here was not done at the request of the Company; it was done in response to complaints from the membership that, after a surplus situation, people were holding preferred shifts out of seniority. Honoring seniority is a good thing- that is what we should always work for.
In Solidarity,CIO
follow the contract STUPIDThis string started with the claim that the TWU has given in to a management demand for a rebid. This isn’t true; the rebid occurred because the TWU demanded it in response to complaints and grievances that seniority was being violated. Both of us know that if the union had done nothing there would have been an equal number of people on this board complaining that the TWU had allowed management to circumvent seniority and all the normal critics would have been supporting that complaint.
In Solidarity,
This string started with the claim that the TWU has given in to a management demand for a rebid. This isn’t true; the rebid occurred because the TWU demanded it in response to complaints and grievances that seniority was being violated. Both of us know that if the union had done nothing there would have been an equal number of people on this board complaining that the TWU had allowed management to circumvent seniority and all the normal critics would have been supporting that complaint.
In Solidarity,
The rebid being discussed here was not done at the request of the Company; it was done in response to complaints from the membership that, after a surplus situation, people were holding preferred shifts out of seniority. Honoring seniority is a good thing- that is what we should always work for.
In Solidarity,CIO