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TWU screws us again

bob where can we find out what stations have guys on layoff, and where is the recall list to see where you are on it


Depending which Local you now are attached too, you should be able to ask the officers of your local if we have any guys on layoff, and which stations they are attached too.

Will they give you that information that is another question. That info could be used by the AMFA and IBT to get an accurate account of the needed cards since everyone with recall rights is an eligible voter per the NMB.

If a filing happens by AMFA organizers or the IBT or both, AA and the TWU are going to inflate the numbers.
So it is very IMPORTANT NOW to sign a card so that no matter whom the TWU and AA say are eligible we will have enough cards so that the NMB will send us a ballot to rid AA of the TWU.

We also will need to get the people to vote, NOT JUST say it won't happen and throw the ballots away.

IT is up to US to make the change, any failure to rid AA of the TWU will be OUR fault not the organizers of AMFA or the IBT.

Once the crads expire it will be over. The merger will then take place and EVERY ONE with recall rights to USAir that is IAM will be an eligible voter per the NMB.

What does that mean the TWU will be here FOREVER.

IS THAT what you want.?????
ask my local lol

This info should be online for all twu members to view. I want to see how my transfer to another station is being effected by guys on layoff.
ask my local lol

This info should be online for all twu members to view. I want to see how my transfer to another station is being effected by guys on layoff.


There are alot of things we should be expecting from the TWU but we all know that it will not happen so it is time to send them packing.

If the TWU did its job instead making deal all the time to help AA we woyuld not have that problem.

If the local is a joke for you then why not just ask Bobby G. or Big Don V. They seem to have all the answers. LOL
ask my local lol

This info should be online for all twu members to view. I want to see how my transfer to another station is being effected by guys on layoff.

It should be public info where all members could look it up themselves. NOT where you have to ask a local officer. Why hide this? If you guys were AMFA you would have open access to this information as it affects current members as well as furloughed members. How much longer are you guys going to allow the industrial unions to do this?
I was looking for the proper thread to post this information. It looks like I had no trouble finding it. I don't know If anyone has looked at article 37, section F of the M&R contract lately. The company added a new line with the latest screwing that they gave us. It now states that the special 2 weeks of severance pay for employees laid of for more than 4 months will only be paid once. So people in my case who got laid off in 2003 and received that payment are now not going to receive that money. Another instance of the TWU allowing the company to screw the employees at every turn...I had the seniority to stay with the company in a reduced position, but I chose to take the lay off and persue a better career with another non-aviation company who has a better union and complete benefits for my whole family 100% paid by the company. TWU....What a joke.....

Another retro concession without retro pay thanks to Don, Hewitt, Meyer and the Title II guys (except Eddie from MIA). Not to worry the store is still open, the latest sale was M&R CC self demotion (everyone else in the TWU kept their process intact).That was when as long as there was someone willing to step up a CC could step down in March. Now Don agreed that a CC can only step down if the company determines they like who wants to step up. So another form of protest is taken away. If management was leaning too hard on the CC as a group they used to be able to all step down in March, as long as they had enough guys willing to volunteer to step up there was nothing management could do about it other than deal with the CCs. Don has once again advanced his cause Company Unionism, the Lord will be pleased with his attempts to curtail our sinful ways, by having us in a Union, paying dues but with work rules that are worse than non-union. Now if the CCs do that the company can simply fail all the candidates and force the CC to stay until they can bid for a vacancy. With the headcount projected to be decreased by another 2000 over the next four years many places will not see any vacancies.

Sometimes I really think Don hates Aircraft Mechanics.
Little said he would ask TWU convention delegates who meet in September to take this partnership to the next step. “I will ask our delegates to consider being a part of CWA. I want to be on picket lines together, to fight together, and to know that at the end of the day, we’re doing everything in our power to stop the corporate greed that is dragging this nation down,” he said.

I pulled this from an article about Jim Little wanting to be a partner with the CWA.

Little must be talking about walking a picket line for NON Airline employees.

Since when has the TWU put up a fight in Negotiations that would get us to a point we would strike.


Also we all know that AA would never let any union on the property go on strike and neither would the US Government. We would never be released from talks, AA effect the economy of the USA.

Just seems to be a ploy to keep money coming into the TWU since there is this possibility that the TWU is going to be removed from AA as the representatives of M&E.

By convention time the NMB will have sent out our ballots to rid AA of the TWU.

AMFA at AA in 2013​
Our crew chief came from a meeting and just told us that all early out recipients will be gone by May 24th.
Our crew chief came from a meeting and just told us that all early out recipients will be gone by May 24th.

Enough Already

AT What station?

Ddid he say that will be a sytem wide thing?

Here in Miami our early out guys leave the end of the month.
He didn't say, but I'm sure it's just here in Tulsa. Originally AA was going to let people choose when they wanted to go up until September, but they can do that, brother....
He didn't say, but I'm sure it's just here in Tulsa. Originally AA was going to let people choose when they wanted to go up until September, but they can do that, brother....

As far as I know its just Tulsa.

In NY they are letting the guys go when they want, as long as they dont all go at once. The problem here was they were keeping people from leaving but after picking up some people from Eagle and off the street they started letting people go. Some who had put in for December were just let go last month. Some said screw it and left without waiting for the buyout.

No layoffs here and we voted 96% against the deal, your peers voted 76% in favor of the deal they were told would save jobs in Tulsa but now Tulsa is the only one losing jobs. They voted in the deal thats allowing the company to dump them and once they get past the Early outs those that get surplussed will not even get the $12500 if they choose to bump.

Here the problem is a shortage of people, both in Maintenance and Stores. 76% of your peers in Tulsa made this such a crappy job that AA is having trouble getting and keeping people and so bad that your peers would rather take the streets or OSM pay than come here. Problem is that here is where AA makes the money to pay you guys there, as AA's performance continues to deterioate their ability to keep the customer who pay you guys there becomes more and more difficult. Right now AA is OK because competitors have held back on increasing capacity, but they may decide to take on AA and take away not only their customers but their mechanics and Pilots as well.

There is only one reason to stay with AA out here on the line, if you are too old to leave and have hours that work for you that you would not get if you left, thats a very small group. I'm 51 and in the top ten in headcount at JFK. The majority of the guys here are older and less senior, that means most will never get days here at AA, forget about weekend with days, I may never see that again at AA, so there really is nothing keeping them here and stopping them from quitting and going somewhere else. Even though they would start on the bottom, working nights and weekends, which they are stuck on for the rest of their lives anyway, they lose very little by leaving. Lets say they have 20 years at AA, they get three weeks of vacation pay, 5 sick days and just 2.5 days of extra pay for working the Holidays. Their total PTO is 27.5 days, after 20 years. They go to WN, where right off the bat they get two weeks of vacation, 10 Holidays at 2.5 x which comes out to 120 hours extra pay plus 12 sick days, So after 20 years at AA he would have 220 hours per year of PTO vs starting at the bottom at WN with not only a much higher rate of pay within 5 years but 296 hours of PTO. Even at non-union Jet Blue he would do better.

I think your guys were mislead. AA is an airline, not an MRO, having made our conditions so bad on the line its inevitably going to affect the customers experience, and once they have a choice they will go where they have a positive experience. That means no more AA, for us, its not such a big deal, whoever picks up AAs capacity will likely pick up most of their mechanics and pilots as well. Most of us have been through this already. Many came from Pan Am, EAL, Peoples Express(Butler), everytime one carrier closed others started hiring as many as they could grab. We put on a different uniform and go to work. Like I said they made it so bad here that if that happens most out here really wouldnt lose anything if AA dissapeared. Nobody cares anymore either.
As far as I know its just Tulsa.

In NY they are letting the guys go when they want, as long as they dont all go at once. The problem here was they were keeping people from leaving but after picking up some people from Eagle and off the street they started letting people go. Some who had put in for December were just let go last month. Some said screw it and left without waiting for the buyout.

No layoffs here and we voted 96% against the deal, your peers voted 76% in favor of the deal they were told would save jobs in Tulsa but now Tulsa is the only one losing jobs. They voted in the deal thats allowing the company to dump them and once they get past the Early outs those that get surplussed will not even get the $12500 if they choose to bump.

Here the problem is a shortage of people, both in Maintenance and Stores. 76% of your peers in Tulsa made this such a crappy job that AA is having trouble getting and keeping people and so bad that your peers would rather take the streets or OSM pay than come here. Problem is that here is where AA makes the money to pay you guys there, as AA's performance continues to deterioate their ability to keep the customer who pay you guys there becomes more and more difficult. Right now AA is OK because competitors have held back on increasing capacity, but they may decide to take on AA and take away not only their customers but their mechanics and Pilots as well.

There is only one reason to stay with AA out here on the line, if you are too old to leave and have hours that work for you that you would not get if you left, thats a very small group. I'm 51 and in the top ten in headcount at JFK. The majority of the guys here are older and less senior, that means most will never get days here at AA, forget about weekend with days, I may never see that again at AA, so there really is nothing keeping them here and stopping them from quitting and going somewhere else. Even though they would start on the bottom, working nights and weekends, which they are stuck on for the rest of their lives anyway, they lose very little by leaving. Lets say they have 20 years at AA, they get three weeks of vacation pay, 5 sick days and just 2.5 days of extra pay for working the Holidays. Their total PTO is 27.5 days, after 20 years. They go to WN, where right off the bat they get two weeks of vacation, 10 Holidays at 2.5 x which comes out to 120 hours extra pay plus 12 sick days, So after 20 years at AA he would have 220 hours per year of PTO vs starting at the bottom at WN with not only a much higher rate of pay within 5 years but 296 hours of PTO. Even at non-union Jet Blue he would do better.

I think your guys were mislead. AA is an airline, not an MRO, having made our conditions so bad on the line its inevitably going to affect the customers experience, and once they have a choice they will go where they have a positive experience. That means no more AA, for us, its not such a big deal, whoever picks up AAs capacity will likely pick up most of their mechanics and pilots as well. Most of us have been through this already. Many came from Pan Am, EAL, Peoples Express(Butler), everytime one carrier closed others started hiring as many as they could grab. We put on a different uniform and go to work. Like I said they made it so bad here that if that happens most out here really wouldnt lose anything if AA dissapeared. Nobody cares anymore either.
Bob, not trying to be anal, but, you have our holidays a little off. We get 9 holidays, 2 added Floating Holidays, and B-day holiday as well. BTW, we can trade our 9 holidays for F/H for a grand total of 12 F/H each year. We also have the option to move our Holidays, after a work group vote, as well as move our B-day holiday to any day during the same month of B-day. In retrospect, we currently mostly all have all holidays off (except for work groups working live a/c) and then use our F/H's to use when ever we want at any time of the year. Now SWA does not like to call overtime on holidays, however they do have to sometimes. and when they do we are paid as follows; Any holiday worked on regular shift is paid at 1.5X's hourly rate if you traded your holiday. Same day is paid at 2.5X's hourly rate if you did not trade your holiday. And at 3X's hourly rate if you were to work any shift other than regular shift, for a grand total of 2 shifts if worked on a regular scheduled day or up to 3 shifts if all 3 shifts worked are on a regular day off. With the added holidays you left out above it should increase total time off by 16 more hours to your total. Hope this helps.
Bob, not trying to be anal, but, you have our holidays a little off. We get 9 holidays, 2 added Floating Holidays, and B-day holiday as well. BTW, we can trade our 9 holidays for F/H for a grand total of 12 F/H each year. We also have the option to move our Holidays, after a work group vote, as well as move our B-day holiday to any day during the same month of B-day. In retrospect, we currently mostly all have all holidays off (except for work groups working live a/c) and then use our F/H's to use when ever we want at any time of the year. Now SWA does not like to call overtime on holidays, however they do have to sometimes. and when they do we are paid as follows; Any holiday worked on regular shift is paid at 1.5X's hourly rate if you traded your holiday. Same day is paid at 2.5X's hourly rate if you did not trade your holiday. And at 3X's hourly rate if you were to work any shift other than regular shift, for a grand total of 2 shifts if worked on a regular scheduled day or up to 3 shifts if all 3 shifts worked are on a regular day off. With the added holidays you left out above it should increase total time off by 16 more hours to your total. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the correction.

Maintenance in ISP??
Little said he would ask TWU convention delegates who meet in September to take this partnership to the next step. “I will ask our delegates to consider being a part of CWA. I want to be on picket lines together, to fight together, and to know that at the end of the day, we’re doing everything in our power to stop the corporate greed that is dragging this nation down,” he said.

I pulled this from an article about Jim Little wanting to be a partner with the CWA.

Little must be talking about walking a picket line for NON Airline employees.

Since when has the TWU put up a fight in Negotiations that would get us to a point we would strike.


Also we all know that AA would never let any union on the property go on strike and neither would the US Government. We would never be released from talks, AA effect the economy of the USA.

Just seems to be a ploy to keep money coming into the TWU since there is this possibility that the TWU is going to be removed from AA as the representatives of M&E.

By convention time the NMB will have sent out our ballots to rid AA of the TWU.

AMFA at AA in 2013​
I guess you missed the F/A strike the pilot strike (a short one for the pilots). I understand in the 60's the twu went on strike and then in the 80's are own guys sold us out to the b-scale and its been down hill since then for us.


AFMA is going to have to work with the company also. Hopefully they don't cut are own throats like the twu.

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